NAACP endorses gay marriage

I am a pub and mainstream. You are a reactionary and part of a very small weird grouping.

Let's work on the economy, defeat Obama, then we can throw you guys out of party decisions and policy making.

Exactly who are you trying to throw out? People who want accountability, liberty and thrift? You're pathetic.

Here's the reality. You're a social liberal but you're military hawking can't allow you to leave the Republican Party. So when you see a guy like Romney, you salivate that maybe you can get exactly what you want. But in the meantime you just don't get what's going on in the world.
NAACP siding with the unions over black children....

The New York State Conference of the NAACP has joined the teachers union in a lawsuit to halt the closure of 22 failing New York City schools and to prevent 17 New York City charter schools from opening, moving or expanding. African-American parents of charter school students have responded by rallying against the NAACP’s involvement in the lawsuit. The parents are highly upset at the NAACP’s actions while the NAACP’s justification is that the charter schools are re-establishing the doctrine of separate but equal that was banned in the 1954 supreme court ruling, Brown vs. The Board of Education and that charter schools, because they use public dollars, represent an attempt to re-create separate but unequal education. They assert this even as African-American parents of charter school students are protesting against the NAACP.

Black Parents protest NAACP lawsuit against New York City Charter Schools | The African American Clarion Call
I am a pub and mainstream. You are a reactionary and part of a very small weird grouping.

Let's work on the economy, defeat Obama, then we can throw you guys out of party decisions and policy making.

Exactly who are you trying to throw out? People who want accountability, liberty and thrift? You're pathetic.

Here's the reality. You're a social liberal but you're military hawking can't allow you to leave the Republican Party. So when you see a guy like Romney, you salivate that maybe you can get exactly what you want. But in the meantime you just don't get what's going on in the world.

People who want to go backwards, like you, need to be powerless in party decisions. You have no idea how the world works.
I am a pub and mainstream. You are a reactionary and part of a very small weird grouping.

Let's work on the economy, defeat Obama, then we can throw you guys out of party decisions and policy making.

Exactly who are you trying to throw out? People who want accountability, liberty and thrift? You're pathetic.

Here's the reality. You're a social liberal but you're military hawking can't allow you to leave the Republican Party. So when you see a guy like Romney, you salivate that maybe you can get exactly what you want. But in the meantime you just don't get what's going on in the world.

People who want to go backwards, like you, need to be powerless in party decisions. You have no idea how the world works.

Patented Jaketardedness. I ask you about specifics and you assault me with meaningless platitudes.
You are looking in the mirror.

MR is not going to project hard power overseas as you neo-cons hope: not going to happen.
Blacks do consider gay marriage an issue, but they are far more afraid of the far right wing nuts and their agendas.


Religious black American's, like their religious white counterparts, consider homosexual marriage an issue because it attacks the religious foundations of traditional marriage.

What are "far right wing nut agendas"?
Or realizing that you need to get the bullshit issues out of the way to tackle the ones that really matter.

You're a loon. Sixty five percent of blacks consider gay marriage a bs issue. That's the reality. Just cos you put your finger in your ears and yell nuh-uh; that aint changing.

Thing is. Not one Black will vote for Romney on the basis of this issue.

Not. One.

You are probably close to accurate- but a number of them won't vote for Obama either- they will just sit home as they have in years past. In essence that is a vote for Romney.
That "argument" was tried already...and failed. People tried to make that same exact argument when fighting to keep interracial marriage bans in place. You know how that turned out. This will be the same.

I know how that turned out in front of the 9th (liberal) circuit. A bad ruling is not equal to actual logic.

No, I'm referring to when the argument was tried in interracial marriage bans. Lawmakers argued that such bans we're not unconstitutional because the applied equally to men and women.

It is not the same thing. That was comparing apples to apples. Homosexual marriage compares apples to bananas.
With regards to marriage there is no racial discrimination either-both blacks and whites can marry.

When one chooses to discriminate it is amazing the catchy feel good phrases one can cook up.

? If you are referring to laws that prevented blacks and whites of opposite sex from marrying- that was racial discrimination and it was corrected.

Ok, so you are on board in correcting another discrimination.
Good show!

Being against homosexual marriage is not discrimination- They already have the exact same rights that I do.
You're a loon. Sixty five percent of blacks consider gay marriage a bs issue. That's the reality. Just cos you put your finger in your ears and yell nuh-uh; that aint changing.

