NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

And republican's will NEVER get ANY credit for appointing the first African American Secrtaries of State because to black liberals they were just an "uncle Tom" and an "Aunt Jemimah" and "race sell-outs" :evil:
And republican's will NEVER get ANY credit for appointing the first African American Secrtaries of State because to black liberals they were just an "uncle Tom" and an "Aunt Jemimah" and "race sell-outs" :evil:

Jeremy, white liberals portrayed them that way, too.


Sky Dancer,

There is absolutely no proof that either one of those signs were being held/displayed by anyone associated with the Tea Party. That is what bugs me about these kinds of things. As disgusting as many of those signs are, we don't really know who was holding them up. Everyone of them may very well have been held by "conservative" people at a Tea Party event, but then, everyone of them could also have been held by people that despise the Tea Party and wants to make them look like... well, idiots.


The Tea Party right now is much more dillegent about the image they project and will expel those with obviously offensive signs.

Early in the movement the had an open door policy for any kook, birther, racist or anyone who had an Anti-Obama agenda. They paid a price for who they allowed to be called a Tea Party member

And of course when you have a thousand tea party people holding signs and one asshole is holding a sign with the n word, where do you think the camera's pointed? And the next day the media projects the entire crowd as sharing in the same belief. The fucking pathetic, biased, slanted ass media is to blame for the FALSE image of the tea party as being racist. And the liberals, that were quick to discredit the movement, bought into the BS like the sheep they are.

And denial is one of the strongest traits of Tea Baggers...

"It wasn't us"
"He must have been a Liberal plant"
"It was only one isolated incident" (Repeated a hundred times)
"Its not us...its the liberal media trying to make us look bad"

In fact, the Tea Party was very lax in policing its message early on. Their attempt at "Everyone who hates Obama is welcome at the Tea Party" backfired
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And republican's will NEVER get ANY credit for appointing the first African American Secrtaries of State because to black liberals they were just an "uncle Tom" and an "Aunt Jemimah" and "race sell-outs" :evil:

Liberals have more respect for Colin Powell right now than conservatives do
The Tea Party right now is much more dillegent about the image they project and will expel those with obviously offensive signs.

Early in the movement the had an open door policy for any kook, birther, racist or anyone who had an Anti-Obama agenda. They paid a price for who they allowed to be called a Tea Party member

And of course when you have a thousand tea party people holding signs and one asshole is holding a sign with the n word, where do you think the camera's pointed? And the next day the media projects the entire crowd as sharing in the same belief. The fucking pathetic, biased, slanted ass media is to blame for the FALSE image of the tea party as being racist. And the liberals, that were quick to discredit the movement, bought into the BS like the sheep they are.

And denial is one of the strongest traits of Tea Baggers...

"It wasn't us"
"He must have been a Liberal plant"
"It was only one isolated incident" (Repeated a hundred times)
"Its not us...its the liberal media trying to make us look bad"

In fact, the Tea Party was very lax in policing its message early on. There attempt at "Everyone who hates Obama is welcome at the Tea Party" backfired

You are right and that is probably one of the big reasons I have not sought out any of their events, but the videos and pictures posted online do not prove anything. There is no way to tell who made the video and who is in them.

I didn't claim that they were liberal plants, but I am not going to deny that possibility without some kind of evidence.

NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement -

The NAACP is pulling the race card on The Tea Party movement.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People will propose a resolution this week condemning racism within the tea party movement.

The resolution, scheduled for a vote as early as Tuesday by delegates attending the annual NAACP convention in Kansas City, calls upon “all people of good will to repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties, and to stand in opposition to its drive to push our country back to the pre-civil rights era.”

NAACP leaders said the resolution was necessary to make people aware of what they believe is a racist element within the tea party movement.

“I think a lot of people are not taking the tea party movement seriously, and we need to take it seriously,” said Anita Russell, head of the Kansas City chapter of the NAACP. “We need to realize it’s really not about limited government.”

Russell said she was “pretty certain” the resolution would pass.

Read more: NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement -

is it 'pulling the race card' if they're correct?
I hope they vote yes. This is not your wife catching you fucking your cousin. The non rejection of Obvious racist elects broadly on display needs to be officially tagged to the tea baggers. Independents need to know what's up.
The NAACP is made up of real American Patriots. They fought for REAL freedom and liberty

The Tea Baggers are pretenders

you have a real twisted view of what a patriot is Rw....if you consider guys who think like Sharpton and Jackson patriots....well then what can i tell you Rw......go for it ....
The NAACP is made up of real American Patriots. They fought for REAL freedom and liberty

The Tea Baggers are pretenders

you have a real twisted view of what a patriot is Rw....if you consider guys who think like Sharpton and Jackson patriots....well then what can i tell you Rw......go for it ....

