NAACP endorses gay marriage

I thought that like 80 percent of blacks were against gay marriage? Just shows that the NCAAP doesn't represent the interests of blacks. Of course, we already knew that.

Well, you'd be wrong about that, too.

Sixty-one percent of white Democrats supported legalizing marriage for same-sex couples, compared with 36 percent of black Democrats, while 35 percent of black Democrats opposed any legal recognition, compared with 18 percent of white Democrats.

I would argue, how is it in anyone's "interest" to oppose gay marriage.

If you are gay and you want one, you should be able to get one.

If you are straight and just not into that sort of thing, no one is making you get one.

Oh sorry. Sixty five percent according to their survey.

The NAACP does not represent the average black man. They represent the extreme left. That's pretty obvious.

Or they are just out in front on issues.

Frankly, I'm not seeing what is so "extreme" about this position. You have yet to tell me why i should care one way or the other, or why you care one way or the other beyond your religious h omophobia.

Oh sorry. Sixty five percent according to their survey.

The NAACP does not represent the average black man. They represent the extreme left. That's pretty obvious.

Or they are just out in front on issues.

Frankly, I'm not seeing what is so "extreme" about this position. You have yet to tell me why i should care one way or the other, or why you care one way or the other beyond your religious h omophobia.

"Out in front" - fancy way of saying they are defying the people they allegedly serve.
Actually, they didn't endorse marriage, they endorsed civil unions. On top of that, the only reason they did it was because they were trying to cover Obama with the black community. My guess is the community is going to support Obama and reject the NAACP.

Actually, they endorsed civil marriage equality. The title on their website is:

NAACP Passes Resolution In Support Of Marriage Equality

They did NOT say "Resolution In Support Of Civil Unions"

The President of the NAACP said:

"Civil marriage is a civil right and a matter of civil law. The NAACP's support for marriage equality is deeply rooted in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and equal protection of all people,"

Again, civil marriage, not civil unions.
Perhaps. Why does that bother you so much? Frankly, who are the Christians to insist the law has to conform with their beliefs.

The problem with civil unions is the same thing that is wrong with this..


May we overcome this new "separate but equal" falsity.

It's not a falsity at all.

Jim Crow argued the water fountain was almost as nice for the colored people as it was for the white folks, and it still dispensed water, so what were they so upset about. We're giving you the water...

Civil unions... almost as nice as straight marriage, you get most of the same protections marriage gives you... It's "Separate" yet "equal".

Yup...they'll let us come in the house, we just can't use the front door. Weird...

And if you look at many of these states that pass their anti-gay laws, they go after the civil unions too so they can take their "why don't you settle for civil unions" and shove it up their collective asses. We're going "all the way", baby. Full marriage equality!
The federal government doesn't define marriage, it is a state issue and there is already a law on the books called the “Defense of Marriage Act” although Obama and Holder choose not to defend it because they don't like it...This bunch is lawless

The Federal Government, however, does have the power to rule on whether state marriage laws are constitutional. Look up Loving v. Virginia.

Furthermore, the Full Faith and Credit Claus of the Constitution states that each state has to recognize the contracts and unions formed in other states. True, DOMA supposedly give them an out, but DOMA is as unconstutional as shit.

Really? when did that ruling come down?

There have been two rulings so far on DOMA...and both rulings find the law violates the Constitution.

DOMA ruled unconstitutional by 2nd federal judge
Gays and lesbians want the SAME benefits from the government when they marry their spouses. Not SPECIAL benefits.

Uh, civil unions give them that.

Completely wrong. Married gays cannot file a married federal income tax return. A gay person cannot collect their spouse's Social Security benefits.

To learn more about just how wrong you are, see the link in my sig.

Married gays get taxed more...Funny I never saw any signs about that at a Teabag rally.

Ending the Gay Health Care Tax
Gays and lesbians want the SAME benefits from the government when they marry their spouses. Not SPECIAL benefits.

Uh, civil unions give them that.

