Name three things...

Name three things you believe make America great. Identify yourself as either a Right Winger or Left Winger. Let's compare and contrast.

I'll start as a Left Winger.

Our diversity. America has been described as a 'melting pot', but I think America is more of a mixed salad. Each bit contributes amazing qualities while remaining unique and different.

Our National Parks is a demonstration of how we, collectively preserve and protect the most stunningly beautiful places in our land.

Our inventive nature shows how we can improve our lot by force of intellect. From jazz music to baseball, to our constitutional form of government, Americans have had the freedom and the means to come up with some very, very great stuff.
America isn't great. Period. To make it great

1.Make America what our founders intended it to be for. WHITES!
2.Rid its self of democracy and install the leadership principle with 1 strong leader who puts his people above ALL else.
3. Eradicate the world of ALL nonwhites.
Name three things you believe make America great. Identify yourself as either a Right Winger or Left Winger. Let's compare and contrast.

I'll start as a Left Winger.

Our diversity. America has been described as a 'melting pot', but I think America is more of a mixed salad. Each bit contributes amazing qualities while remaining unique and different.

Our National Parks is a demonstration of how we, collectively preserve and protect the most stunningly beautiful places in our land.

Our inventive nature shows how we can improve our lot by force of intellect. From jazz music to baseball, to our constitutional form of government, Americans have had the freedom and the means to come up with some very, very great stuff.
America isn't great. Period. To make it great

1.Make America what our founders intended it to be for. WHITES!
2.Rid its self of democracy and install the leadership principle with 1 strong leader who puts his people above ALL else.
3. Eradicate the world of ALL nonwhites.
Your admiration of the founders is non existent. Don't cite them with your attitude
Name three things you believe make America great. Identify yourself as either a Right Winger or Left Winger. Let's compare and contrast.

I'll start as a Left Winger.

Our diversity. America has been described as a 'melting pot', but I think America is more of a mixed salad. Each bit contributes amazing qualities while remaining unique and different.

Our National Parks is a demonstration of how we, collectively preserve and protect the most stunningly beautiful places in our land.

Our inventive nature shows how we can improve our lot by force of intellect. From jazz music to baseball, to our constitutional form of government, Americans have had the freedom and the means to come up with some very, very great stuff.
America isn't great. Period. To make it great

1.Make America what our founders intended it to be for. WHITES!
2.Rid its self of democracy and install the leadership principle with 1 strong leader who puts his people above ALL else.
3. Eradicate the world of ALL nonwhites.
Your admiration of the founders is non existent. Don't cite them with your attitude
I'll do as I please. :)
What the Founders Really Thought About Race

Oh and at the bottom of that article are things called SOURCES so you can check the facts for yourself.
1. Fixing the police brutality/abuse problems.
2. Reforming the justice system so there's less abuses, in particular by those who have money and power.
3. Changing the electoral system so that the country becomes a multi-party state instead of a two-party state.

oh, sorry, I thought you meant things that would make America great.
Name three things you believe make America great. Identify yourself as either a Right Winger or Left Winger. Let's compare and contrast.

I'll start as a Left Winger.

Our diversity. America has been described as a 'melting pot', but I think America is more of a mixed salad. Each bit contributes amazing qualities while remaining unique and different.

Our National Parks is a demonstration of how we, collectively preserve and protect the most stunningly beautiful places in our land.

Our inventive nature shows how we can improve our lot by force of intellect. From jazz music to baseball, to our constitutional form of government, Americans have had the freedom and the means to come up with some very, very great stuff.
America isn't great. Period. To make it great

1.Make America what our founders intended it to be for. WHITES!
2.Rid its self of democracy and install the leadership principle with 1 strong leader who puts his people above ALL else.
3. Eradicate the world of ALL nonwhites.
Your admiration of the founders is non existent. Don't cite them with your attitude
I'll do as I please. :)
What the Founders Really Thought About Race

Oh and at the bottom of that article are things called SOURCES so you can check the facts for yourself.
If you think the founders were enlightened philosopher kings you have another thing coming. The founders could not conceive of Oregon or cotton candy or a telephone. Their attitudes about race are just as irrelevant as their attitudes on railroads.
Name three things you believe make America great. Identify yourself as either a Right Winger or Left Winger. Let's compare and contrast.

I'll start as a Left Winger.

Our diversity. America has been described as a 'melting pot', but I think America is more of a mixed salad. Each bit contributes amazing qualities while remaining unique and different.

Our National Parks is a demonstration of how we, collectively preserve and protect the most stunningly beautiful places in our land.

Our inventive nature shows how we can improve our lot by force of intellect. From jazz music to baseball, to our constitutional form of government, Americans have had the freedom and the means to come up with some very, very great stuff.
America isn't great. Period. To make it great

1.Make America what our founders intended it to be for. WHITES!
2.Rid its self of democracy and install the leadership principle with 1 strong leader who puts his people above ALL else.
3. Eradicate the world of ALL nonwhites.
Your admiration of the founders is non existent. Don't cite them with your attitude
I'll do as I please. :)
What the Founders Really Thought About Race

Oh and at the bottom of that article are things called SOURCES so you can check the facts for yourself.
If you think the founders were enlightened philosopher kings you have another thing coming. The founders could not conceive of Oregon or cotton candy or a telephone. Their attitudes about race are just as irrelevant as their attitudes on railroads.
Then why live in a country they founded? Shoo off to South Africa and its wonderful rainbow nation you go boy.
Name three things you believe make America great. Identify yourself as either a Right Winger or Left Winger. Let's compare and contrast.

I'll start as a Left Winger.

