Name ONE city thriving under the Democrats?

You avoided the obvious answer... who's doing the crime in inner cities?

We both know

Man you are persistent. LOL.

It's crime. You generate criminals and encourage or discouraged them with law enforcement and judicial penalties. It's NOT their race or family situation that causes crime and multiplies criminals.

It's largely the elected and paid OFFICIALS who run the place and they are Woking Dead leftists. Problems were there before the Woke started the cultures wars, but they've totally screwed with crime and punishment with TONS of money from leftist dark funders thru Soros.

When a guy who is on parole for beating his wife or VERY LONG criminal record is "set free" because "emptying the jails" is done MINDLESSLY -- and that guy gets out and MURDERS said wife -- it is THEIR FAULT. That's what's caused the spike in violent crimes and like other things that the Woke have done -- Covid was their cover story to some degree or other. Like last minute changes to election laws that ILLEGALLY dropped security requirements on elections.

So the list of "guilty parties" are NOT really the criminals themselves in this case. For example, there are TWO people I'm seen in the news who have shoplifted 10s of thousands of dollars in merch from drug stores. One had been arrested and released OVER 90 TIMES!!!!! These 2 people cant believe the STUPIDITY of decriminalizing shop lifting up to maybe $900 at a time.

Neither can the people who SHOP in those disappearing stores who need an employee to UNLOCK every damn item in the store for them. Or the STOCKHOLDERS or Insurance underwriters that are taking hits because of these leftist mental midgets.

Did that help?? Hope so. Good chat.
Man you are persistent. LOL.

It's crime. You generate criminals and encourage or discouraged them with law enforcement and judicial penalties. It's NOT their race or family situation that causes crime and multiplies criminals.

It's largely the elected and paid OFFICIALS who run the place and they are Woking Dead leftists. Problems were there before the Woke started the cultures wars, but they've totally screwed with crime and punishment with TONS of money from leftist dark funders thru Soros.

When a guy who is on parole for beating his wife or VERY LONG criminal record is "set free" because "emptying the jails" is done MINDLESSLY -- and that guy gets out and MURDERS said wife -- it is THEIR FAULT. That's what's caused the spike in violent crimes and like other things that the Woke have done -- Covid was their cover story to some degree or other. Like last minute changes to election laws that ILLEGALLY dropped security requirements on elections.

So the list of "guilty parties" are NOT really the criminals themselves in this case. For example, there are TWO people I'm seen in the news who have shoplifted 10s of thousands of dollars in merch from drug stores. One had been arrested and released OVER 90 TIMES!!!!! These 2 people cant believe the STUPIDITY of decriminalizing shop lifting up to maybe $900 at a time.

Neither can the people who SHOP in those disappearing stores who need an employee to UNLOCK every damn item in the store for them. Or the STOCKHOLDERS or Insurance underwriters that are taking hits because of these leftist mental midgets.

Did that help?? Hope so. Good chat.
With your attitude, crime will never be controlled.
With your attitude, crime will never be controlled.

So woke DAs who have tyrannical powers to CONTROL charging and prosecution have NO ROLE?

That office has ALL the power over crime stats. Especially when 1/2 or more of the prosecutors CHECK OUT in protest or get fired??? -- and get REPLACED with criminal friendly public defenders.

That's the bigger principle cause of what these cities are going thru. And it started prior to the Woking Dead with having morons like Fetterman on Parole boards who just fart out a quota number for emptying the jails.

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