Nancy Mace supports Trump over Haley

Nikki took money from the wrong people to try and beat Trump... every republican in DC knows this and are keeping their distance from her....
Haley wasn't going to win anyway. She took a shot at it, kinda got her feet wet in presidential politics and I think found out she isn't going to find the support she needs to be a viable candidate.
Haley endorses racial segregation, destruction of American legacy and culture and AGW. She’s essentially just another anti-American democrat.
RINO deluxe.
Haley endorses racial segregation, destruction of American legacy and culture and AGW. She’s essentially just another anti-American democrat.
RINO deluxe.
And that is why I'd not count her out just yet.....The Turtle has big plans for her since he lost Liz Cheney.

BTW.....She looked like warmed-over shit in this morning's FOX interview.

That CNN guy was correct, she is over the hill.
Haley should just drop out and support Trump.
I think she's committed to the primary in South Carolina as it is her home state. If she loses there it's all over for her. If she wants any political future she should bow out and support Trump asap. If she does Trump will likely heap praise on her (and her supporters) and welcome them into the fold.
I think she's committed to the primary in South Carolina as it is her home state. If she loses there it's all over for her. If she wants any political future she should bow out and support Trump asap. If she does Trump will likely heap praise on her (and her supporters) and welcome them into the fold.
Trump could invite her into the Oval Office to share a cigar.
The only people left supporting Nikki Haley are Governor Sununu and John Bolton. She should drop out.

Really? Because I'm reading this

Nancy Mace's Reported Plan To 'Get Punched In The Face' On Jan. 6​

Mace begged aides to let her confront the mob, with the goal of getting roughed up and then leveraging the incident to be the face of an anti-Trump Republican sect.

Former staffers who spoke to the Post on the condition of anonymity said Mace was furious with the former president for inciting the riots and believed video of a violent altercation would “give credence to her anti-Trump position.”

Now you say she's endorsing him? Of course she is. She's a Republican snake.

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