Our diversity. America has been described as a 'melting pot', but I think America is more of a mixed salad. Each bit contributes amazing qualities while remaining unique and different.

Our National Parks is a demonstration of how we, collectively preserve and protect the most stunningly beautiful places in our land.

Our inventive nature shows how we can improve our lot by force of intellect. From jazz music to baseball, to our constitutional form of government, Americans have had the freedom and the means to come up with some very, very great stuff.
America isn't great. Period. To make it great

1.Make America what our founders intended it to be for. WHITES!
2.Rid its self of democracy and install the leadership principle with 1 strong leader who puts his people above ALL else.
3. Eradicate the world of ALL nonwhites.
Your admiration of the founders is non existent. Don't cite them with your attitude
I'll do as I please. :)
What the Founders Really Thought About Race

Oh and at the bottom of that article are things called SOURCES so you can check the facts for yourself.
If you think the founders were enlightened philosopher kings you have another thing coming. The founders could not conceive of Oregon or cotton candy or a telephone. Their attitudes about race are just as irrelevant as their attitudes on railroads.
Then why live in a country they founded? Shoo off to South Africa and its wonderful rainbow nation you go boy.
The thing the founders mastered was compromise. Our entire system of government is based on compromise.

Racists do no understand that.
America isn't great. Period. To make it great

1.Make America what our founders intended it to be for. WHITES!
2.Rid its self of democracy and install the leadership principle with 1 strong leader who puts his people above ALL else.
3. Eradicate the world of ALL nonwhites.
Your admiration of the founders is non existent. Don't cite them with your attitude
I'll do as I please. :)
What the Founders Really Thought About Race

Oh and at the bottom of that article are things called SOURCES so you can check the facts for yourself.
If you think the founders were enlightened philosopher kings you have another thing coming. The founders could not conceive of Oregon or cotton candy or a telephone. Their attitudes about race are just as irrelevant as their attitudes on railroads.
Then why live in a country they founded? Shoo off to South Africa and its wonderful rainbow nation you go boy.
The thing the founders mastered was compromise. Our entire system of government is based on compromise.

Racists do no understand that.
Yeah I saw their us our freedom or we will take it. That was to the King of England....keep lying needle suits you. Like it does most leftists.
The thing the founders mastered was compromise. Our entire system of government is based on compromise.

Racists do no understand that.
You cannot get people to sign a constitution anywhere in the world if they don't compromise on its content. Unless it's a dictatorship and they're forced to sign it.
Name three things you believe make America great. Identify yourself as either a Right Winger or Left Winger. Let's compare and contrast.

I'll start as a Left Winger.

Our diversity. America has been described as a 'melting pot', but I think America is more of a mixed salad. Each bit contributes amazing qualities while remaining unique and different.

Our National Parks is a demonstration of how we, collectively preserve and protect the most stunningly beautiful places in our land.

Our inventive nature shows how we can improve our lot by force of intellect. From jazz music to baseball, to our constitutional form of government, Americans have had the freedom and the means to come up with some very, very great stuff.
Eliminating fascist liberals....
Tearing down the democrats plantation wall...
Closing the democrats 4th column.....

Anything else?
....... Not every person is one or the other of the choices you've provided.
The vast majority of Americans are centrist, meaning they support tenets of both the left and right, depending on the particular issue or issues. Proof of this is the growing number of "independents" and non-affiliated voters and the "crossover voters".
Good point(s). The vast majority you speak of have a silly notion that everything is either black or white. Right or left. "With us or against us". Right wing or Left wing. There is no right wing or left wing in the US. Americans have never seen one or the other. It's the dumb-down, "one or the other" method of keeping the population chasing their tails.They don't understand that the enemy (if there is one) resides not in Moscow or Havana or Baghdad, or Tehran, or Beijing or Pjongjang. The enemy operates out of Washington DC.
Name three things you believe make America great. Identify yourself as either a Right Winger or Left Winger. Let's compare and contrast.

I'll start as a Left Winger.

Our diversity. America has been described as a 'melting pot', but I think America is more of a mixed salad. Each bit contributes amazing qualities while remaining unique and different.

Our National Parks is a demonstration of how we, collectively preserve and protect the most stunningly beautiful places in our land.

Our inventive nature shows how we can improve our lot by force of intellect. From jazz music to baseball, to our constitutional form of government, Americans have had the freedom and the means to come up with some very, very great stuff.
Eliminating fascist liberals....
Tearing down the democrats plantation wall...
Closing the democrats 4th column.....

Anything else?
That's what, in your opinion, makes America great? Those are three qualities you can cite about the greatness of our country?
The Constitution and Bill of Rights are great examples historically, in particular as regarding elected head of state with term limits, and freedom of speech and of the press. It has also been a model for other democratic countries, which have taken certain aspects and put them in their own constitution.

Quoting myself, but
1. Fixing the police brutality/abuse problems.
2. Reforming the justice system so there's less abuses, in particular by those who have money and power.
3. Changing the electoral system so that the country becomes a multi-party state instead of a two-party state.
these, and also the death penalty, shows how backwards and outdated the United States are, and in need of reform. Most European countries do not have these problems, as well as countries like Canada or New Zealand.

Jazz cannot be an achievement of the United States, because it happened in spite of the condition of blacks. It may be said that some of the best music comes out of struggle, but that's a different topic.

The melting pot idea can go both ways, yes, there is a lot of immigration, and historically it has happened a lot, but in today's world it's not rare. A lot of other countries have had massive immigration even historically, for example Brazil, Argentina, France and many others. And is it a good thing that many lose their original culture and language in one or two generations? This seems to be true of immigrants from Europe even more than from Asia, for example.

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