NAACP considers resolution decrying racist elements in tea-party movement

Many members of the NAACP also fought in WWII only to come home and find they could not vote, could not eat in public restaurants, could not even use public rest rooms.

Show me a Tea Bagger who has had his liberty taken away like that

ok ....what if i showed you a black one?....are you going to say he is a phony? about ANY minorities who just happen to agree with the "Tea-Baggers" about a Japanese who was in an internment camp during the 40's....but just happens to agree with the he a phony?....most of the blacks you talk about Rw are either real old or dead.....the ones of today have done nothing to equate what the ones in the 40's-60's did....its a different organization today Rw...
I hope they vote yes. This is not your wife catching you fucking your cousin. The non rejection of Obvious racist elects broadly on display needs to be officially tagged to the tea baggers. Independents need to know what's up.

most "INDEPENDENTS" do know whats up....thats why we are independent....dont depend on one of those two Bullshit Political parties to tell us when to shit....
thanks grand wizard

No...he's right.

The NAACP is a dinosaur that served it's purpose but their time has come and gone.

They're trying to remain relevant by causing divisions.

I think their mindset is similar to Obama's when he claims that Arizona's law is racist even before he took the time to read the friggen thing.

This is just an attempt to stain a grassroots movement that has nothing to do with race.

I think they should be more concerned with the New Black Panthers and their racism instead of the Tea Party and it's obvious lack of racist rhetoric.

Anyone who points this obvious fact out gets called a Grand Wizard which is typical.

If you can recognize real must be a member of the KKK. Right??:gives:

It's like the Rev. Jessie Jackson exclaiming that LeBron James is a runaway slave. That statement is hilarious...but a prime example of a race-baiter that sees racism in everything. LeBron made over $62 million dollars in Cleveland. That must be the new slavery these days.
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so all those WW2 Vets in the "tea-bagging" movement,as well as other Vets of foreign wars are phonies....gotcha Rw....

What does that have to do with them being Tea Baggers?

nothing....but you said they are not TRUE Patriots because they belong to some stupid sure anyone of them would tell you to stick it where the sun dont shine

Patriots may have joined the Tea Party. That does not equate to the Tea Party being a patriotic organization. Anything the tea party has done pales in comparison to the Patriotic actions of the NAACP
Many members of the NAACP also fought in WWII only to come home and find they could not vote, could not eat in public restaurants, could not even use public rest rooms.

Show me a Tea Bagger who has had his liberty taken away like that

ok ....what if i showed you a black one?....are you going to say he is a phony? about ANY minorities who just happen to agree with the "Tea-Baggers" about a Japanese who was in an internment camp during the 40's....but just happens to agree with the he a phony?....most of the blacks you talk about Rw are either real old or dead.....the ones of today have done nothing to equate what the ones in the 40's-60's did....its a different organization today Rw...

They did not have their liberty taken away because they are Tea Baggers. The fact that a few token minorities participate in the Tea Party does not negate the fact that it is primarily an older white organization.
Dressing like a 1776 Patriot does not make you a patriot. The NAACP has been around for over 100 years and has earned their stripes as American Patriots. The Tea Baggers are pretenders when compared to the NAACP
shining a light on racism is never bad

true....but its funny when that light is shined on the group doing the shining, to show that they too, at times, are just a tad racist....theres an outcry .....i call it being a tad HYPERCRITICAL.....
What does that have to do with them being Tea Baggers?

nothing....but you said they are not TRUE Patriots because they belong to some stupid sure anyone of them would tell you to stick it where the sun dont shine

Patriots may have joined the Tea Party. That does not equate to the Tea Party being a patriotic organization. Anything the tea party has done pales in comparison to the Patriotic actions of the NAACP

and how old is the "Tea Party" compared to the NAACP?....
the tiny fraction of racism by blacks is not material enough to enter debate with people of reason. Too much white on black, like 99.99%

Rastafari is the way
What does that have to do with them being Tea Baggers?

nothing....but you said they are not TRUE Patriots because they belong to some stupid sure anyone of them would tell you to stick it where the sun dont shine

Patriots may have joined the Tea Party. That does not equate to the Tea Party being a patriotic organization. Anything the tea party has done pales in comparison to the Patriotic actions of the NAACP

You can't be serious.

The NAACP isn't even a civil rights organization. They're purely political in nature.

