Nader Calls Out Obama: Debate Warren on TPP

You don't know what he did or did not read. And that too, you haven't a clue
No member of congress had been allowed access to the TPP at the time Hatch endorsed it. That is one of the most dangerous aspects of the so-called trade deal.
"We only know about the TPP's threats thanks to leaks – the public is not allowed to see the draft TPP text. Even members of Congress, after being denied the text for years, are now only provided limited access. Meanwhile, more than 500 official corporate 'trade advisors' have special access. The TPP has been under negotiation for six years, and the Obama administration wants to sign the deal this year. Opposition to the TPP is growing at home and in many of the other countries involved."
Trans-Pacific Partnership

And yet another unsupported blog you are just taking at face value. You seriously just don't have a clue.
And yet another unsupported blog you are just taking at face value. You seriously just don't have a clue
Whatever, Troll:
"The TPP Investment Chapter, published today, is dated 20 January 2015. The document is classified and supposed to be kept secret for four years after the entry into force of the TPP agreement or, if no agreement is reached, for four years from the close of the negotiations.

"Julian Assange, WikiLeaks editor said: 'The TPP has developed in secret an unaccountable supranational court for multinationals to sue states. This system is a challenge to parliamentary and judicial sovereignty. Similar tribunals have already been shown to chill the adoption of sane environmental protection, public health and public transport policies.'"

WikiLeaks - Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement TPP - Investment Chapter
And yet another unsupported blog you are just taking at face value. You seriously just don't have a clue
Whatever, Troll:
"The TPP Investment Chapter, published today, is dated 20 January 2015. The document is classified and supposed to be kept secret for four years after the entry into force of the TPP agreement or, if no agreement is reached, for four years from the close of the negotiations.

"Julian Assange, WikiLeaks editor said: 'The TPP has developed in secret an unaccountable supranational court for multinationals to sue states. This system is a challenge to parliamentary and judicial sovereignty. Similar tribunals have already been shown to chill the adoption of sane environmental protection, public health and public transport policies.'"

WikiLeaks - Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement TPP - Investment Chapter

Uh huh. Let me know when you have anything substantial.

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