Completely wrong. Married gays cannot file a married federal income tax return. A gay person cannot collect their spouse's Social Security benefits.

To learn more about just how wrong you are, see the link in my sig.

Married gays get taxed more...Funny I never saw any signs about that at a Teabag rally.

Ending the Gay Health Care Tax

Two straight guys who live together get taxed more too. It's equal rights, ya know.
Completely wrong. Married gays cannot file a married federal income tax return. A gay person cannot collect their spouse's Social Security benefits.

To learn more about just how wrong you are, see the link in my sig.

Married gays get taxed more...Funny I never saw any signs about that at a Teabag rally.

Ending the Gay Health Care Tax

Two straight guys who live together get taxed more too. It's equal rights, ya know.

It's not about Sex so they should just get Married also. :thup:

Whenever it is that Marriage is Molested by the Tyranny of the Invalidated Few on a Federal Level using the Despotic Branch, that is.


May we overcome this new "separate but equal" falsity.

It's not a falsity at all.

Jim Crow argued the water fountain was almost as nice for the colored people as it was for the white folks, and it still dispensed water, so what were they so upset about. We're giving you the water...

Civil unions... almost as nice as straight marriage, you get most of the same protections marriage gives you... It's "Separate" yet "equal".

Yup...they'll let us come in the house, we just can't use the front door. Weird...

And if you look at many of these states that pass their anti-gay laws, they go after the civil unions too so they can take their "why don't you settle for civil unions" and shove it up their collective asses. We're going "all the way", baby. Full marriage equality!

This is Exactly why there is a Backlash Against Civil Unions... You guys are pushing too hard.

When Liberal California Voters Vote down Gay Marriage, you know you are Losing.

I Support Civil Unions and always have... I am Against what my State (Colorado) did but it's your Fault they did it. :thup:


Perhaps. Why does that bother you so much? Frankly, who are the Christians to insist the law has to conform with their beliefs.

The problem with civil unions is the same thing that is wrong with this..


May we overcome this new "separate but equal" falsity.

It's not a falsity at all.

Jim Crow argued the water fountain was almost as nice for the colored people as it was for the white folks, and it still dispensed water, so what were they so upset about. We're giving you the water...

Civil unions... almost as nice as straight marriage, you get most of the same protections marriage gives you... It's "Separate" yet "equal".

Any opposite sex persons can marry and enjoy all the benefits of marriage- regardless of race; sexual orientation; religious beliefs; or age

No separation for anyone. What homosexuals want are new special rights. They need to at least be honest about that which they are demanding. They are actually demanding a separate water fountain be created just for them.
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Any opposite sex persons can marry and enjoy all the benefits of marriage- regardless of race; sexual orientation; religious beliefs; or age

We don't fall in love with persons of the opposite sex. We fall in love and want to create families with consenting adult members of the same sex, but are prohibited from the legal protections of civil marriage. That isn't equal any more than it was equal to keep blacks from marrying whites because the laws applied equally to both men and women (as it was argued during anti miscegenation hearings).

No separation for anyone. What homosexuals want are new special rights. They need to at least be honest about that which they are demanding. They are actually demanding a separate water fountain be created just for them.

No, it is not a "Special Right" to marry the non familial consenting adult partner of your choice and when that right is granted, it will apply to you too so it won't be a separate water fountain just for us. You can drink out of it too.

We can't drink out of yours.
May we overcome this new "separate but equal" falsity.

It's not a falsity at all.

Jim Crow argued the water fountain was almost as nice for the colored people as it was for the white folks, and it still dispensed water, so what were they so upset about. We're giving you the water...

Civil unions... almost as nice as straight marriage, you get most of the same protections marriage gives you... It's "Separate" yet "equal".

Any opposite sex persons can marry and enjoy all the benefits of marriage- regardless of race; sexual orientation; religious beliefs; or age

No separation for anyone. What homosexuals want are new special rights. They need to at least be honest about that which they are demanding. They are actually demanding a separate water fountain be created just for them.

