Nadler will grill AG Barr again today

Sounds like Nadler got T-boned in a car accident this morning. He's okay. The hearing should start about 11am Today (Tues).
It's surprising that Nadler will fit in a car.
Barr knows that Nadler is a clown.
Barr knows that Nadler is laying traps for him and trying to get to Trump, but Barr will play him like a fiddle.

Nadler has the only car with stretch marks.
The fat slob is doing nothing but attacking Barr with nothing to back up his lies.

Are you watching the zoo flick..............................LOLOL
If you don't watch, you don't learn first hand. If you learn first hand, you either never learn or you have to trust what someone else shows you later.
O Wise One...............Thought of that before I saw the
Remember the Dem standard of merely inquiring about Muellers dismissal during the investigation?
Well according to them, they are obstructing the investigation of themselves and their party's abuses of power.
I'm sure Barr will chew that fat fuck up and spit him all over the floor.

What an imbecile that Nadass is.

Nadler is one of the brightest lights in the Democrat Caucus nowadays. Compared to Shifty Schiff, he's practically Einstein.
Nadler is an ugly corrupt lying asshole... other words he's the best the Democrats have to offer.
Nadler is acting like a mojo junkie in need of a fix when he's not talking.
I stand corrected. The Deutch douche just topped those two idiots.

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