Name a Democrat controlled city/state doing well?

I don't think it's unreasonable to ask what causes the obvious inner rot that virtually all big cities have.

So the question would be, is it specifically governance, and/or is it possible that a city can simply become "too large"?

A perfectly fair and important conversation to have, if we were capable of normal, calm, honest, constructive conversation. Those days appear to be gone.
They're all shit hole cities

Far from it

The great cities in this country are run by Democrats
Republican run areas in this country are the real shit holes.
No services, no culture, no investment in the community
I don't think it's unreasonable to ask what causes the obvious inner rot that virtually all big cities have.

So the question would be, is it specifically governance, and/or is it possible that a city can simply become "too large"?

A perfectly fair and important conversation to have, if we were capable of normal, calm, honest, constructive conversation. Those days appear to be gone.
What happened to our major cities is corporate America used them up and moved away. At one time, good paying manufacturing jobs attracted millions to our cities
When those jobs left, the people were left behind.
Ya know what?

You don't like cities?

Get the fuck out of em.

But you won't. Because that's where the jobs are. That's where the culture is.

I can find a job in a small town as easily as I can in a big city.

Houston, Texas pay is low compared to College Station, Texas, and College Station offers great food, low rent, and decent medical, so maybe you should do your research before spewing your ignorance as usual!
Far from it

The great cities in this country are run by Democrats
Republican run areas in this country are the real shit holes.
No services, no culture, no investment in the community
Houston is one of the highest crime rate cities in America and is ran by Democrats, so let's see you defend the poor road conditions, and horrible infrastructure of that city!
Houston is one of the highest crime rate cities in America and is ran by Democrats, so let's see you defend the poor road conditions, and horrible infrastructure of that city!

Cities prefer Democratic leadership because Democrats give a shit about the people and provide public services.

Republican run rural areas are the real shit holes because they provide no civic planning, no services, no investment in the community
I can find a job in a small town as easily as I can in a big city.

Houston, Texas pay is low compared to College Station, Texas, and College Station offers great food, low rent, and decent medical, so maybe you should do your research before spewing your ignorance as usual!
College Station and Bryan are supported by Texas A&M
Skews the pay scale
Cities prefer Democratic leadership because Democrats give a shit about the people and provide public services.

Republican run rural areas are the real shit holes because they provide no civic planning, no services, no investment in the community

If that were true the murder rates wouldn't be sky high.

Most of the really high murder rates are in RED states.

And before you try to claim that it’s “Dem run cities” in those states explain why cities in Red States have a much higher murder rate than cities in blue states
No, kensington, in philly, is a raging success to dems. No cops, drugs everywhere, people dying in the streets. This is freedom to them.
There’s places x in West Virginia and elsewhere in rural America just like that so just stop
Cities prefer Democratic leadership because Democrats give a shit about the people and provide public services.

Republican run rural areas are the real shit holes because they provide no civic planning, no services, no investment in the community
People vote for people who dole out as much as they can to them. Many cities seem to tread water. Changes are not major over the years however there are exceptions. Inner city areas are their own cities and for the most part there are no improvements involving commercial or housing construction unless they approve of it. No issues with new streetlights, signs, renovated streets and pipes and electrical upgrades and renovated/new schools and playgrounds. A lot of money poured into those areas with little giveback from the community. And those who know the system within those confines can do well as they know where to look for resources.
And explain to us: who, how & why.
The residents of the most populous cities in America - New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Phoenix, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, and San Jose - have all chosen Democratic mayors over Republicans, so, if you were asked to

Name a major Republican-run city anywhere in the U.S. doing well
the answer would be...

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As for states, the best-educated: Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, Colorado, Vermont

The most prosperous: New York, Massachusetts, Washington, California, North Dakota

The lowest rate of firearm fatalities
: Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey Rhode Island, New York

The least-educated states: West Virginia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kentucky

The poorest states: Mississippi, Louisiana, New Mexico, Arkansas, West Virginia

The highest rate of firearm fatalities: Alaska, Mississippi, Wyoming, New Mexico, Alabama
I don't think it's unreasonable to ask what causes the obvious inner rot that virtually all big cities have.

So the question would be, is it specifically governance, and/or is it possible that a city can simply become "too large"?

A perfectly fair and important conversation to have, if we were capable of normal, calm, honest, constructive conversation. Those days appear to be gone.

As near as I have been able to tell, once the white people move to the suburbs, the white controlled state houses cease to invest in the infrastructure, education or amenities in the cities, and focus the tax dollar investments on the suburbs. This disinvestment, especially in education, is starving inner city kids of opportunities, and limiting their chances of getting a good education and going to college. Without strong computer skills and access to technology either in their homes or their schools, they will be relegated to service industry jobs and poverty.

See Jackson, Mississippi, Flint Michigan. Once these cities were run by the people living in them, the all white State Houses declared these governments as "corrupt" or "incompetent" and the states would neither fund nor back any proposals for water treatment plants. Saying that black run cities become "shitholes" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Conservatives in the USA are completely invested in the idea that minorities are either corrupt or incompetent and they treat them as such, on no evidence. Just like the conservatives on this board continue to claim that the Clintons and Bidens, and the Obamas are all on the take.

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