NAACP racists run into people who aren't afraid of them!

If the school plays "Dixie" it probably mostly white. When whites have 10 (or more) to 1 odds they get brave.

and blacks are brave alone? lmfao. Blacks are only brave in a thug gang skippy.

But its not black people coming here taking bravery shit, its you mindless dip shits with all the talk, pal....and just for the record, its not us crossing the streets when we see ONE of cowards walking toward us, its you fucked hero's

Wonder why?

Youre a big soft hairy pussy....thats why.

and you're a fool
White people saved us? :laugh:

Caucasoids would still be scratching their asses at the entrance to their caves and eating each other in blood filled orgies in europe if we had not educated you.....twice. You were so uncivilized your civilization collapsed and you had to be retaught to not be afraid of water and to take bathes.
white people do not fear the bath,
White people just dont like getting wet and smelling like a wet dog.
please get the basis for your insults correct prior to exposing your ignorance for another race and or culture.

Not all whites fear bathing now but they absolutely did prior to African civilizations reeducating them. Thats why it cracks me up when white boys say they saved us. Its like someone starting a forest fire and then calling the fire department and later taking credit for the fire being put out.
what I find funny is that, first, there is no proof of what you say, however lets pretend for a moment its true.
If the whites learned to bath from the blacks, the only reason was because the whites feared smelling like the blacks, but lets again assume that the blacks educated to poor ignorant whites. What the Fuck happened? why did the blacks stay in their tribes sticking bones in their noses while the whites went off to create impressive lasting civilizations filled with modern wonders.
and, yet the blacks in Africa still are patting each other on the back for figuring out if the played with a monkeys genitals, they could make their own salad dressings.

Actually there is plenty of proof. Recon even put it in his post. We dont have to pretend because its documented fact. We dont have to assume because thats also documented fact. What do you mean what the fuck happened? Education has nothing to do with lying and violence. Why do white boys always think because you have a gun that makes you intelligent?
If the school plays "Dixie" it probably mostly white. When whites have 10 (or more) to 1 odds they get brave.

and blacks are brave alone? lmfao. Blacks are only brave in a thug gang skippy.

But its not black people coming here taking bravery shit, its you mindless dip shits with all the talk, pal....and just for the record, its not us crossing the streets when we see ONE of cowards walking toward us, its you fucked hero's

Wonder why?

Youre a big soft hairy pussy....thats why.

and you're a fool
Youre still a scary little pussy.
and blacks are brave alone? lmfao. Blacks are only brave in a thug gang skippy.

But its not black people coming here taking bravery shit, its you mindless dip shits with all the talk, pal....and just for the record, its not us crossing the streets when we see ONE of cowards walking toward us, its you fucked hero's

Wonder why?

Youre a big soft hairy pussy....thats why.

and you're a fool
Youre still a scary little pussy.


But I dont' go out of my way to get blindsided by punks.

Had enough of that working Corrections.
But its not black people coming here taking bravery shit, its you mindless dip shits with all the talk, pal....and just for the record, its not us crossing the streets when we see ONE of cowards walking toward us, its you fucked hero's

Wonder why?

Youre a big soft hairy pussy....thats why.

and you're a fool
Youre still a scary little pussy.


But I dont' go out of my way to get blindsided by punks.

Had enough of that working Corrections.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.
Wonder why?

Youre a big soft hairy pussy....thats why.

and you're a fool
Youre still a scary little pussy.


But I dont' go out of my way to get blindsided by punks.

Had enough of that working Corrections.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

QUOTE="Thanks for admitting you are afraid.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
Youre a big soft hairy pussy....thats why.

and you're a fool
Youre still a scary little pussy.


But I dont' go out of my way to get blindsided by punks.

Had enough of that working Corrections.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
My neighbor was a CO. He told me all about your type so stop trying to convince me. You are the classic white boy that starts shit but the first one screaming for help when you get your ass kicked by someone wearing cuffs. Sounds like you were level 1 or 2 tough guy. :laugh:
Youre a big soft hairy pussy....thats why.

and you're a fool
Youre still a scary little pussy.


