Name 3 new laws that would save us money.

We should reduce all politician's salaries to the national average. After all their not supposed to be doing it for the money.
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2)Reps are to be paid by the state that sends them as their constituency feel they deserve to be paid.

I don't agree with this. We don't want there to be competition among states, or an inequitable living situation in the D.C. area. And we are the United States not the Separate States. These are Representatives to the Federal government.

1) How would this constitute 'competition among the states' and how would it be bad?

2)clarify 'or an inequitable living situation in the D.C. area', please

3)We're supposed to be thew united States, but that has nothing to do with the matter

4)They are representatives from their states, and of the People of their districts. What logic is there to having the federal government tax Hawaii and Missouri to pay New York's representative?
I love this but it is easier to say than do
Not if our representatives had balls and brains.
Slowing down the War Machine means people losing their jobs
Fixing the problem leads to a healthier economy- and jobs. It's part of the solution, along with tariffs, bans on imported goods not certified sweat-free, the end of NAFTA...

Well, that's the problem - they don't, in the face of lobbyists with briefcases full of cash for re-election.

What if Texas decides to pay it's Senators $1 million per year, while Wisconsin pays $150,000? You don't see potential problems with that?

I agree about cutting defense, especially bureaucrats who do nothing all day long. But it will be difficult for individual Congresscritters to vote for.

I also favor an import tax that equals what the goods would have cost to be manufactured in the U.S.A.
1: Make the Department of Education privately run, I read a article on it, and it sounded like a decent idea, only problem could be if a place didn't have enough schools for the kids, or if prices where too high for poorer children to go to school.

2: Maybe get rid of state level organizations that are branch off's of the FBI (my state has the TBI I know).

3: Make candidates run without money from corporations or interest groups? idk, needed a 3rd lol, I have no idea guys, I am a simple guy.

We need to abolish the Dept. of Education as well as the Dept. of Energy and leave that responsibility to the respective states per the Tenth Amendment. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
Thank you, Mark LEVin.
Sure...legalize marijuana.

That will save the FEDS, local governments and state governments billions and billions of dollars every year.
1.) No more bailouts.

2.) No more military bases outside the United States.

3.) The United States cannot enter into any war unless directly attacked in the homeland.

4.) The government would be responsible for providing defense, included and not limited to the production of all equipment and weapons. No more contracts with private firms.

5.) All benefits related to military personal and their families would be scored as "military spending".

6.) No more tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas.

7.) All government research, would be conducted by the government. The outcomes of this various efforts would belong to the people and be licensed to private firms for a fee.

8.) Dissolve Obamacare and introduce government single payer insurance.
What if Texas decides to pay it's Senators $1 million per year, while Wisconsin pays $150,000? You don't see potential problems with that?

I see only the same problem that comes with them paying their sanitation workers that much: bankruptcy. I think the voters at the state level have a decent shot at shooting down any attempts to raise their reps' pay to $1Mil/yr. A much better shot than we have at doing anything about shit now, anyway. Especially if such raises must be enacted via propositions and a popular vote.

I also favor an import tax that equals what the goods would have cost to be manufactured in the U.S.A.
That could be problematic in the case of things we can't manufacture without first importing the necessary materials.
We should reduce all politician's salaries to the national average. After all their not supposed to be doing it for the money.

I don't care if they receive a good salary while in office. They have to provide housing, food, transportation, etc. for themselves while in Washington and continue to do the same in their home state. Most especially if we eliminate a huge portion of their expense, redecorating, entertainment budgets which I am advocating, they will have extra expenses that the average American does not have.

And we want quality, educated, experienced people in those elective positions and the qualifications we look for are usually worth more than the average.

But we don't have to provide the many thousands of dollars we now provide for them to furnish and redecorate their offices that we now provide. We can eliminate their cushy health and pension plans and expect them to pay for their own as most of us do. We can eliminate expense accounts to cover necessary expenses instead of being open ended large slush funds available for whatever the official wants to use it for.

And they should have to vote--on the record--for ANY increases in congressional salaries and expense accounts and this automatic increase stuff should be revoked and never reinstated. And any increase they vote will not take effect until they are re-elected for their next term.

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