They're job is to keep us fighting amongst ourselves. :meow:
shining a light on racism is never bad

Exactly. Surely you're not suggesting that the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) don't practice racism? They are all about advancing their race, that's racism plain and simple. If you don't think so, then you cannot be against any group that advocates for advancements in their respective race, white supremacy groups included.
nothing....but you said they are not TRUE Patriots because they belong to some stupid sure anyone of them would tell you to stick it where the sun dont shine

Patriots may have joined the Tea Party. That does not equate to the Tea Party being a patriotic organization. Anything the tea party has done pales in comparison to the Patriotic actions of the NAACP

You can't be serious.

The NAACP isn't even a civil rights organization. They're purely political in nature.

They're job is to keep us fighting amongst ourselves. :meow:

Boy have you missed the boat. The NAACP has been around for over 100 years fighting for Freedom and Liberty of Americans who have been denied their rights under the Constitution.

During this time, the right wing has called them communists, anarchists, un-american.....all while they fight for Liberty.

The NAACP has proved they are Patriots...the Tea Party just wears funny hats and pretends they are patriots
ok ....what if i showed you a black one?....are you going to say he is a phony? about ANY minorities who just happen to agree with the "Tea-Baggers" about a Japanese who was in an internment camp during the 40's....but just happens to agree with the he a phony?....most of the blacks you talk about Rw are either real old or dead.....the ones of today have done nothing to equate what the ones in the 40's-60's did....its a different organization today Rw...

They did not have their liberty taken away because they are Tea Baggers. The fact that a few token minorities participate in the Tea Party does not negate the fact that it is primarily an older white organization.
Dressing like a 1776 Patriot does not make you a patriot. The NAACP has been around for over 100 years and has earned their stripes as American Patriots. The Tea Baggers are pretenders when compared to the NAACP
and blacks did not have LESS liberties because they belonged to the NAACP....they had less because they were BLACK.......
so that black guy i pointed out who was alive back in the 50's-60's DID NOT have to put up with the same shit the people you mention did? even today he doesnt?....he had more liberties than other blacks? about the Japanese guy i mentioned?....he had no liberties taken away? since they just happen to believe in a movement you dont....they are token minorities?....and i am sure Rw that back in 1909 the NAACP was considered by MANY Americans to be a took them 50 years before they were finally know what Rw....i think the NAACP TODAY, has basically been an organization that keeps blacks back....they are in their way....and i think a hell of a lot of black people see this....others eat them up like they do Sharpton and Jackson....that being said,at one time i do recognize what they were, a group that helped many of the people they set out to help,and i will give them their dues for that.....but as with many "help" organizations,their effectiveness wanes each decade as blacks succeed more and more....blacks who have "made it" in this country in all probability do not need the NAACP...what can they do for them?.....its a different time and a different organization Rw....
The NAACP is a racist organization as the name implies.

Exactly, there is an organization called the National Association for the Advancement of White People (NAAWP). They claim not to be racist and only promote the advancement of White people. However, they are rightfully labelled a racist organization and everyone accepts that. However, they have the same creed, mission, goals, objectives, discrimintaory intent and aspirations as the NAACP (except for White People), yet the NAACP is erroneously not consideration a racist organization but the NAAWP is! :cuckoo:

If you toss in La Raza (THE RACE), then you see another hypocrisy! An organization that preaches racial superior and sucession from the US is alright and legit group, because its NOT white! We do have a KKK member on the Supreme Court her name is Sonia Sotomayor!
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Patriots may have joined the Tea Party. That does not equate to the Tea Party being a patriotic organization. Anything the tea party has done pales in comparison to the Patriotic actions of the NAACP

You can't be serious.

The NAACP isn't even a civil rights organization. They're purely political in nature.

They're job is to keep us fighting amongst ourselves. :meow:

Boy have you missed the boat. The NAACP has been around for over 100 years fighting for Freedom and Liberty of Americans who have been denied their rights under the Constitution.

During this time, the right wing has called them communists, anarchists, un-american.....all while they fight for Liberty.

The NAACP has proved they are Patriots...the Tea Party just wears funny hats and pretends they are patriots

The NAACP is a group of troublemakers with White taskmasters. They're existence depends on rich Democrats in positions of power. They serve no useful purpose because their main cause...the advancement of Blacks is no longer needed. Instead they cause divisions that hinder their own progress rather then give aid to it.

You could say that the New Black Panthers is the only African-American group that doesn't have ties to whites in some shape or form.

The NAACP really can't say honestly that racism on any level other then a personal level even exists anymore in America. They get a pass at every turn from our governments. They're consistently shown favoritism over every other race save Hispanics.

The main sticking point seems to be reparations. Reparations for what I ask.:eusa_eh:

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