Nader Calls Out Obama: Debate Warren on TPP

I don't like these trade treaties because We( The US) always get the shaft....
Having said that, why on earth should Obama debate Warren?.....He is not running for POTUS..
Al Gore debated the merits of NAFTA with Ross Perot seven years before he ran against Bush. As Nader pointed out in his letter, Obama threatened he would "push back" against those spreading "misinformation", and he specifically mentioned Senator Warren as one prominent critic of TPP. If he's serious about "pushing back" what better method than debate?
The POTUS has no reason to "debate" anyone. That would be a breech of protocol and ultimately a sign of weakness and a lack of leadership.
POTUS can simply make a speech or call a news conference.
Millions? Look, Nader has not been relevant since the 80's....He's an old dude...He should enjoy retirement.
"Nader appeared on the ballot in 43 states and DC, up from 22 in 1996. He won 2,882,995 votes, or 2.74 percent of the popular vote. His campaign did not attain the 5 percent required to qualify the Green Party for federally distributed public funding in the next election. The percentage did, however, enable the Green Party to achieve ballot status in many new states, such as Delaware and Maryland."
Ralph Nader presidential campaign 2000 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ralph's been changing minds since the 60s, and he's not through yet.
Like I said. Nader hasn't been relevant since the 80's.....That run in 96 was a joke.
The POTUS has no reason to "debate" anyone. That would be a breech of protocol and ultimately a sign of weakness and a lack of leadership.
Bull shit.
If POTUS wants to display leadership, for once, he can debate the TPP with Warren BEFORE the other corporate tools vote on fast track.

"here are many reasons for you to use this format to engage the American people. They will be the ones paying the price in many dire ways if the mega-corporate promoters of TPP turn out to be as wrong as they have been with prior trade deals, most recently the Korean Trade Agreement (2012) which you espoused and which has worsened the trade deficit with South Korea and caused job loss in the United States...."

"You believe Elizabeth Warren is wrong on the facts relating to the 'Investor-State Dispute Settlement' provision of the TPP, which allows foreign companies to challenge our health, safety and other regulations, not in our courts but before an international panel of arbitrators. A perfect point/counterpoint for a debate process, no?"

Obama Debate Senator Warren on Global Economic Pact The Nader Page
oh gawd, Ralph Nader. Is he still ALIVE? And now he's kissing up to the fake Indian, Lizzy Hiawatha Warren

Like she's someone we all need to bow to now.

You see you are the very typical of the left/liberal/progressive commie.

I put down, a washed up Nadar and your alls new princess you now worship, a stinking politician named, lizzy Warren.... and you all go out and attack your fellow countrymen and women.
Perhaps because it is not a "desperate" issue.
  1. feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
    'a desperate sadness enveloped Ruth'
    synonyms: despairing, hopeless; More

    • (of an act or attempt) tried in despair or when everything else has failed; having little hope of success.
      'drugs used in a desperate attempt to save his life'
      synonyms: last-ditch, last-gasp, eleventh-hour, do-or-die, final; More
      (of a situation) extremely bad, serious, or dangerous.
    • 'there is a desperate shortage of teachers'
      synonyms: grave, serious, critical, acute, risky, precarious; "
The TPP would expand NAFTA, adding to massive US trade deficits, job loss, downward pressure on US wages, unprecedented levels of economic inequality, new floods of agricultural imports, and special new protections for firms that offshore US jobs. All of which qualify as "extremely bad, serious, or dangerous" situations.

Trans-Pacific Partnership

And you believe this because Nader says it is true?
I put down, a washed up Nadar and your alls new princess you now worship, a stinking politician named, lizzy Warren.... and you all go out and attack your fellow countrymen and women.
If your kind ever responds to a thread's content instead of making idiotic and racist ad hominem attacks on those who express the content, I'll be happy to respond in kind.