Patriots fight for the American way of life, liberty, freedom and are willing to give up their lives for their cause.

The NAACP fought for the rights of Americans to vote, the right to go where they wanted, the right to be accepted in your own country.

Many NAACP members were killed in bombings, lynchings and assasinations. They stood by peacefully while they had firehoses sprayed on them, attack dogs and were beaten with clubs and spat upon.

Now what makes you think Tea Baggers are Patriots?
Their people were ACTUALLY being denied their Constitutional rights, their people were being beaten and killed, their people were denied the right to vote and the right to go where they want. They were denied fair trials. All this makes the Tea Partys "I don't like paying taxes" and "He is making me buy health insurance" seem petty

When the NAACP held their protest rallies they were met with fire hoses, attack dogs and billy clubs. But it is the Tea Baggers who claim they are being mistreated by the evil government

The NAACP saved this country from a revolution. In the 50s and 60s black churches were being bombed with people inside, blacks were taken from their beds and lynched, all white juries acquitted anyone acused of a crime against blacks. There was open warfare being directed against blacks by white racists and white politicians.

Most of us would have responded to such vile treatment with violence. It was the NAACP that insisted on a non-violent response. It was the NAACP that insisted on calmness and use of the media and courts to address their grievances

The NAACP saved this country from a race war

yea back 50-60 years ago....lets talk 21st century Rw....back then they had a purpose and acted on that purpose and had a positive effect.....lets talk today....9 out of 10 times they are just reinforcing the "you are the victims" bullshit.....
It is not up to you to decide when the NAACP is no longer needed. I am sure if you looked objectively at the plight of blacks in America vs that of the average Tea Bagger you would find the tea baggers don't have it that bad

according to many poor blacks from other countrys...the "plight" of american blacks aint so bad either
Their people were ACTUALLY being denied their Constitutional rights, their people were being beaten and killed, their people were denied the right to vote and the right to go where they want. They were denied fair trials. All this makes the Tea Partys "I don't like paying taxes" and "He is making me buy health insurance" seem petty

When the NAACP held their protest rallies they were met with fire hoses, attack dogs and billy clubs. But it is the Tea Baggers who claim they are being mistreated by the evil government

The NAACP saved this country from a revolution. In the 50s and 60s black churches were being bombed with people inside, blacks were taken from their beds and lynched, all white juries acquitted anyone acused of a crime against blacks. There was open warfare being directed against blacks by white racists and white politicians.

Most of us would have responded to such vile treatment with violence. It was the NAACP that insisted on a non-violent response. It was the NAACP that insisted on calmness and use of the media and courts to address their grievances

The NAACP saved this country from a race war

yea back 50-60 years ago....lets talk 21st century Rw....back then they had a purpose and acted on that purpose and had a positive effect.....lets talk today....9 out of 10 times they are just reinforcing the "you are the victims" bullshit.....

The NAACP is a Patriotic organization dedicated to ensuring that Americans have their rights protected against those seeking to infringe on their liberty. They have a solid reputation for peaceful protest and use of the American system of government to ensure human rights are protected. The NAACP is the same organization they were 50-60 years ago and they are hated by right wing conservatives just like they were then

You still have not answered what the Tea Party has done to be considered in the league of Patriots like the NAACP
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As an American...yes they did it for me too

The NAACP with its message of non-violent resistance prevented a race war and changed the country forever.

NAACP are REAL American Patriots who fought for Liberty

Tea Baggers are just pretenders

so all those WW2 Vets in the "tea-bagging" movement,as well as other Vets of foreign wars are phonies....gotcha Rw....
As an American...yes they did it for me too

The NAACP with its message of non-violent resistance prevented a race war and changed the country forever.

NAACP are REAL American Patriots who fought for Liberty

Tea Baggers are just pretenders

so all those WW2 Vets in the "tea-bagging" movement,as well as other Vets of foreign wars are phonies....gotcha Rw....

What does that have to do with them being Tea Baggers?

Many members of the NAACP also fought in WWII only to come home and find they could not vote, could not eat in public restaurants, could not even use public rest rooms.

Show me a Tea Bagger who has had his liberty taken away like that
As an American...yes they did it for me too

The NAACP with its message of non-violent resistance prevented a race war and changed the country forever.

NAACP are REAL American Patriots who fought for Liberty

Tea Baggers are just pretenders

so all those WW2 Vets in the "tea-bagging" movement,as well as other Vets of foreign wars are phonies....gotcha Rw....

What does that have to do with them being Tea Baggers?

nothing....but you said they are not TRUE Patriots because they belong to some stupid sure anyone of them would tell you to stick it where the sun dont shine

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