NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

So you are going to stick to the INSANE logic that he who called a black man a ****** is not racist but I am a racist because I poimnted out his racism?

Do you even fathom how stupid that is?
Thank God for the NAACP and Martin Luther King

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

How many black leaders are living up to Dr. King's dream? I can't think of any. Can you?

Barack Obama for one.
You mean Barack Obama and his "typical white grandmother"? Yeah, not so much.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

How many black leaders are living up to Dr. King's dream? I can't think of any. Can you?

Barack Obama for one.
You mean Barack Obama and his "typical white grandmother"? Yeah, not so much.

Yes. I mean Barack Obama.
Liar! Three times I have spoken out against him and asked him nicely not to do so. I would like to shove a sock down his throat so to speak, but obviously that will not work. Of course, you have proven that it won't work with you either. I am not a mod and have no right to request it, but I have done so three times.

Not only that, but a couple of those posts of yours that I linked were even before CONhog became a member here. So, it had nothing at all to do with him.

Now... go ahead and keep spouting your lies.

I do wish you would quit using that word like it is second nature to you. I realize you have every right to prove that you are a racist, but that word is despicable even when used as you seem to like to use it.


Immie this is just how I said it went down.

You never called the guy actually using it to insult black people a racist but called me a racist for telling people what he said.

Do you even fathom how false that is?

You are a racist for that very reason. You throw the word around like it is a coat. That makes you despicable.

was is not you who laughed at us and joked about people being offended by the word Cracker?

You can't have it both ways, Either you don't like all racism, Or you are willing to accept black on white racism. Which is it.
How many blacks support the republican party?

" In 1852, the Democrat Party wrote they would oppose all efforts to oppose slavery.*

From 1876 until 1960, Democrats successfully blocked all progress in civil rights. Prior to that, from 1860 to 1876, Republicans were singularly responsible for all black civil-rights accomplishments despite fierce opposition by Democrats.*

Much is made of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision striking down state segregated education. What is never mentioned is that the Supreme Court ruling was a reinstating of what Republicans had done nearly 75 years earlier in their 1875 civil-rights bill, which was overturned by Democrats in 1880.*

It was the Republican Party that was formed in 1854 expressly to combat slavery and secure civil rights for blacks. The Democrats were responsible for the Dred Scott decision declaring blacks were not persons – but property – and as such had no rights.*

Contrary to popular myth and revisionist history, the Civil War was fought precisely because of slavery, and Klansman Byrd was an outspoken sympathizer for the Dred Scott Doctrine.*

Byrd's comments of knowing "white *******" was nothing more than reducing whites he didn't like to the level of blacks.*

Herein lies the unfortunate truth: Liberal elites will suffer lecherous impotents like Jackson, Sharpton, the NAACP, Whoopi Goldberg and Danny Glover as long as they sing the right tune. Democrats like Harold McCall, Maynard Jackson and Harold Ford, D-Tenn., are quickly reminded of their proper place.*

Independent thought, belief in meritocracy, self-initiative and self-determination are not words elite liberals are willing to accept from their black subjects. The question isn't why would blacks be conservatives – the question is why would they ever be Democrats?"*

By*Mychal Massie, a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. He is host of the widely popular talk show "Straight Talk."*
On a daily basis, how much black on white racism do any of you actually experience personally?

Are you kidding, Go to a black neighborhood and find out just how much you do.

Besides it does not matter how much of it there is. What matters is there are way to many liberals who seem willing to dismiss racism when it is directed at whites because they think we deserve it. Racism is bad all the time. I do not take well to seeing some Liberal asshole who joked at us saying We have no right to be offended by the word cracker, getting all down on someone for being racist.

I call it like I see it, and if you hold a double standard like that, you are a racist as well.
How many blacks support the republican party?

" In 1852, the Democrat Party wrote they would oppose all efforts to oppose slavery.*

From 1876 until 1960, Democrats successfully blocked all progress in civil rights. Prior to that, from 1860 to 1876, Republicans were singularly responsible for all black civil-rights accomplishments despite fierce opposition by Democrats.*

Much is made of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision striking down state segregated education. What is never mentioned is that the Supreme Court ruling was a reinstating of what Republicans had done nearly 75 years earlier in their 1875 civil-rights bill, which was overturned by Democrats in 1880.*

It was the Republican Party that was formed in 1854 expressly to combat slavery and secure civil rights for blacks. The Democrats were responsible for the Dred Scott decision declaring blacks were not persons – but property – and as such had no rights.*

Contrary to popular myth and revisionist history, the Civil War was fought precisely because of slavery, and Klansman Byrd was an outspoken sympathizer for the Dred Scott Doctrine.*

