Nadler will grill AG Barr again today

It was hilarious when one of the democrats asked Barr about gun control and he actually was
agreeing with her and she interrupted him and said that she'll "take that as a no". Damn hilarious
circus from the clowns.
I think the Democrats took their power to an all-time low today. They hate innocent people, and that whole kit and kaboodle was about destroying the fairly good man that Attorney General Barr is, has been, and will continue to be.

That bullshit of cramming false charges down the nation's throat without giving the AG a chance to defend himself was beyond the pale. That's taking Satanism to a new level what Nadler presided over.

We need to enforce the law against communism, which is the obvious end goal of Democrats, and use it. They're in the Alinsky's "chaos" stage with all this rioting they're proffering and defending as free speech when actually they are aiming at abusing every privilege that is reserved for real Americans.

Whether anyone here acknowledges it or not, we are at war. They have their blinding lasers, Molotov cocktails, and maiming equipment, and I don't even have a gun here.
I hoped when Barr asked for a break and Nadler said no, Barr would have brought up the fact Nadler had left the hearing a couple of times without calling a break, when he had a woman take over for him each time he did it.

Nadler was an ass, but what’s new.
Rep. Jordan is having his say, and in his usual angry response, is attacking Obama and the FBI, dismissing the evidence that Russian interfered in the 2016 election and is showing egregious violence showing looting, arson and vandalism.. Watching his 'evidence' one can see these scurriousl attacks on property is on a loop, and the same scenes are showed repeatedly.

And what credibility does Rep. Jordan have? He has denied any knowledge of sexual improprieties at Ohio State Wrestling.

Jordan has way more credibility than any lying scum like nadler and the left. Keep crying over nothing, makes good entertainment.
National Guard Officer Says Police Used ‘Excessive’ Force at White House Clash
WASHINGTON — An Army National Guard officer who was called in to enforce the crackdown on protests in Lafayette Square last month will tell lawmakers that the demonstrators were peaceful and “subjected to an unprovoked escalation and excessive use of force,” according to written testimony made public on Monday.

Maj. Adam DeMarco, an Iraq war veteran who currently serves in the D.C. National Guard, will testify on Tuesday before a House panel investigating the clash, giving the latest account of how Park Police and Secret Service officers violently cleared protesters away from the White House. He intends to testify that the harsh actions were taken without provocation or adequate warning just before President Trump walked through the area with senior administration officials to stage a photo event in front of a historic church. Stories&pgtype=Homepage

What a pot of bullshit, the decision to expand the perimeter around Lafayette park was made a day or two earlier, the rioters resisted by throwing projectiles at the personnel that were just doing their job. BTW it was all coordinated by the Parks Police.

A great way to set off these Democrat House Committee Pricks is to stay under control and not let them get to you.:smoke: They will totally meltdown when they see they're having no effect on you! :badgrin: :laughing0301:
Attorney General William Barr will testify before the House Judiciary Committee today and judging by his opening statement he’ll come out swinging. Barr will hone in on two major topics: the thoroughly debunked Russia-collusion hoax and the illegitimate anti-law enforcement narrative currently being used to incite and justify the wave of violence and rioting roiling several major U.S. cities.

Regarding the collusion hoax, Barr is brief but pointed as he deftly defends himself against the Democrats’ spurious allegations that he is a stooge of President Donald Trump. “Ever since I made it clear that I was going to do everything I could to get to the bottom of the grave abuses involved in the bogus ‘Russiagate’ scandal, many of the Democrats on this Committee have attempted to discredit me by conjuring up a narrative that I am simply the President’s factotum who disposes of criminal cases according to his instructions,” Barr icily observes. He insists Trump has not ever “attempted to interfere in” the AG’s decisions. “On the contrary,” Barr says, “he has told me from the start that he expects me to exercise my independent judgement to make whatever call I think is right. That is precisely what I have done.”

BJ -

Diogenes, William Barr - William Barr, Diogenes
I think the Dems did a great job.

Of course you do, isn't the purpose of a hearing to hear answers to questions? The fucking commies had all their talking points lined up, and wouldn't allow an answer that would show them as the POSs they are. There were there for their own commie propaganda show, nothing else.

And everyone possessing even 3/4 of a brain saw right through the lying criminal traitor pos.
A great way to set off these Democrat House Committee Pricks is to stay under control and not let them get to you.:smoke: They will totally meltdown when they see they're having no effect on you! :badgrin: :laughing0301:

Barr was cucumber cool.
He went in knowing that he had to deal with the mentally ill.
Rep. Jordan is having his say, and in his usual angry response, is attacking Obama and the FBI, dismissing the evidence that Russian interfered in the 2016 election and is showing egregious violence showing looting, arson and vandalism.. Watching his 'evidence' one can see these scurriousl attacks on property is on a loop, and the same scenes are showed repeatedly.

And what credibility does Rep. Jordan have? He has denied any knowledge of sexual improprieties at Ohio State Wrestling.

Jordan has way more credibility than any lying scum like nadler and the left. Keep crying over nothing, makes good entertainment.

No he doesn't, I posted some evidence that he is not credible, you posted nada. Well, you did post an idiot-gram.
These childish Democrats didn't even let him answer their questions. It was a joke, much like the Russian and impeachment hoaxes. Democrats are evil.
These sorts of hearings are a joke. I don't know if they always have been, but I've honestly never seen one where the people asking the questions weren't, by and large, just making statements and accusations. When they do ask a question, they tend to frame it in a way where answering it as posed forces the person on the stand to accept several of the arguable opinions of the person asking it as factual premises (Is your wife aware that you're actually a clone of Adolf Hitler, yes or no?).

The number of senators that don't use these hearings as a performance platform is always an abysmally tiny fraction of the ones involved.

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