NAFTA Withdrawal Would Hurt Economy

And the workers followed. Something not possible when the factories move to Mexico (though the (((globalists))) love the movement of Mexicans here--love those open borders (except for Israel, of course)).

Well, that is true to some extent. You could pick up and move from the North to South. But many people who did still had lower wages than beforehand. And it devastated many cities in the Northeast for those who stayed around.

Capitalism is a process of creative destruction. And there will be losers in it. People in manufacturing have been the losers. People in the services have been the winners. Just like over a century ago, the people who were the losers were those in agriculture while the winners were those in manufacturing.

But wanting to dial back the clock to the 1950s isn't going to make the country richer.
Just watch what happens as Bit-Coin un-seats the US dollar as world reserve currency.
Oh my goodness, how did we survive before NAFTA.

Apparently better, than after.

Trump Blessed the Bayer / Monsanto BIGGEST OFFSHORE MERGER IN WORLD HISTORY!!!

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