Byrd's comments of knowing "white *******" was nothing more than reducing whites he didn't like to the level of blacks.*

Herein lies the unfortunate truth: Liberal elites will suffer lecherous impotents like Jackson, Sharpton, the NAACP, Whoopi Goldberg and Danny Glover as long as they sing the right tune. Democrats like Harold McCall, Maynard Jackson and Harold Ford, D-Tenn., are quickly reminded of their proper place.*

Independent thought, belief in meritocracy, self-initiative and self-determination are not words elite liberals are willing to accept from their black subjects. The question isn't why would blacks be conservatives – the question is why would they ever be Democrats?"*

By*Mychal Massie, a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. He is host of the widely popular talk show "Straight Talk."*

Did you forget to place the link to this bullshit?

Project 21 Black Conservative New Visions Editorial: Negroes and Black Conservatives
On a daily basis, how much black on white racism do any of you actually experience personally?

Are you kidding, Go to a black neighborhood and find out just how much you do.

Besides it does not matter how much of it there is. What matters is there are way to many liberals who seem willing to dismiss racism when it is directed at whites because they think we deserve it. Racism is bad all the time. I do not take well to seeing some Liberal asshole who joked at us saying We have no right to be offended by the word cracker, getting all down on someone for being racist.

I call it like I see it, and if you hold a double standard like that, you are a racist as well.

How often do you go to a black neighborhood? I used to live in one and I never experienced any racism.
On a daily basis, how much black on white racism do any of you actually experience personally?

why does it have to be personal? so racism is okay with you as long as it doesn't affect you? white on black racism doesn't affect me personally each day so I should be okay with it. boy you couldn't get any dumber with that logic.
I am white and have been refused service in a black resturant.

It pissed me off and I told them I would never give them any business and walked out.

Did this make me pretend blacks are all

Now why do you on the right refuse every incident of racism by whites by screaming "but a couple of black people were mean to soem white people so it dosent matter"?
Remember when you gave me shit for telling you the machines were unsecure?

Then I was proven right.

remember when you gave me shit for talking about WP in fallughia.

Then I was proven right.

remember when you gave me shit for saying there was no WMDs in iraq.

Then I was proven right.

Immie you are pissing in your own eyes.

You are a liar again. I agreed with you from the get go, that the machines were unsecure. Please stop lying with ever post.this is a lie Immie, you did not, go ask main man how much shit I took even from the dems.

I do remember telling you that there was no proof... I have been trying to explain the concept of proof to you for a hell of a long time, but it still has not sunk in. Never will.The testimony of the man who was hired to write the code for the machines is pretty compeeling evidence along with the test performed by computor experts. To say there was no evidence is a lie.

And you can claim to have been proven right, but you were not proven right. There has been no proof that they are unsecure. As a one time programmer... back when they used BASIC, I was smart enough to know that those machines could not be completely safe. Someone out there was smart enough to figure out how to rig them. I hope you realize that just because you were not proven wrong, does not mean you have been proven right... no, you are not smart enough to understand that concept.Immie they have had to change things about the way they are used adn people have succeded in having the machines tossed out of their districts

No, I do not remember giving you shit for Fallugia and I don't believe you were proven right. I hope you realize that just because you were not proven wrong, does not mean you have been proven right... no, you are not smart enough to understand that concept.
The US government publically admitted to using WP in Fallughia

No, I do not remember giving you shit for saying there was no WMD. Perhaps you can find a post? I hope you realize that just because you were not proven wrong, does not mean you have been proven right... no, you are not smart enough to understand that concept.
Are you really going to claim they found WMDs in Iraq? You are not the person I used to know. You and me would go at it about Bush and you supported him for years.

You are not much of a christian to do so much lying

this is a lie Immie, you did not, go ask main man how much shit I took even from the dems.

You stupid liar! You and I were the only two on that said that the machines could have been rigged! Well, you were stupid... you said they had been rigged. I said they could have been and were not secure. Stop your damned lying! It is why we have been having so many problems the last several months. You have dug you way so deep into President Obama's ass, that you can't tell the truth.

The testimony of the man who was hired to write the code for the machines is pretty compeeling evidence along with the test performed by computor experts. To say there was no evidence is a lie.

Yes, it is compelling and like I said (and have said since you brought it up on (now defunct))they can be rigged. But, I watched that video. He didn't say he did it. He didn't say he knew of anyone who had done it. Thus it is hearsay and not proof of any wrong doing. I think it is despicable that his employer asked him to do it and believe that she should be investigated, but none of it is proof.

Immie they have had to change things about the way they are used adn people have succeded in having the machines tossed out of their districts

And your point? I already said the machines were not able to be secured. I have said it since way back when, but I can tell you will lie and claim that I did not. Because you are a proven liar.

