Name ONE city thriving under the Democrats?

I got no part of this fight -- but if all you need is ONE MaryL -- I'll answer your question and we can get on with our lives.

Nashville Tennessee -- I live just south of there. ABSOLUTELY "crane city" with new development. Stealing business from the other 50 states. About 20K new residents every month. VERY low crime problem.


Not all Dem politicians are lit up WOKE, power mad, incompetent boobs. In Tennesse, they are NORMAL people with fair judgement.

Ya got any other questions?
If they stay under control. But we have seen in recent years that for the most part it is not so.
Just for my own cynical reference: Name ONE major American city that has prospered under liberal democrat stewardship. And explain why you support Democrats.
Chicago in the 1990’s did very well under Richard Daley, so there was a point in time when Chicago thrived.

Houston did well under Bill White.
Just for my own cynical reference: Name ONE major American city that has prospered under liberal democrat stewardship. And explain why you support Democrats.
How about all of them? 😄

More Americans die younger in states with conservative policies, study finds

The United States has a working-age mortality problem: Americans die younger than people in most other high-income countries.

While many blame drug overdoses, rising suicide rates and bad health habits, a new study suggests policymakers may play a bigger role than previously thought.

Researchers looked at policies relating to criminal justice, marijuana, the environment, gun safety, health and welfare, private labor, economic taxes, and tobacco taxes, and scored them on a 0-to-1 continuum, where the maximum conservative score is zero and the maximum liberal score is one.

They merged that information with mortality data spanning from 1999 to 2019, and found liberal policies were associated with lower deaths among people aged 25 to 64, according to the study published Wednesday in PLOS ONE.

The analysis revealed changing state policies to fully liberal could have saved more than 171,000 lives in 2019, while changing them to fully conservative may have cost over 217,000 lives.
New York
San Antonio
New Orleans

Many, many others. Seattle, Portland, Concord, Boston, Baltimore....

Which of those cities have you personally visited recently?
All nyc produces is crime, and you wallow in it.

I doubt you've even been to New York. Your level of ignorance is astounding.

If you like your women being mugged and rapped I suppose that's a great list

Rapped??? Do you mean "gift wrapped", or that they're attending rap music concerts?

If you meant "raped", well New York didn't even make the Top Ten:

Anchorage, AK186.7
Rapid City, SD146.6
Pueblo, CO118.2
St. Joseph, MO-KS114.5
Carson City, NV110.2
Jackson, MI107.7
Farmington, NM98.7
Jonesboro, AR97.5
Danville, IL93.7
Casper, WY88.1
Bay City, MI88
Reno, NV85.8
Niles, MI

We can improve cities by lowering the population density of white folks…just ask a Lefty
Well, the former practice of redlining and shoving non-whites into small urban areas with already crumbling infrastructure and building new suburbs, complete with the highways to commute, for those qualified, didn't really do the Cities a big favor did they? Just ask anybody.
Well, the former practice of redlining and shoving non-whites into small urban areas with already crumbling infrastructure and building new suburbs, complete with the highways to commute, for those qualified, didn't really do the Cities a big favor did they? Just ask anybody.

Right…and those practices are keeping Asian and Indian newcomers from excelling in America right?
Why do half-century old practices in America only seem to still have an impact on blacks and Mexicans?
and those practices are keeping Asian and Indian newcomers from excelling in America right

Did you see where I said former practice. I was on the other side of that. My dad (and mom) volunteered at 18, and served in occupied Germany. Got a degree on the GI bill. Got a job in the Oil Patch and eventually moved to the Big City where they bought a cool new house(s) in the suburbs out side every city he was transferred to. I didn't realize how lucky I was then.

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