Gender discrimination.
It's not a falsity at all.

Jim Crow argued the water fountain was almost as nice for the colored people as it was for the white folks, and it still dispensed water, so what were they so upset about. We're giving you the water...

Civil unions... almost as nice as straight marriage, you get most of the same protections marriage gives you... It's "Separate" yet "equal".

Any opposite sex persons can marry and enjoy all the benefits of marriage- regardless of race; sexual orientation; religious beliefs; or age

No separation for anyone. What homosexuals want are new special rights. They need to at least be honest about that which they are demanding. They are actually demanding a separate water fountain be created just for them.

Gender discrimination.

It is not. Your Choice to Couple outside of your Natural Design and Equipment is what Causes the Inequality.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are not Equal, Inherently, Naturally or Factually.

You are Free to Defy your Natural Design and Equipment when you Choose to Couple, but you can't Expect Society to Embrace it and give you that Sense of Validation you are so Obviously Lacking.

Passing a Dishonest Law calling something Equal to something that it is not does not and will not make it so.


It's not a falsity at all.

Jim Crow argued the water fountain was almost as nice for the colored people as it was for the white folks, and it still dispensed water, so what were they so upset about. We're giving you the water...

Civil unions... almost as nice as straight marriage, you get most of the same protections marriage gives you... It's "Separate" yet "equal".

Any opposite sex persons can marry and enjoy all the benefits of marriage- regardless of race; sexual orientation; religious beliefs; or age

No separation for anyone. What homosexuals want are new special rights. They need to at least be honest about that which they are demanding. They are actually demanding a separate water fountain be created just for them.

Gender discrimination.

With regards to marriage there is no gender discrimination either- both men and women can marry.
Why do white Conservatives care what the NAACP does?

Could it be that we care because we started the NAACP?

Like maybe even? How about a whole batch of white people that you diss regularly actually walked miles and miles and miles up roads in Alabama and Mississippi and Georgia while your Democrat mother truckers still wanted you to drink out of a different fountain.

Why do you still suck their parts? When you know damn well it was the Dems who kept you down all these years.

Quite strange.
Perhaps. Why does that bother you so much? Frankly, who are the Christians to insist the law has to conform with their beliefs.

The problem with civil unions is the same thing that is wrong with this..


May we overcome this new "separate but equal" falsity.

It's not a falsity at all.

Jim Crow argued the water fountain was almost as nice for the colored people as it was for the white folks, and it still dispensed water, so what were they so upset about. We're giving you the water...

Civil unions... almost as nice as straight marriage, you get most of the same protections marriage gives you... It's "Separate" yet "equal".

I remember as a kid in the late 50s living in the deep south the neighbors calling my father "****** lover" for demanding that blacks could take the SAT.
And I saw the red necks by the fence when we took the field with the first integrated team I played on in 1967. They were spitting on the black players we had. They wanted them to not be able to dress in the locker room where we were playing on the road that week. They would not shake their hands when one of our captains was a black that came out to call the coin toss.
But when they lined up against us and had to face the Black Wall defense we had-only 3 blacks but we were black uniforms, they knew that we WERE seperate but NOT equal.
We kicked their ass. I actually felt bad for their QB as we beat him to a pulp that day.
Interesting enough we had very few problems that year with opposing white players.
It is always those NOT in the trenches that cry like 5 year olds.

Blacks being equal and gays being equal=same thing. Good for the NAACP.
There are many gay and lesbian black folk.
Even us red necks can figure this one out.
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Any opposite sex persons can marry and enjoy all the benefits of marriage- regardless of race; sexual orientation; religious beliefs; or age

No separation for anyone. What homosexuals want are new special rights. They need to at least be honest about that which they are demanding. They are actually demanding a separate water fountain be created just for them.

Gender discrimination.

With regards to marriage there is no gender discrimination either- both men and women can marry.

With regards to marriage there is no racial discrimination either-both blacks and whites can marry.

When one chooses to discriminate it is amazing the catchy feel good phrases one can cook up.

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