Name a Democrat controlled city/state doing well?

New York had a Republican Mayor
Once upon a time. So did many other cities if you'd rather reminisce that confront Republicans' inability to get elected to lead any of America's major cities, and the greater success of blue states than red ones.

Just one metric, firarm fatalities:

Firearm Mortality by State 2020​

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Some how we have become dumber than a rock. Putting the blame on one political party or the other, When its plainly clear that ALL those with the power and the money have been increasing killing our country with greed and power grabs.

Despite Congress working against every Trump policy (slowwalking, resisting, harrassment) every single measure was heading up....much better than now.

Trump policy showed all you need to use is commen sense, that Congress and Demwitted loons sorely lack. We are destined for economic collapse under Uniparty criminal control. //
Once upon a time. So did many other cities if you'd rather reminisce that confront Republicans' inability to get elected to lead any of America's major cities, and the greater success of blue states than red ones.

Just one metric, firarm fatalities:

Firearm Mortality by State 2020​

JACKSON Mississippi is responsible for 95% of the "gun deaths" you love to trot out.

Jackson has been solid dem, for DECADES!
Despite Congress working against every Trump policy (slowwalking, resisting, harrassment) every single measure was heading up....much better than now.

Trump policy showed all you need to use is commen sense, that Congress and Demwitted loons sorely lack. We are destined for economic collapse under Uniparty criminal control. //

Trump policy like building a wall and making Mexico pay for it?
Congress and corrupted States are now taking as much as they can get. Voting no longer matters.

They know now what they have done. Take money and run. Big shots in Congress are eyeing Fort Knox treasure and escape to private islands when it blows up on them.//
Why don't you go walk down the streets in those cities at night?
Why don't you go walk down the streets in those cities at night?
Looking up South Carolina, it is nothing to brag about in the safety department.
Is SC a safe state to live in?

Across all 50 states, South Carolina reportedly had the sixth-highest rate of violent crimes and the fifth-highest rate of property crimes on a nationwide level. reported that overall, the state's safest cities collectively boast crime rates well below national averages.Jan 19, 2023
Looking up South Carolina, it is nothing to brag about in the safety department.
Is SC a safe state to live in?

Across all 50 states, South Carolina reportedly had the sixth-highest rate of violent crimes and the fifth-highest rate of property crimes on a nationwide level. reported that overall, the state's safest cities collectively boast crime rates well below national averages.Jan 19, 2023

No matter where you are, it is the block by block CA rule. Some good safe areas. Other areas becoming suspect. Other areas a killing zone.

Same in TENN AZ MO...sure its the same in SC or NC.
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Here's a break down of states and where they are with wealth/poverty. Looks like California does pretty good. If it were a country, then it would be like the 5th largest economy in the world. And oh yeh, it's a blue state.
I looked up or tried to look up California and trade. Import/export. One in four jobs have a relationship to it. Approximately 5 million. A strong economy for sure. The state's location to the Product producing capital of the world facing East Asia is the prize. Mexico can build superports if it wants with railroads and highways into Texas. and does not. There is an idea to build another Canal this one in Costa Rica I read a few years ago. That would enrich southern ports in the United States.
JACKSON Mississippi is responsible for 95% of the "gun deaths" you love to trot out.

Jackson has been solid dem, for DECADES!
Jackson does not legislate its firearm laws. Mississippi does.

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Please provide your source for your "95%."

Did you make that up?
Looking up South Carolina, it is nothing to brag about in the safety department.
Is SC a safe state to live in?

Across all 50 states, South Carolina reportedly had the sixth-highest rate of violent crimes and the fifth-highest rate of property crimes on a nationwide level. reported that overall, the state's safest cities collectively boast crime rates well below national averages.Jan 19, 2023
Greenville is safe, of course there is crime but not that bad. You can walk down the street no worrying about someone murdering you. I lived in Simpsonville for over 20 years, but I bought land in gray court. So l live in the country, not too much happens out there.
No evidence? We have evidence in every ghetto in the country. No city can survive democrat policies.

I’ve given you evidence that you can Google, but you wouldn’t read it anywhere. The facts are out there. This investment by Republican controlled state houses in Democrat controlled cities is a demonstrable fact. So are the takeover it’s a Democrat cities declared corrupt by Republican state houses.
New York had a Republican Mayor

Way back when, from a distance, I actually thought Rudy was a good mayor and said this to some of my New Yorker friends. They just looked at me like "Da fuq?!"

I remember saying, "Well he was pretty good on 9/11" and they were like "He's a good actor. A shit mayor, though." Doesn't seem that long ago I was actually interested in his candidacy for president way back in 2007-8. Back when I thought there were good, moderate, sane Republicans. I don't think that anymore. Haven't for probably almost 15 years. Occasionally one pleasantly surprises me, like Larry Hogan of Maryland. But few and far in between. Former South Carolina governor David Beasley is a really good guy, a great human, but he's out of politics.

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