But I dont' go out of my way to get blindsided by punks.

Had enough of that working Corrections.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

QUOTE="Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.[/QUOTE]
if there were 100 negros and 1 white, the odds are in the whites favor.
If nothing else he could still out think them. Lets say you had 100 angry negros looking at you and you just simply rolled a water melon down to them. By the time they got done fighting there would only be 4 or five standing, now throw a KFC chicken wing, the one left after that fight is going to be choking on a wing bone.
You have beaten 100 angry negros without having to take out your gun or break a sweat.
so, hes right, the odds were in your favor coward.
and you're a fool
Youre still a scary little pussy.


But I dont' go out of my way to get blindsided by punks.

Had enough of that working Corrections.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
if there were 100 negros and 1 white, the odds are in the whites favor.
If nothing else he could still out think them. Lets say you had 100 angry negros looking at you and you just simply rolled a water melon down to them. By the time they got done fighting there would only be 4 or five standing, now throw a KFC chicken wing, the one left after that fight is going to be choking on a wing bone.
You have beaten 100 angry negros without having to take out your gun or break a sweat.
so, hes right, the odds were in your favor coward.
Youre still trying to convince me. The fact you had to get a job lording over Black people in prison lets me know you lack any semblance of intellect. Stop trying to convince me. Youre making my stomach hurt from laughing. :laugh:
Youre still a scary little pussy.


But I dont' go out of my way to get blindsided by punks.

Had enough of that working Corrections.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
if there were 100 negros and 1 white, the odds are in the whites favor.
If nothing else he could still out think them. Lets say you had 100 angry negros looking at you and you just simply rolled a water melon down to them. By the time they got done fighting there would only be 4 or five standing, now throw a KFC chicken wing, the one left after that fight is going to be choking on a wing bone.
You have beaten 100 angry negros without having to take out your gun or break a sweat.
so, hes right, the odds were in your favor coward.
Youre still trying to convince me. The fact you had to get a job lording over Black people in prison lets me know you lack any semblance of intellect. Stop trying to convince me. Youre making my stomach hurt from laughing. :laugh:
The fact that you think I stated that I ever worked in a prison shows me you lack any semblance of intellect.
Stop trying to convince people that you have a brain.
and you're a fool
Youre still a scary little pussy.


But I dont' go out of my way to get blindsided by punks.

Had enough of that working Corrections.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

QUOTE="Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
My neighbor was a CO. He told me all about your type so stop trying to convince me. You are the classic white boy that starts shit but the first one screaming for help when you get your ass kicked by someone wearing cuffs.[/QUOTE]

He knows all about 'my type'?

YOU dont' even know about 'my type'.

You make up stories in your head to make you feel superior.

(Seems to be the only way you CAN feel superior)

and if your neighbor was a CO, ( a real one, not an imaginary one), he'd know to keep a cuffed inmate moving, partially to keep his balance, and partially to keep him from turning on you.

A trick any REAL CO would know.

Keep making up your stories, ass.

Kinda remind me of Jerry Clower.

But I dont' go out of my way to get blindsided by punks.

Had enough of that working Corrections.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
if there were 100 negros and 1 white, the odds are in the whites favor.
If nothing else he could still out think them. Lets say you had 100 angry negros looking at you and you just simply rolled a water melon down to them. By the time they got done fighting there would only be 4 or five standing, now throw a KFC chicken wing, the one left after that fight is going to be choking on a wing bone.
You have beaten 100 angry negros without having to take out your gun or break a sweat.
so, hes right, the odds were in your favor coward.
Youre still trying to convince me. The fact you had to get a job lording over Black people in prison lets me know you lack any semblance of intellect. Stop trying to convince me. Youre making my stomach hurt from laughing. :laugh:
The fact that you think I stated that I ever worked in a prison shows me you lack any semblance of intellect.
Stop trying to convince people that you have a brain.
My bad. I got you mixed up with the other supposed tough guy. I forgot you monkeys are social creatures that roam in packs.

