Nadler will grill AG Barr again today

If we learned anything from the tenure of the antebellum lawn jockey known as Jeff Sessions it's that Vlad's favorite candidate's most valued trait in an AG is that he/she will protect him. Barr was hired for that express purpose. Not to pursue the interests of Americans but to shield Individual 1 from prosecution. To that end Barr is just what Don wanted and therefore just what Americans are rightly appalled about.
The fat slob is doing nothing but attacking Barr with nothing to back up his lies.

Democrats are yelling out false accusations and refusing to allow Barr to respond.
What a fucking joke. :popcorn:
The fat slob is doing nothing but attacking Barr with nothing to back up his lies.

Democrats are yelling out false accusations and refusing to allow Barr to respond.
What a fucking joke. :popcorn:

No surprise....
We've seen how congress works these days.
The fat slob is doing nothing but attacking Barr with nothing to back up his lies.

Democrats are yelling out false accusations and refusing to allow Barr to respond.
What a fucking joke. :popcorn:

No surprise....
We've seen how congress works these days.
I keep seeing the same faces that were involved in that impeachment sham.....

Apparently the tactic is simply an attempt to establish false talking-points for the election.....much in the way they created articles of impeachment using patently false evidence.
The fat slob is doing nothing but attacking Barr with nothing to back up his lies.

It's clear they are desperate. So far no facts have been presented, no real questions asked, only statements made, and not even well thought-out statements. And all Barr has to do is sit there and let these for look dumb.
Veronica Escobar says she is surprised that the DOJ has become politicized. She must have slept through the Obama Administration.

What a fucking joke this hearing has been!
Meanwhile, Joe Biden is taking questions from reporters now. As he did in his last session, he is taking questions from a prepared LIST OF REPORTERS HANDED TO HIM.
Last year, I heard someone refer to Nadler as a gnome who eats jars of Mayo. I can't look at him without recalling that image.
The Progs are in terrorist verbal attack mode. The tragedy is that they take what they believe to be Gold spewed in a vile caustic way and when enacted much of it becomes the smelliest shit ever created on gaia's so so earth. We still have massive poverty and not a word from these frauds about it.

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