Name change for Environment sub-forum?

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
I pleaded to have the trolling by deniers curtailed and/or stopped, some months back, to no avail: Suggestion for Environmental sub-forum | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It lasted for a week at best. Anyone who spends any amount of time in that sub-forum can see what is going on there.It especially pangs me given I recently made ANOTHER contribution to the forum, not too long ago, so I'm basically endorsing the trolling by proxy.

We might as well name it what it has reverted to: the Denier Fun House.

The rules, stickied at the top of the sub-forum, are being ignored by deniers. Its a joke, ESPECIALLY given the fact that the deniers are being cheered on, and sometimes led, by users who (one would think) are the last ones who you would think would openly ignore the rules.

Can the sub-forum be saved, moved to the FZ (so grown-ups don't accidently take it seriously), or will the name change be necessary?


Just a reminder:
"Announcements from USMB staff, also post your feedback and questions here. FLAMING PROHIBITED. USMB Lounge rules apply."
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Thanks for proving my point. Right oput of the gate too :thup:

mmmooommmmyyyyfacts inconvenient...make it go away
"Announcements from USMB staff, also post your feedback and questions here. FLAMING PROHIBITED. USMB Lounge rules apply."
There should be two new subforums. One to discuss climate change using CDZ rules, where only people who take the topic seriously can post, and another subforum where Westwall can continue handing out infractions to everyone he disagrees with until he wins because they can't post anymore.
There should be two new subforums. One to discuss climate change using CDZ rules, where only people who take the topic seriously can post, and another subforum where Westwall can continue handing out infractions to everyone he disagrees with until he wins because they can't post anymore.
Wow...does he really do that? That would be .........................wrong.
I can't believe the alarmist are this upset? I don't see any trolling, just the alarmist losing out on facts. Or lack of and real data to back up their claims.

All I hear from them is they Believe/have Faith
There should be two new subforums. One to discuss climate change using CDZ rules, where only people who take the topic seriously can post, and another subforum where Westwall can continue handing out infractions to everyone he disagrees with until he wins because they can't post anymore.
Wow...does he really do that? That would be .........................wrong.
There are 2 subforums I actively try to avoid. One is the Israel/Palestine forum, because to enter there you have to abandon logic and reason. The 2nd is the environment forum, because it's basically a flame zone for anyone who denies climate change, and a forum slow-down trap for people who argue with them.
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There should be two new subforums. One to discuss climate change using CDZ rules, where only people who take the topic seriously can post, and another subforum where Westwall can continue handing out infractions to everyone he disagrees with until he wins because they can't post anymore.
I agree. Good suggestion.

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