Nancy and the Squad Dine in 5 Star Restaurant in Italy While Kids Sleep In Cages at Home

Is this part of the 6 week Vacation? Why would Taxpayers be forced to pay vacation costs for them?
Never mind all of the starving homeless in their districts.

View attachment 271924

Pressley is fat. Wow
She dines well while children in her district starve.
pretty sure all of the people in office eat while there are issues within their district.
How many fly to Italy to dine on rooftop 5 star restaurants?
dunno. it would seem many actually.

Senate Sets Record for Travel Costs

that was 2011 and we were setting records at the time.

Some trips make it clear just how much spending goes undisclosed. When Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and a staffer visited Haiti in February 2010 to survey earthquake damage, for example, the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee reported that $25.14 was spent on the trip. The office of Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) reported sending two staffers to Haiti during the same period for a total cost of only $36.75. Other expenses for the group of bipartisan lawmakers were likely paid by the Pentagon and do not show up in the Congressional Record.
to be honest, i have no idea what they're doing in italy anyway for "official US business".

Taxpayers fund a first-class congressional foreign travel boom

that explains part of it but also says none of this travel is really accounted for. so while i agree we need to clamp down on unnecessary expenses and implement a per Diem of allowable expenses, to date we don't have that and i would think all sides abuse it. have you looked up prominent republicans also to see what their travel habits are and the conditions of their own districts or is this just to attack who you hate?

all that said - i think this spending is out of control yes and needs to be reined in. but at current, while "uncool" perhaps, it's certainly not breaking any rules we have in place for this.

How dare you eat while there are starving people in the world?

It's the timing and the locale. This wasn't a Big Mac like Trump was ridiculed for eating, this is fine dining at it's best, in Venice, while sleeping in a golden bed at a 5 star hotel.

This couldn't have come at a worse time for them when compared to the photos of their districts and their language trying to shift the narrative to "racism" rather than "where did all the money go?" Some might say, "THAT'S where the money went!"
of that i totally agree. it doesn't look good no, but i doubt they're alone. someone just chose to focus on them which is going to simply spawn someone else doing the same to the (R)'s which is going to come out and then the R's are going to say BUT IT'S NOT AS BAD AS... and we de-evolve our conversations to things like the most sweatiest movie ever made and demand we be right in our views.

i'm more outraged we can't work together than a senator doing a 5 star hotel tour.
Never mind all of the starving homeless in their districts.

View attachment 271924

Pressley is fat. Wow
She dines well while children in her district starve.
pretty sure all of the people in office eat while there are issues within their district.
How many fly to Italy to dine on rooftop 5 star restaurants?
dunno. it would seem many actually.

Senate Sets Record for Travel Costs

that was 2011 and we were setting records at the time.

Some trips make it clear just how much spending goes undisclosed. When Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and a staffer visited Haiti in February 2010 to survey earthquake damage, for example, the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee reported that $25.14 was spent on the trip. The office of Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) reported sending two staffers to Haiti during the same period for a total cost of only $36.75. Other expenses for the group of bipartisan lawmakers were likely paid by the Pentagon and do not show up in the Congressional Record.
to be honest, i have no idea what they're doing in italy anyway for "official US business".

Taxpayers fund a first-class congressional foreign travel boom

that explains part of it but also says none of this travel is really accounted for. so while i agree we need to clamp down on unnecessary expenses and implement a per Diem of allowable expenses, to date we don't have that and i would think all sides abuse it. have you looked up prominent republicans also to see what their travel habits are and the conditions of their own districts or is this just to attack who you hate?

all that said - i think this spending is out of control yes and needs to be reined in. but at current, while "uncool" perhaps, it's certainly not breaking any rules we have in place for this.

This is why they are there...Pelosi, Omar, other members of Congress to visit Ghana, US Army Africa headquarters in Italy

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will lead a U.S. congressional delegation to Ghana and the U.S. Army Africa headquarters in Italy next week to mark the 400th anniversary of the first enslaved Africans landing in America.

