Name a Democrat controlled city/state doing well?

Kinda like if you didn't like America growing up, you should just GTF out of it?!
WTF do you think you're talking about?
Only by design by you assholes. Wasn't that way until the "industrial revolution" you thought up to centralize and federalize education.
So now you want to back to pre-industrial revolution times?

Maybe YOUR sick culture.
Yea...ya know...Museums, Art, Plays, Schools

Oh never have had an interest in any of that
The San Francisco Commission for Saving Taxpayer Expenditures has determined that a simple declaration that the Streets of San Francisco are now Public Toilets will eliminate any need to create or maintain public toilets.

The Commission expects to save dozens and dozens of dollars.
Atherton CA. Hows things in Santa Ana for your kids and baby mamas?
So you live in a San Jose suburb. A very successful city run by a Dem Admin.

Not only that but Atherton would be 3 horses and a general store without San Jose
So you live in a San Jose suburb. A very successful city run by a Dem Admin.

Not only that but Atherton would be 3 horses and a general store without San Jose
Jobs are in most all suburbs and SJ. Very spread. All the way around the Bay.

But correct. No dirty jobs in the high rent areas. But Palo alto, Redwood City, Mtn View are loaded as hi-tech us oretty clean.
The San Francisco Commission for Saving Taxpayer Expenditures has determined that a simple declaration that the Streets of San Francisco are now Public Toilets will eliminate any need to create or maintain public toilets.

The Commission expects to save dozens and dozens of dollars.
Don’t even need to clean
WTF do you think you're talking about?
I know what I'm talking about, your problem is you.

So now you want to back to pre-industrial revolution times?
Nothing wrong with an agrarian society, and no reason you need industry concentrated in big cities. Both are greener for the planet which just goes to show the Left has never been about making the Earth better, just about more control over people's lives.

...Museums, Art, Plays, Schools
Last I checked, they have all of these outside of big cities! I hear that they even have roads and TV and concrete and stuff outside of cities! :smoke:
Ya know what?

You don't like cities?

Get the fuck out of em.

But you won't. Because that's where the jobs are. That's where the culture is.


That's also where the death and misery are.

Don’t even need to clean
Little known money saving side tip:


Even less known bummer corollary: rainwater doesn’t always go to the water treatment plant.
So you live in a San Jose suburb. A very successful city run by a Dem Admin.

Not only that but Atherton would be 3 horses and a general store without San Jose
Yep, with the number of companies leaving or downsizing in Silicon Valley, soon they may not even have 3 horses.

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