Thing is. Not one Black will vote for Romney on the basis of this issue.

Not. One.

You are probably close to accurate- but a number of them won't vote for Obama either- they will just sit home as they have in years past. In essence that is a vote for Romney.

No, they won't. They will vote, not for Romney.
As discrimination against universal marriage will be corrected.

The idea that there is some sort of "universal marriage right" is preposterous. At that stage the entire ideas that formed and bonded marriage is done away with- It just becomes more of "whatever makes you feel good" hedonism.

It is not a question of "universal marriage" is a question of our government offering CIVIL marriage to one group of law-abiding tax-paying consenting adult citizens...and denying CIVIL marriage to another group of law-abiding, tax-paying consenting adult citizens based on..........what exactly?

All law abiding tax paying consenting adult citizens do have a right to CIVIL marriage.
Thing is. Not one Black will vote for Romney on the basis of this issue.

Not. One.

You are probably close to accurate- but a number of them won't vote for Obama either- they will just sit home as they have in years past. In essence that is a vote for Romney.

No, they won't. They will vote, not for Romney.

Based on chatter I think you are wrong.

"Fast forward four years: While polls suggest America on the whole is moving toward support of same-sex marriage, ABC/Washington Post polling shows 55% of black voters are still against it. That compares to 43% of whites.

And this opposition from blacks could hurt the president - particularly in the South.

Just this week in North Carolina, blacks voted two-to-one in favor of the constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

North Carolina is a swing state where near-unanimous black support for Mr. Obama secured his 2008 victory.

So what if even some black voters in a state like North Carolina choose to sit this election out due to the president's support of same-sex marriage?

Groups on both sides of the issue like to compare gay marriage rights to the struggle for civil rights; but many blacks don't like that comparison. And black churches tend to see the issue in religious terms, with ministers playing a big role in the opposition to gay marriage."

read more
Why would anyone with a brain care if gay folk get married?
Something about believing gay folk are LESS THAN HUMAN.
Amazing. The new ******* are gay folk.
Gay marriage: WHO GIVES A SHIT?
Gay marriage is the issue of the dumb masses every election cycle.
Aftet this election we do not hear about it for the next 3 years.
Other than religous beliefs, why would any sane American give a shit if gays got married?
Seriously, why would any sane American give a shit about gay marriage?
If there ever was a NON ISSUE, it would be queer folk getting married.
Hilarious and so childish any mature adult would oppose such a NON ISSUE.
Grow up Americans. Folk are getting shot in wars over seas and your dumb asses are worried about queer folks getting married.
We have become a nation of VILLAGE IDIOTS.
[ame=]Chris Rock on Obama's support for gay marriage - YouTube[/ame]
Ok, so you are on board in correcting another discrimination.
Good show!

Being against homosexual marriage is not discrimination- They already have the exact same rights that I do.

If they have the same rights why do you oppose it?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

The same rights mean any man and women can marry. I can't marry a man in most states, I can't have more than one wife, I can't marry my sister(if I had one) ect..
Staying on NAACP stupidity..

NAACP Says “Low Pants Bill” Is Discriminatory

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) _ The Florida branch of the NAACP says a bill that would ban students from wearing their pants too low could lead to more legal trouble for black males.

Orlando Senator Gary Siplin’s bill was approved 28-11 last week by the Florida Senate.

The bill calls for no criminal sanctions, but it would prohibit students from wearing pants low so that they expose undergarments.

Violators would receive a warning for a first offense, and suspensions from school would be issued for each subsequent infraction.

NAACP President Adora Obi Nweze called it a “clearly discriminatory bill.’’

Other groups such as the Advancement Project, a Washington social advocacy organization, say the proposal is directed primarily at black males and could lead to arrests
Being against homosexual marriage is not discrimination- They already have the exact same rights that I do.

If they have the same rights why do you oppose it?:cuckoo::cuckoo:

The same rights mean any man and women can marry. I can't marry a man in most states, I can't have more than one wife, I can't marry my sister(if I had one) ect..

You can legally marry a mass murderer child molestor legally and gays that are good citizens are banned.
Please name a law that is more absurd than that.
Gay marriage: NON ISSUE.
Amazing that dumb ass Americans allow mass murderers to marry but ban law abiding gay folk.
Americans are DUMB ASSES.

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