NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

Immy go get my post where I said that?

I never said that did I?

Can you read?

people like you spread

How many times have you thrown the N-word around today? At least twice that I can recall.

And this one is particularly aggrevating:


You throw that word around like it is second nature to you.

You are a racist and prove it by the way you throw that word around. One can only guess how many times you used it and mis-spelled it.

Note: not all of those are today.


Immie I pposted it becausse its what conhog said repeatedly.

You call mne a racist for telling people what he said, you were not so condeming of the guy who was calling black people ******* though....why?
Obama's Supporters -Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam

Is David Duke running? Can you link us to the endorsement? Thanks.
What these people refuse to see is they are freeing us all.
Obama's Supporters -Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam

Is David Duke running? Can you link us to the endorsement? Thanks.

You gonna vote for the white supremacist? He's courting the teabaggers
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Tell me why the people of color in this nation vote for the right in so very few numbers?
Then why were you so kind to conhog when he was saying ****** in every other post and didnt call him a racist yet you called me a racist for telling people what he said?

Immie you jsut proved me right with your post ,thanks.
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Immie I sure hope you get a job soon, you used to be a fair person.

I still am.

You never have been.


Remember when you gave me shit for telling you the machines were unsecure?

Then I was proven right.

remember when you gave me shit for talking about WP in fallughia.

Then I was proven right.

remember when you gave me shit for saying there was no WMDs in iraq.

Then I was proven right.

Immie you are pissing in your own eyes.
Then why were you so kind to conhog when he was saying ****** in every other post and didnt call him a racist yet you called me a racist for telling people what he said?

Huh? Who are you talking to?

Immie, he is calling me a racist for telling people conhog repeatedly called a black man ******.

Yet when conhog was saying it in a thread Immie kindly asked him to not say it and I never saw him call conhog a racist.
Immy go get my post where I said that?

I never said that did I?

Can you read?

people like you spread

How many times have you thrown the N-word around today? At least twice that I can recall.

And this one is particularly aggrevating:


You throw that word around like it is second nature to you.

You are a racist and prove it by the way you throw that word around. One can only guess how many times you used it and mis-spelled it.

Note: not all of those are today.


Immie I pposted it becausse its what conhog said repeatedly.

You call mne a racist for telling people what he said, you were not so condeming of the guy who was calling black people ******* though....why?

Liar! Three times I have spoken out against him and asked him nicely not to do so. I would like to shove a sock down his throat so to speak, but obviously that will not work. Of course, you have proven that it won't work with you either. I am not a mod and have no right to request it, but I have done so three times.

Not only that, but a couple of those posts of yours that I linked were even before CONhog became a member here. So, it had nothing at all to do with him.

not to mention that doesn't equal voter intimidation. It equals warning about breaking the law.

A ****** standing out in front of a polling place tapping his billy club to his hand, now THAT is voter intimidation.


I wish you would not use that word. Please.



You're entitled to your opinion. I saw no intimidation on the videos...and the camera man certainly had the opportunity to record any if it were happening.

Yeah because I'm sure that ****** didn't tone down his bullshit once the camera showed up.

Must you really use that word?

I realize you have the legal right to use it, but is it really necessary?

Man or black man or New Black Panther would have gotten the message through loud and clear. Using racist terms in such needless ways as that only adds fuel to the claims that all conservatives are racists.


Must you really use that word?

I realize you have the legal right to use it, but is it really necessary?

Man or black man or New Black Panther would have gotten the message through loud and clear. Using racist terms in such needless ways as that only adds fuel to the claims that all conservatives are racists.


I will not use it again in this thread, since you asked.

You were asked that in another thread and I believe you said the same thing and followed through with it... thank you.

Am I pushing my luck to ask that you refrain from using it in any thread? :lol:


Now... go ahead and keep spouting your lies.

I do wish you would quit using that word like it is second nature to you. I realize you have every right to prove that you are a racist, but that word is despicable even when used as you seem to like to use it.


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