Name Origin and Ethnicity finder


Gold Member

For the US race census you can add for improved results your country of residence and zip code, i think in austria 4690 im the only svetozar plemic. It is a town of 5000 inhabitants, but if you are john doe in new york then i guess it would be less accurate because there are many.

About Name US Race ZIP
Name US Race ZIP feature analyzes a name to identify the most likely US race with improved accuracy than the basic feature Name US Race. Adding a first and last name and a country of residence increases the accuracy of the determined US race.
The feature returns the most likely US race ethnicity and a list of the most likely US race ethnicities, sorted from most likely to least likely. Each race returned is accompanied by a calibrated probability.

US race is a categorization from United States Census Taxonomy

Detailed results
Provided values:

First name: Svetozar ;
Last name: Plemic ;
Country of residence: Austria AT ;
Postal code of residence: 4690.
Alphabet :

Script: Latin.
Race ethnicity :

US race ethnicity: White, non latino W_NL ;
Alternative US race ethnicity: Asian, non latino A ;
Top US race ethnicities:
White, non latino W_NL ;
Asian, non latino A ;
Hispano latino HL ;
Black, non latino B_NL.
Probability :

Calibrated probability: 97.27% ;
Alternative calibrated probability: 98.69% ;
Score: 46.63.

About Name Diaspora
Name Diaspora feature analyzes a name to identify the most likely ethnicity or diaspora. Adding a first and last name and a country of residence increases the accuracy of the determined diaspora.
The feature returns the most likely ethnicity or a diaspora and the top 10 most likely ethnicities, ordered from most likely to least likely. Each ethnicity returned is accompanied by a calibrated probability.

Detailed results
Provided values:

First name: Svetozar ;
Last name: Plemic ;
Country of residence: Austria AT.
Alphabet :

Script: Latin.
Ethnicity :

Ethnicity or diaspora: Serbian ;
Alternative ethnicity: Montenegrin ;
Top ethnicities:
Serbian ;
Montenegrin ;
Croat ;
Slovanian ;
Bosniak ;
Moldova ;
Slovakian ;
Jewish ;
Romanian ;
Probability :

Calibrated probability: 58.75% ;
Alternative calibrated probability: 70.31% ;
Score: 11.27 ;
Lifted: null.

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