But I dont' go out of my way to get blindsided by punks.

Had enough of that working Corrections.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
if there were 100 negros and 1 white, the odds are in the whites favor.
If nothing else he could still out think them. Lets say you had 100 angry negros looking at you and you just simply rolled a water melon down to them. By the time they got done fighting there would only be 4 or five standing, now throw a KFC chicken wing, the one left after that fight is going to be choking on a wing bone.
You have beaten 100 angry negros without having to take out your gun or break a sweat.
so, hes right, the odds were in your favor coward.
Youre still trying to convince me. The fact you had to get a job lording over Black people in prison lets me know you lack any semblance of intellect. Stop trying to convince me. Youre making my stomach hurt from laughing. :laugh:
The fact that you think I stated that I ever worked in a prison shows me you lack any semblance of intellect.
Stop trying to convince people that you have a brain.

He's got us confused.

His natural state, as far as that goes
Youre still a scary little pussy.


But I dont' go out of my way to get blindsided by punks.

Had enough of that working Corrections.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

QUOTE="Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
My neighbor was a CO. He told me all about your type so stop trying to convince me. You are the classic white boy that starts shit but the first one screaming for help when you get your ass kicked by someone wearing cuffs.

He knows all about 'my type'?

YOU dont' even know about 'my type'.

You make up stories in your head to make you feel superior.

(Seems to be the only way you CAN feel superior)

and if your neighbor was a CO, ( a real one, not an imaginary one), he'd know to keep a cuffed inmate moving, partially to keep his balance, and partially to keep him from turning on you.

A trick any REAL CO would know.

Keep making up your stories, ass.

Kinda remind me of Jerry Clower.[/QUOTE]
Give it a rest. I dont believe you.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
if there were 100 negros and 1 white, the odds are in the whites favor.
If nothing else he could still out think them. Lets say you had 100 angry negros looking at you and you just simply rolled a water melon down to them. By the time they got done fighting there would only be 4 or five standing, now throw a KFC chicken wing, the one left after that fight is going to be choking on a wing bone.
You have beaten 100 angry negros without having to take out your gun or break a sweat.
so, hes right, the odds were in your favor coward.
Youre still trying to convince me. The fact you had to get a job lording over Black people in prison lets me know you lack any semblance of intellect. Stop trying to convince me. Youre making my stomach hurt from laughing. :laugh:
The fact that you think I stated that I ever worked in a prison shows me you lack any semblance of intellect.
Stop trying to convince people that you have a brain.

He's got us confused.

His natural state, as far as that goes
Hard to tell monkeys apart unless you study them for years.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
if there were 100 negros and 1 white, the odds are in the whites favor.
If nothing else he could still out think them. Lets say you had 100 angry negros looking at you and you just simply rolled a water melon down to them. By the time they got done fighting there would only be 4 or five standing, now throw a KFC chicken wing, the one left after that fight is going to be choking on a wing bone.
You have beaten 100 angry negros without having to take out your gun or break a sweat.
so, hes right, the odds were in your favor coward.
Youre still trying to convince me. The fact you had to get a job lording over Black people in prison lets me know you lack any semblance of intellect. Stop trying to convince me. Youre making my stomach hurt from laughing. :laugh:
The fact that you think I stated that I ever worked in a prison shows me you lack any semblance of intellect.
Stop trying to convince people that you have a brain.
My bad. I got you mixed up with the other supposed tough guy. I forgot you monkeys are social creatures that roam in packs.

Never much for running in packs.

You've got me confused with your type and your knock out games

But I dont' go out of my way to get blindsided by punks.

