NAACP endorses gay marriage

Gays can die for America, but they can't marry the person they love.

Doesn't seem right, does it?
I thought that like 80 percent of blacks were against gay marriage? Just shows that the NCAAP doesn't represent the interests of blacks. Of course, we already knew that.
A WP ABC poll showed that 54 percent of African-Americans have a favorable impression of the president’s endorsement of gay marriage, while 37 percent had an unfavorable view. You must be thinking of black churches in North Carolina. But even in North Carolina opinions of blacks are growing more favorable to gay marriage. A Public Policy Polling Survey showed 59 percent of the blacks in North Carolina say they are opposed to gay marriage, down from 63 percent in the previous poll, which was taken before the North Carolina primary.

North Carolina poll: More blacks for gay marriage - Mackenzie Weinger -

WP-ABC Poll: Obama Shifting Black Opinion of Gay Marriage
Perhaps. Why does that bother you so much? Frankly, who are the Christians to insist the law has to conform with their beliefs.

The problem with civil unions is the same thing that is wrong with this..


May we overcome this new "separate but equal" falsity.

It's not a falsity at all.

Jim Crow argued the water fountain was almost as nice for the colored people as it was for the white folks, and it still dispensed water, so what were they so upset about. We're giving you the water...

Civil unions... almost as nice as straight marriage, you get most of the same protections marriage gives you... It's "Separate" yet "equal".
And most of states that fought so hard to deny blacks equal rights are the same ones that are leading the fight against gays. The solid South was solid in its resolve to deny blacks and now to deny gays.
As discrimination against universal marriage will be corrected.

The idea that there is some sort of "universal marriage right" is preposterous. At that stage the entire ideas that formed and bonded marriage is done away with- It just becomes more of "whatever makes you feel good" hedonism.

It is not a question of "universal marriage" is a question of our government offering CIVIL marriage to one group of law-abiding tax-paying consenting adult citizens...and denying CIVIL marriage to another group of law-abiding, tax-paying consenting adult citizens based on..........what exactly?

Your Willful Defiance of your Natural Design and Equipment... The thing that Marriage is Named for. :thup:

You can get Married... You just don't Dictate to Society that your Defiance of your Design is something that Society has to Embrace and give Sanction in Law.


Gays can die for America, but they can't marry the person they love.

Doesn't seem right, does it?

Your point would have some small amount of pull if it wasn't for the Fact that we don't have Draft.

Nor is Service to the Countried to Tied to Marriage. :thup:

Nobody is being Denied Marriage in this Society.


With regards to marriage there is no gender discrimination either- both men and women can marry.

With regards to marriage there is no racial discrimination either-both blacks and whites can marry.

When one chooses to discriminate it is amazing the catchy feel good phrases one can cook up.

? If you are referring to laws that prevented blacks and whites of opposite sex from marrying- that was racial discrimination and it was corrected.

Ok, so you are on board in correcting another discrimination.
Good show!
Completely wrong. Married gays cannot file a married federal income tax return. A gay person cannot collect their spouse's Social Security benefits.

To learn more about just how wrong you are, see the link in my sig.

Married gays get taxed more...Funny I never saw any signs about that at a Teabag rally.

Ending the Gay Health Care Tax

Two straight guys who live together get taxed more too. It's equal rights, ya know.

With regards to marriage there is no gender discrimination either- both men and women can marry.

That "argument" was tried already...and failed. People tried to make that same exact argument when fighting to keep interracial marriage bans in place. You know how that turned out. This will be the same.

I know how that turned out in front of the 9th (liberal) circuit. A bad ruling is not equal to actual logic.

No, I'm referring to when the argument was tried in interracial marriage bans. Lawmakers argued that such bans we're not unconstitutional because the applied equally to men and women.
That "argument" was tried already...and failed. People tried to make that same exact argument when fighting to keep interracial marriage bans in place. You know how that turned out. This will be the same.

I know how that turned out in front of the 9th (liberal) circuit. A bad ruling is not equal to actual logic.

No, I'm referring to when the argument was tried in interracial marriage bans. Lawmakers argued that such bans we're not unconstitutional because the applied equally to men and women.

That was the same nonsense about segregation in transportation and schools, equal services independently.

Did not last, and neither will hetero-only marriage.
I know how that turned out in front of the 9th (liberal) circuit. A bad ruling is not equal to actual logic.

No, I'm referring to when the argument was tried in interracial marriage bans. Lawmakers argued that such bans we're not unconstitutional because the applied equally to men and women.

That was the same nonsense about segregation in transportation and schools, equal services independently.

Did not last, and neither will hetero-only marriage.

Deary Jake. Do you feel especially enlightened today? You're mighty high on that horse. Been watching some Extra on E?

Oh sorry. Sixty five percent according to their survey.

The NAACP does not represent the average black man. They represent the extreme left. That's pretty obvious.

Or they are just out in front on issues.

Frankly, I'm not seeing what is so "extreme" about this position. You have yet to tell me why i should care one way or the other, or why you care one way or the other beyond your religious h omophobia.

"Out in front" - fancy way of saying they are defying the people they allegedly serve.

Or realizing that you need to get the bullshit issues out of the way to tackle the ones that really matter.
No, I'm referring to when the argument was tried in interracial marriage bans. Lawmakers argued that such bans we're not unconstitutional because the applied equally to men and women.

That was the same nonsense about segregation in transportation and schools, equal services independently.

Did not last, and neither will hetero-only marriage.

Deary Jake. Do you feel especially enlightened today? You're mighty high on that horse. Been watching some Extra on E?

I understand this country's future course far better than you, is all.
Or they are just out in front on issues.

Frankly, I'm not seeing what is so "extreme" about this position. You have yet to tell me why i should care one way or the other, or why you care one way or the other beyond your religious h omophobia.

"Out in front" - fancy way of saying they are defying the people they allegedly serve.

Or realizing that you need to get the bullshit issues out of the way to tackle the ones that really matter.

You're a loon. Sixty five percent of blacks consider gay marriage a bs issue. That's the reality. Just cos you put your finger in your ears and yell nuh-uh; that aint changing.
Blacks do consider gay marriage an issue, but they are far more afraid of the far right wing nuts and their agendas.
That was the same nonsense about segregation in transportation and schools, equal services independently.

Did not last, and neither will hetero-only marriage.

Deary Jake. Do you feel especially enlightened today? You're mighty high on that horse. Been watching some Extra on E?

I understand this country's future course far better than you, is all.

No. You don't. But I'm sure you think you do.
"Out in front" - fancy way of saying they are defying the people they allegedly serve.

Or realizing that you need to get the bullshit issues out of the way to tackle the ones that really matter.

You're a loon. Sixty five percent of blacks consider gay marriage a bs issue. That's the reality. Just cos you put your finger in your ears and yell nuh-uh; that aint changing.

Thing is. Not one Black will vote for Romney on the basis of this issue.

Not. One.
I am a pub and mainstream. You are a reactionary and part of a very small weird grouping.

Let's work on the economy, defeat Obama, then we can throw you guys out of party decisions and policy making.

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