Nadler will grill AG Barr again today

ABC News " Democrats hope to grill him over a long list of controversies and his repeated interventions in matters of interest to President Donald Trump."
"Democratic committee sources told ABC News the members plan to highlight how they believe Barr's actions have benefitted Trump and his reelection campaign over the national interest "

Jerry Nadler wants to stick his finger in the fan again to see if it still hurts.
Numpty Nadler is accusing Mr. Barr of politicized the DOJ.
Barr is actually trying to do the exact opposite and depoliticize the DOJ.
The Dems/Press are on a mission to discredit Barr before his indictments come down.
Barr is on a mission for JUSTICE.
The Coupsters have to be held responsible for their crimes in the 2016 election and for undermining our democracy*.
If they can get away with this our country's is future is in doubt.

Democrats to grill AG Barr over interventions in matters of interest to Trump
AG Bill Barr condemns 'violent rioters' and 'bogus Russiagate scandal'
Nadler would like to grill Barr...then eat him the fat fuck.

Barr has this under control
National Guard Officer Says Police Used ‘Excessive’ Force at White House Clash
WASHINGTON — An Army National Guard officer who was called in to enforce the crackdown on protests in Lafayette Square last month will tell lawmakers that the demonstrators were peaceful and “subjected to an unprovoked escalation and excessive use of force,” according to written testimony made public on Monday.

Maj. Adam DeMarco, an Iraq war veteran who currently serves in the D.C. National Guard, will testify on Tuesday before a House panel investigating the clash, giving the latest account of how Park Police and Secret Service officers violently cleared protesters away from the White House. He intends to testify that the harsh actions were taken without provocation or adequate warning just before President Trump walked through the area with senior administration officials to stage a photo event in front of a historic church. Stories&pgtype=Homepage
ABC News " Democrats hope to grill him over a long list of controversies and his repeated interventions in matters of interest to President Donald Trump."
"Democratic committee sources told ABC News the members plan to highlight how they believe Barr's actions have benefitted Trump and his reelection campaign over the national interest "

Jerry Nadler wants to stick his finger in the fan again to see if it still hurts.
Numpty Nadler is accusing Mr. Barr of politicized the DOJ.
Barr is actually trying to do the exact opposite and depoliticize the DOJ.
The Dems/Press are on a mission to discredit Barr before his indictments come down.
Barr is on a mission for JUSTICE.
The Coupsters have to be held responsible for their crimes in the 2016 election and for undermining our democracy*.
If they can get away with this our country's is future is in doubt.

Democrats to grill AG Barr over interventions in matters of interest to Trump
AG Bill Barr condemns 'violent rioters' and 'bogus Russiagate scandal'
Nadler does not give 2 shits about this country. Why would Nadler support Rioting and Looting?

Because his constituents are Anarchists and Terrorists.
National Guard Officer Says Police Used ‘Excessive’ Force at White House Clash
WASHINGTON — An Army National Guard officer who was called in to enforce the crackdown on protests in Lafayette Square last month will tell lawmakers that the demonstrators were peaceful and “subjected to an unprovoked escalation and excessive use of force,” according to written testimony made public on Monday.

Maj. Adam DeMarco, an Iraq war veteran who currently serves in the D.C. National Guard, will testify on Tuesday before a House panel investigating the clash, giving the latest account of how Park Police and Secret Service officers violently cleared protesters away from the White House. He intends to testify that the harsh actions were taken without provocation or adequate warning just before President Trump walked through the area with senior administration officials to stage a photo event in front of a historic church. Stories&pgtype=Homepage
So he is a DemoTwat.

Thanks for outting him.
Good he deserves to be grilled, as he is the attorney for Tramp. But he will lie and get out of the questions like he has done before.

Not at all. Mr. Barr in the nation's Beloved Attorney General.

The Tremendous Rudolph Giuliani is our President's personal attorney.

He has 1 attorney that takes care of him, Giuliani is just a friend (but he uses the excuse he is tramps lawyer)
What one is trumps wingman?
Eric Holder...oh wait.....he was Obama's wingman. my bad
I kinda remember dirty dems thinking is was cool how Obama and holder were partners in crime!
Nadler is a total hack.
His "hearings" are nothing more than pure political theater.

I am listening mow to a Democrat Rep asking Barr why Trump didn't wear a mask? You can't make this shit up!
The Democrats in DC are total imbeciles :badgrin: :laughing0301:

That's what they get for letting Jabba Naddler run a committee. Be has basically reelected Donald Trump.
he does look a lot like him
Is every Libturd male on this committee a near miss by God from being a woman??????

What a buncha limp wristed feegoots you MF are. Sit to piss for F sakes.
Is every Libturd male on this committee a near miss by God from being a woman??????

What a buncha limp wristed feegoots you MF are. Sit to piss for F sakes.
Woooooooo! Jayapal is about to lose her temper!

Hey, Jayapal! GO TO HELL, BITCH!

I saw that. I'm no can of any fed, but it's obvious that the folks on that committee are outclassed in brain power by the guy being asked questions. This hurts them more then helps them

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