A stupid and incredible waste of our money, but as you say it is well within the rules.
Yet it is okay for the whore in the Oval Office to dine every night as he likes and waste our money flying back and forth to political rallies on Air Force One. He is the one responsible for kids sleeping in cages and he refuses to take responsibility for it.
MOST IMPORTANT!!!! is that Italian joint HALAL and completely devoid of
(gasp) ALCOHOL????? what is that chic with the rag on her head----doing there?

Not long ago----I was in an indian restaurant with hubby. The sign in front assured
"halal meat" which is not uncommon for HINDU joints in that area as an accommodation to muzzies. HOWEVER---hindus being hindus----there was a lovely
display of booze bottles lining one wall. A lady----veiled to the eyelashes----
walked in with a gaggle of tykes. Her eyes scanned the bottles on the wall----
bottles-----sealed----not on her table or in her cup-----just SEALED BOTTLES ON
THE WALL. She began to SCREAM HYSTERICALLY gesticulating to indicate
the INSULT TO ISLAM---on the wall. Two little boys began to cry. She started
GRABBING KIDS and in a BIG TIME HUFF----dragging them from the place------
I had a strong desire to slap her idiot hijabbed jaw. well ? anyone? HALAL??
And remember...just yesterday...we found out Italian isn't really white........scandalous!!!!
Do they serve fried chicken in that Restaurant?
I'm Surprised they had dinner in Italy.
She should have taken them to Kentucky...
did they fly first class on my dime too?
No, Pelosi always flies on a G4.

She's introducing the new congresswomen to all the perks that can be theirs if they just do what she says.
I believe she's using the new GV this year.
I wonder if the negros she had dinner with in Italy had to fly first class.
I don't think Nancy would want to be sitting in the same plane as Omar for hours.
Pressley is fat. Wow
She dines well while children in her district starve.
pretty sure all of the people in office eat while there are issues within their district.
How many fly to Italy to dine on rooftop 5 star restaurants?
dunno. it would seem many actually.

Senate Sets Record for Travel Costs

that was 2011 and we were setting records at the time.

Some trips make it clear just how much spending goes undisclosed. When Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and a staffer visited Haiti in February 2010 to survey earthquake damage, for example, the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee reported that $25.14 was spent on the trip. The office of Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) reported sending two staffers to Haiti during the same period for a total cost of only $36.75. Other expenses for the group of bipartisan lawmakers were likely paid by the Pentagon and do not show up in the Congressional Record.
to be honest, i have no idea what they're doing in italy anyway for "official US business".

Taxpayers fund a first-class congressional foreign travel boom

that explains part of it but also says none of this travel is really accounted for. so while i agree we need to clamp down on unnecessary expenses and implement a per Diem of allowable expenses, to date we don't have that and i would think all sides abuse it. have you looked up prominent republicans also to see what their travel habits are and the conditions of their own districts or is this just to attack who you hate?

all that said - i think this spending is out of control yes and needs to be reined in. but at current, while "uncool" perhaps, it's certainly not breaking any rules we have in place for this.

This is why they are there...Pelosi, Omar, other members of Congress to visit Ghana, US Army Africa headquarters in Italy

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will lead a U.S. congressional delegation to Ghana and the U.S. Army Africa headquarters in Italy next week to mark the 400th anniversary of the first enslaved Africans landing in America.

A stupid and incredible waste of our money, but as you say it is well within the rules.
this is my biggest issue w/trump. i was HOPING a business person would look at the debt and stop racking it up. man alive he's spending like a democrat, isn't he? i won't even go into why there's an african army headquarters in italy.

we need to change the rules and monitor this. our gov needs a shitload of oversight.the same they place on us. so while i 100% agree this is extravagant spending, if you only look at ONE SIDE doing this then you're part of the problem to me. if you use this to attack who you hate, that gives way to extreme bias and i'm just tired of that.

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