Nadler Has Health Scare - Apears to Faint

Well Nadler hasn't exactly made himself look like a genius with his hearings and investigations. In fact he looks pretty much like a dumb fuck.

He truly likes beating a dead horse.
He should resign. We don't need the drama of someone literally dying in office. He has made himself a millionaire on the backs of the taxpayer, so I have zero sympathy for him.

It's time for Fat Jerry Nadler to go.

Besides that, he is short like a hobbit and smells.
Disgusting. The ridiculous idiot had a severe medical issue, possibly a stroke, and his fellow idiot "Big Bird" and some other moron thinks forcing him to drink water will cure him. Then someone says, "Give him space" as the creepy assistants surround him to prevent video coverage of his Crooked Hillary type of collapse.

Fat "Code Blue" Jerry needs to call it a day and move to Miami.

tRump had a stroke on live TV, does that disqualify him?

Why are you lying?

Ik not lying, there's video of several.

His pants are hiked up so far his belt is under his arm pits...

The bigger 'kids' in Congress must have given him a permanent 'Supr Wedgie'...

Either that or the truth has finally been revealed....Nadler is a 'mutant': half human, half kangaroo...

...and he looked like he's carrying around a little joey in his pouch...



is the pic as fake as the Pelosi tape ?

sure it is.

speaking of wedgies -


now thats a f'n wedgie ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Actually, it looks more like he's been wearing his wife's underwear. Looks like he has a thong for underwear.

Hey...............remember when there was that pic showing Michelle's dress bunched around her crotch and many conservatives were pointing to it as "proof" that Michelle was actually a tranny? Well, this pic makes it look like Trump enjoys wearing women's underwear beneath his trousers.
Disgusting. The ridiculous idiot had a severe medical issue, possibly a stroke, and his fellow idiot "Big Bird" and some other moron thinks forcing him to drink water will cure him. Then someone says, "Give him space" as the creepy assistants surround him to prevent video coverage of his Crooked Hillary type of collapse.

Fat "Code Blue" Jerry needs to call it a day and move to Miami.

tRump had a stroke on live TV, does that disqualify him?

Why are you lying?

Ik not lying, there's video of several.

Why do you keep this up? I looked all over for the evidence on the internet. Here is GOOGLE link using the search words, President Trump had a stroke

It produced ZERO stories about it. Snopes states NO, Politifact does NOT claim he had a stroke, neither does VOX who talked about his latest Physical examination results.

Excerpt from VOX:

"The long-simmering questions about Trump’s mental health
As for Trump’s mental health, he got a perfect 30/30 score on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment last year. The Montreal assessment is a standard test of cognitive fitness and should rule out obvious neurological impairment. "

You have yet to back up your claim...….,


Calling you a liar, again.
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Breaking News: Liberal / Snowflake Liars LIE!

Go figure...

And after 3 years, 4 investigations, etc... They have proven providing evidence to back anything up is not something they are very good at...

Stroke? The MSM seems to have collective amnesia about the current democrat front runner candidate's two brain embolisms.
Jerry Nadler appears to faint at event - CNNPolitics

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, a high-profile Democrat in the chamber, appears to have fainted during a news conference in New York on Friday.
Nadler aide Daniel Schwartz told CNN that the congressman "is OK" and that he "seems to have been dehydrated and it was very warm in the room. He is now responsive and receiving a check-up."


I wonder if Nadler is the victim of a poisoning, ala Putin style in which Putin poisons political rivals?

Yes....Putin is protecting Trump.


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