Had enough of that working Corrections.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

QUOTE="Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
My neighbor was a CO. He told me all about your type so stop trying to convince me. You are the classic white boy that starts shit but the first one screaming for help when you get your ass kicked by someone wearing cuffs.

He knows all about 'my type'?

YOU dont' even know about 'my type'.

You make up stories in your head to make you feel superior.

(Seems to be the only way you CAN feel superior)

and if your neighbor was a CO, ( a real one, not an imaginary one), he'd know to keep a cuffed inmate moving, partially to keep his balance, and partially to keep him from turning on you.

A trick any REAL CO would know.

Keep making up your stories, ass.

Kinda remind me of Jerry Clower.
Give it a rest. I dont believe you.

and you have a problem with the truth as well....
tsk tsk
The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
if there were 100 negros and 1 white, the odds are in the whites favor.
If nothing else he could still out think them. Lets say you had 100 angry negros looking at you and you just simply rolled a water melon down to them. By the time they got done fighting there would only be 4 or five standing, now throw a KFC chicken wing, the one left after that fight is going to be choking on a wing bone.
You have beaten 100 angry negros without having to take out your gun or break a sweat.
so, hes right, the odds were in your favor coward.
Youre still trying to convince me. The fact you had to get a job lording over Black people in prison lets me know you lack any semblance of intellect. Stop trying to convince me. Youre making my stomach hurt from laughing. :laugh:
The fact that you think I stated that I ever worked in a prison shows me you lack any semblance of intellect.
Stop trying to convince people that you have a brain.
My bad. I got you mixed up with the other supposed tough guy. I forgot you monkeys are social creatures that roam in packs.

Never much for running in packs.

You've got me confused with your type and your knock out games
You supposedly were a CO. Of course you run in packs to prevent getting your ass kicked. Youre starting to bore me with the same repetitive pleas designed to convince me you are brave. I simply dont believe you.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

QUOTE="Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
My neighbor was a CO. He told me all about your type so stop trying to convince me. You are the classic white boy that starts shit but the first one screaming for help when you get your ass kicked by someone wearing cuffs.

He knows all about 'my type'?

YOU dont' even know about 'my type'.

You make up stories in your head to make you feel superior.

(Seems to be the only way you CAN feel superior)

and if your neighbor was a CO, ( a real one, not an imaginary one), he'd know to keep a cuffed inmate moving, partially to keep his balance, and partially to keep him from turning on you.

A trick any REAL CO would know.

Keep making up your stories, ass.

Kinda remind me of Jerry Clower.
Give it a rest. I dont believe you.

and you have a problem with the truth as well....
tsk tsk[/QUOTE]
I have a problem with your version of the truth when I know otherwise. Sorry but I'm still not convinced.
See? You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help. Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

You sought out a job where the odds were in your favor that you could attack Black people over and over again until you finally won without having help.

The odds were in my favor?

One CO in a open bay dorm overseeing 100-150 inmates and the odds were in my favor?

If the dorm had over 200 inmates, 2 COs were assigned.

Great odds there.

The kind you seem to like, (if you're one of the 200)

Thanks for admitting you are afraid.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
if there were 100 negros and 1 white, the odds are in the whites favor.
If nothing else he could still out think them. Lets say you had 100 angry negros looking at you and you just simply rolled a water melon down to them. By the time they got done fighting there would only be 4 or five standing, now throw a KFC chicken wing, the one left after that fight is going to be choking on a wing bone.
You have beaten 100 angry negros without having to take out your gun or break a sweat.
so, hes right, the odds were in your favor coward.
Youre still trying to convince me. The fact you had to get a job lording over Black people in prison lets me know you lack any semblance of intellect. Stop trying to convince me. Youre making my stomach hurt from laughing. :laugh:
The fact that you think I stated that I ever worked in a prison shows me you lack any semblance of intellect.
Stop trying to convince people that you have a brain.
My bad. I got you mixed up with the other supposed tough guy. I forgot you monkeys are social creatures that roam in packs.
I think you have your races mixed up.

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