Name ONE city thriving under the Democrats?

I got no part of this fight -- but if all you need is ONE MaryL -- I'll answer your question and we can get on with our lives.

Nashville Tennessee -- I live just south of there. ABSOLUTELY "crane city" with new development. Stealing business from the other 50 states. About 20K new residents every month. VERY low crime problem.


Not all Dem politicians are lit up WOKE, power mad, incompetent boobs. In Tennesse, they are NORMAL people with fair judgement.

Ya got any other questions?
Nashville is NOT really a Democrat-run city in that the mayor is NOT really a liberal. You are absolutely correct about downtown Nashville being "crane city".
I'd tell you to think about it, but everyone knows that's beyond you.
Theres nothing to think about Gustavo….my daughter will tell you why she refuses to teach at ANY public school in Mexifornia….She says she didn’t get her credential to teach the english language to foreign invaders….she says she would have moved to Mexico if she sought to teach Mexico’s people.
Theres nothing to think about Gustavo….my daughter will tell you why she refuses to teach at ANY public school in Mexifornia….She says she didn’t get her credential to teach the english language to foreign invaders….she says she would have moved to Mexico if she sought to teach Mexico’s people.

She's a bigger idiot than you are....and that is saying quite a bit.
Detroit? Denver? San Francisco? Nope. Democrat only run cities have a issue...they don't have a another party to oppose them. Dosen't democracy imply more than two ideology's and isn't that what democracy is about? I Vote for Trump. You vote for drag queens in kindergartens?

She's a bigger idiot than you are....and that is saying quite a bit.
Why…shouldn’t teachers take pride in developing the minds of America’s people….you know, since they’re funded by America’s taxpayers and all?
Should they all think with a globalist mind…should they see themselves as the worlds teachers on America’s dime?
Is this like your "friend" you always tell your shrink about?
Hahaha…you poor globalist fools….you struggle to believe that good people don’t/can’t think like your twisted and totally fucked mind does…..people either think like you or they’re made-up fictional characters…..hahahaha
Every single city run by democrats has a huge fentanyl issue, coupled with homelessness, What have Democrats solved? What? They just seem to mindlessly feed into it and ignore the Chinese connection. The fentanyl/Mexico thing. Trump isn't the problem, Trump never was.
Have you been to every city run by democrats to confirm this?

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