The US government publically admitted to using WP in Fallughia

Good, and go find a post where I gave you shit about it or once again you are a damned liar.

Are you really going to claim they found WMDs in Iraq? You are not the person I used to know. You and me would go at it about Bush and you supported him for years.

Oh my Lord, can you read? No, I guess you can't. Where did I say they found WMDs? You made the fallacious (by the way, that means false) claim that I gave you shit about it. I don't remember having given you shit about it. Now, go find the post where I gave you shit about it, or STFU about it!

I am white and have been refused service in a black resturant.

It pissed me off and I told them I would never give them any business and walked out.

Did this make me pretend blacks are all

So why do liberals act like Most whites are racist when ever there is an example of one white person being one?
Okay. Now explain how calling her a "typical white grandmother" is judging her character and not her color.

You're making a big deal out of one sentence. I'm not that petty.
It's not petty. It's complete and utter refutation of your claim that Obama doesn't judge by skin color.

Your acceptance is immaterial.

If anyone has a right to comment on the relative privelege of white people, it's someone who is half white. You want to hate Obama? Knock yourself out. I'm not joining.
You are a liar again. I agreed with you from the get go, that the machines were unsecure. Please stop lying with ever post.this is a lie Immie, you did not, go ask main man how much shit I took even from the dems.

I do remember telling you that there was no proof... I have been trying to explain the concept of proof to you for a hell of a long time, but it still has not sunk in. Never will.The testimony of the man who was hired to write the code for the machines is pretty compeeling evidence along with the test performed by computor experts. To say there was no evidence is a lie.

And you can claim to have been proven right, but you were not proven right. There has been no proof that they are unsecure. As a one time programmer... back when they used BASIC, I was smart enough to know that those machines could not be completely safe. Someone out there was smart enough to figure out how to rig them. I hope you realize that just because you were not proven wrong, does not mean you have been proven right... no, you are not smart enough to understand that concept.Immie they have had to change things about the way they are used adn people have succeded in having the machines tossed out of their districts

No, I do not remember giving you shit for Fallugia and I don't believe you were proven right. I hope you realize that just because you were not proven wrong, does not mean you have been proven right... no, you are not smart enough to understand that concept.
The US government publically admitted to using WP in Fallughia

No, I do not remember giving you shit for saying there was no WMD. Perhaps you can find a post? I hope you realize that just because you were not proven wrong, does not mean you have been proven right... no, you are not smart enough to understand that concept.
Are you really going to claim they found WMDs in Iraq? You are not the person I used to know. You and me would go at it about Bush and you supported him for years.

You are not much of a christian to do so much lying

You stupid liar! You and I were the only two on that said that the machines could have been rigged! Well, you were stupid... you said they had been rigged. I said they could have been and were not secure. Stop your damned lying! It is why we have been having so many problems the last several months. You have dug you way so deep into President Obama's ass, that you can't tell the truth.

Yes, it is compelling and like I said (and have said since you brought it up on (now defunct))they can be rigged. But, I watched that video. He didn't say he did it. He didn't say he knew of anyone who had done it. Thus it is hearsay and not proof of any wrong doing. I think it is despicable that his employer asked him to do it and believe that she should be investigated, but none of it is proof.

And your point? I already said the machines were not able to be secured. I have said it since way back when, but I can tell you will lie and claim that I did not. Because you are a proven liar.

The US government publically admitted to using WP in Fallughia

Good, and go find a post where I gave you shit about it or once again you are a damned liar.

Are you really going to claim they found WMDs in Iraq? You are not the person I used to know. You and me would go at it about Bush and you supported him for years.

Oh my Lord, can you read? No, I guess you can't. Where did I say they found WMDs? You made the fallacious (by the way, that means false) claim that I gave you shit about it. I don't remember having given you shit about it. Now, go find the post where I gave you shit about it, or STFU about it!


Your a fraction of the man you used to be.

you know very well those posts are years old and no longer exsist.

You are why I have so little respect for people who call themselves christians and then thurn out to be liars who dont have the integrity to admitt their failings.

Im pretty much filing you with willow and all in babble now buddy. Enjoy pissing in your own eyes.
You're making a big deal out of one sentence. I'm not that petty.
It's not petty. It's complete and utter refutation of your claim that Obama doesn't judge by skin color.

Your acceptance is immaterial.

If anyone has a right to comment on the relative privelege of white people, it's someone who is half white.
Ahhh. So first Obama didn't consider race. Now, it's perfectly okay for him to.

If you'd like, we can discuss this later. I can tell you haven't given it much thought. Maybe you could PM me when you firm up a plausible excuse for non-race-considering Obama who considers race.

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