This thread is about the TPP and the effects it will have on our fellow countrymen and women.
Do you know/care how many chapters the TPP contains?
Do you know/care how many chapters deal with traditional trade issues?
Does it bother you that the TPP has been negotiated in secret?
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And you believe this because Nader says it is true?
Yes. I believe Ralph has less incentive to lie and is less likely to be mistaken than someone like Orrin Hatch.
"In a recent op-ed published in the Salt Lake City (Utah) Tribune, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) calls for approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and for 'breaking down trade barriers.'”
Orrin Hatch Pushes for Passage of Trans-Pacific Partnership

I would take Hatch over Nader any day. Nader is desperately (see your definition) attempting to regain relevancy he lost decades ago. We currently live in an international society, whether we accept it or not. That means partnerships, treaties, agreements, etc. So far all you have done is make unsupported claims about what TPP is going to do without presenting a single fact to back it up. So pick one thing you think will be bad and support it.
I would take Hatch over Nader any day. Nader is desperately (see your definition) attempting to regain relevancy he lost decades ago. We currently live in an international society, whether we accept it or not. That means partnerships, treaties, agreements, etc. So far all you have done is make unsupported claims about what TPP is going to do without presenting a single fact to back it up. So pick one thing you think will be bad and support it.
Pick one thing?
Ralph believes it's a mistake to publicly support a treaty you haven't even read, yet in his (12/2013) op-ed, Hatch does exactly that.

"First, it is curious that Senator Hatch would be pushing for ratification of a multi-national treaty that he has never read. Perhaps the senator is adopting Representative Nancy Pelosi’s “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it” protocol.

"The fact is, no one in Congress has seen a single sentence of the agreement."
Do you see a problem in supporting treaties you haven't been allowed to read first?
Orrin Hatch Pushes for Passage of Trans-Pacific Partnership
I would take Hatch over Nader any day. Nader is desperately (see your definition) attempting to regain relevancy he lost decades ago. We currently live in an international society, whether we accept it or not. That means partnerships, treaties, agreements, etc. So far all you have done is make unsupported claims about what TPP is going to do without presenting a single fact to back it up. So pick one thing you think will be bad and support it.
Pick one thing?
Ralph believes it's a mistake to publicly support a treaty you haven't even read, yet in his (12/2013) op-ed, Hatch does exactly that.

"First, it is curious that Senator Hatch would be pushing for ratification of a multi-national treaty that he has never read. Perhaps the senator is adopting Representative Nancy Pelosi’s “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what’s in it” protocol.

"The fact is, no one in Congress has seen a single sentence of the agreement."
Do you see a problem in supporting treaties you haven't been allowed to read first?
Orrin Hatch Pushes for Passage of Trans-Pacific Partnership

I asked you to name one thing and support it. You - not Nader or Hatch. You clearly have a strong opinion so I am assuming you did more than just believe what Nader told you to believe. So I will await your fact filled response.
How many books have you had published since 1965?

Total of four, thank you.

One that would be considered for "general" readers.

Three that were written for a narrow technical field. Instructional but not "text books". One still used as the standard reference for the particular discipline.

I am not permitted to promote them here. But, then, they weren't written in hope of profit.

Please do not confuse me with another person with a very similar name who was more populist.
I asked you to name one thing and support it. You - not Nader or Hatch. You clearly have a strong opinion so I am assuming you did more than just believe what Nader told you to believe. So I will await your fact filled response
I don't support treaties I haven't read.
Why do you and Orrin?

So you really have not the faintest idea what you are talking about.
No. Are you unclear about why a treaty should be read BEFORE a decision to oppose it is made? I am not the one who called this a "desperate" situation.
When a US Senator advocates on behalf of a treaty he hasn't read, that qualifies as a "desperate" situation.

You don't know what he did or did not read. And that too, you haven't a clue. What we have established is that you haven't read it and you're the one who is making all of the claims. Just another sheep bleeting back what he was told.
You don't know what he did or did not read. And that too, you haven't a clue
No member of congress had been allowed access to the TPP at the time Hatch endorsed it. That is one of the most dangerous aspects of the so-called trade deal.
"We only know about the TPP's threats thanks to leaks – the public is not allowed to see the draft TPP text. Even members of Congress, after being denied the text for years, are now only provided limited access. Meanwhile, more than 500 official corporate 'trade advisors' have special access. The TPP has been under negotiation for six years, and the Obama administration wants to sign the deal this year. Opposition to the TPP is growing at home and in many of the other countries involved."
Trans-Pacific Partnership

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