Name a Democrat controlled city/state doing well?

Most of the really high murder rates are in RED states.

And before you try to claim that it’s “Dem run cities” in those states explain why cities in Red States have a much higher murder rate than cities in blue states


Have you been to the cities and seen people pissing in the streets, or are you just going by accounts in the right wing media?

Yes, I have. Pretty much ALL of San Francisco smells like an open sewer.

Most of the really high murder rates are in RED states.

And before you try to claim that it’s “Dem run cities” in those states explain why cities in Red States have a much higher murder rate than cities in blue states
LOL, pandemic? George Floyd?

You fkers are truly the stupidest mthfkrs on the planet

Most of the really high murder rates are in RED states.

And before you try to claim that it’s “Dem run cities” in those states explain why cities in Red States have a much higher murder rate than cities in blue states

So tired of your never-ending BS. A "red state" like MO has two-three sections of ghetto mostly black DEM cities for 75 yrs. The violent crime or murder rate is off the charts in these areas. Distorting overall stats.
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There's no such thing, fool. As soon as "Democrats" take over City Council and City Hall, the state cuts off all funding for infrastructure projects for to the City, focusing funding on the white suburbs and schools. The Republican State House declared the local governments "corrupt" and said that any money they got would be "missused". That's what happened in Flint. The Republican State legislature then took over municipal government, and sent in an Manager, because the water crisis proved how incompetent and corrupt the City government was.

The State Governments can do anything they want to the "Blue Cities" because they have no representation. Gerrymandering given supermajorities. The "Democrats" are never going to vote for Republicans, and as long as they control the State House, which is forever due to gerrymandering, the city residents will see the state continue to disinvest in the cities.

MaryL said:
Name a Democrat[ically] controlled city/state doing well

While the most prosperous, best-educated states with the lowest rates of firearm fatalities are, demonstrably, blue, even the most hyper-partisan cannot cite a single major city in the U.S. that is "red."
As near as I have been able to tell, once the white people move to the suburbs, the white controlled state houses cease to invest in the infrastructure, education or amenities in the cities, and focus the tax dollar investments on the suburbs. This disinvestment, especially in education, is starving inner city kids of opportunities, and limiting their chances of getting a good education and going to college. Without strong computer skills and access to technology either in their homes or their schools, they will be relegated to service industry jobs and poverty.

See Jackson, Mississippi, Flint Michigan. Once these cities were run by the people living in them, the all white State Houses declared these governments as "corrupt" or "incompetent" and the states would neither fund nor back any proposals for water treatment plants. Saying that black run cities become "shitholes" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Conservatives in the USA are completely invested in the idea that minorities are either corrupt or incompetent and they treat them as such, on no evidence. Just like the conservatives on this board continue to claim that the Clintons and Bidens, and the Obamas are all on the take.
No evidence? We have evidence in every ghetto in the country. No city can survive democrat policies.
You ignored the premise. Doing WELL.
The fact that you are unable to cite a single "top ten" American city where the electorate has resorted to a Republic[an] mayor is blatant.
Not a one!

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No evidence? We have evidence in every ghetto in the country. No city can survive democrat policies.
Not only have the best-educated, most prosperous states with the lowest level of firearm fatalities all achieved their pre-eminence under Democratic administrations, no Republican has been elected to lead any of the nation's ten most populous cities.
Some how we have become dumber than a rock. Putting the blame on one political party or the other, When its plainly clear that ALL those with the power and the money have been increasing killing our country with greed and power grabs.
Not only have the best-educated, most prosperous states with the lowest level of firearm fatalities all achieved their pre-eminence under Democratic administrations, no Republican has been elected to lead any of the nation's ten most populous cities.
WTF are you taking about? The educated and well paid live in the burbs. You actually have to venture into these democrat cities to find a gun problem, it doesn’t exist outside the city limits. Every problem with crime, education and poor living conditions exist only in these democrat cities. Illinois is a damn nice state, everywhere but Chicago, once you cross that line it’s a shithole. It’s the same everywhere. MO vs St Louis, IL vs Chicago, MI vs Detroit etc etc etc.

One thing you’re correct about though. Those morons keep voting democrat and keep wondering why they live in such a sewer.
lol, the majority of the top 10 in this list are run by democratic executives, I'm pretty sure.

Cambridge? Yep

Arlington? Yep

Ann Arbor, Michigan and Columbia, Maryland? Pretty sure they're Dem, too.

Overland Park, KS and The Woodlands, TX are the only two that stand out as solidly red.

Cities that are "doing well" are those that attract professionals who can afford "nice" housing and who contribute to tax revenues to support local budgets. Those that aren't doing well are places where there were once income earners but who have since left for whatever reason, usually because industries die out or relocate and nothing can be brought in to replace them.
WTF are you taking about? The educated and well paid live in the burbs. You actually have to venture into these democrat cities to find a gun problem, it doesn’t exist outside the city limits. Every problem with crime, education and poor living conditions exist only in these democrat cities. Illinois is a damn nice state, everywhere but Chicago, once you cross that line it’s a shithole. It’s the same everywhere. MO vs St Louis, IL vs Chicago, MI vs Detroit etc etc etc.

One thing you’re correct about though. Those morons keep voting democrat and keep wondering why they live in such a sewer.
In your hyper-partisanship, you need to be pissy about democracy, but your presumption that a Republican mayor in any of the nation's ten major cities would do any better that those the People elect is purely fanciful.

Kibitzers from elsewhere with no skin in the game are free to indulge themselves, of course.

Judging by the actual data that confirms states under Democratic administrations doing better, there is no reason to believe that major cities would differ.
And you're fucking lying.

I have friends from Nebraska who are there this week, reliving their honeymoon, and they're posting how beautiful the city is and what a great time they're having. Of course they're not trying to score points on a message board.

Who gives a fuck. I have friends who live all over the city that I visit frequently. I have PERSONAL knowledge.
Not only have the best-educated, most prosperous states with the lowest level of firearm fatalities all achieved their pre-eminence under Democratic administrations, no Republican has been elected to lead any of the nation's ten most populous cities.
New York had a Republican Mayor
All of the blue states and cities within them are doing well. They have health care, including reproductive health care, and stability in their governments.

I can't help but notice that the crime and education statistics for the top red states are much worse than the top blue states. And the bottom 10 states are all red states, except New Mexico.

reproductive health care =1st degree murder

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