Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are a Despicable Racist Demagogues.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
All countries have borders and immigration laws.

We have a 100% right to our control immigration.

There is nothing intolerant or racist about having immigration laws

The only thing that is really racist about the immigration issue is the Dirty Democratic Politicians using it to fan the flames of racial hatred for votes, and using immigration to displace American voters of all races.
Nancy Pelosi is saying controlling immigration is "white supremacy".
Is anyone really shocked at the left wing racist demagoguery?
Do Democrats ever have any sense of shame?
Nancy Pelosi is saying controlling immigration is "white supremacy".
Is anyone really shocked at the left wing racist demagoguery?
Do Democrats ever have any sense of shame?
Letting two million illegal Mexicans in is white supremacy? Either Trump is doing white supremacy wrong or Pelosi is retarded. I know where my money is.
Nancy Pelosi is saying controlling immigration is "white supremacy".
Is anyone really shocked at the left wing racist demagoguery?
Do Democrats ever have any sense of shame?

If controlling immigration is “white supremacy” then she is admitting that open borders is all about eradicating white people.
All countries have borders and immigration laws.

We have a 100% right to our control immigration.

There is nothing intolerant or racist about having immigration laws

The only thing that is really racist about the immigration issue is the Dirty Democratic Politicians using it to fan the flames of racial hatred for votes, and using immigration to displace American voters of all races.
fan the flames of racial hatred for votes,
That worked so well, that Hitlery Clinton, who was a landslide winner, ended up losing bigly as the racial hatred for votes swung against her...Let them fan the flames, just moves more of the wishy washy moderates farther to the right....Those damn racial moderates who hate illegals.. damn their hides...
its a damn good thing 43 attacked immigration when he had total control of comgress ..

its a damn good thing 43 attacked immigration when he had total control of comgress ..

Wasn't it you that said, that Obama was no longer in Office? That was just last year, why are you bringing up 9 years ago? damn, you are a fucking hypocrite...
All countries have borders and immigration laws.

We have a 100% right to our control immigration.

There is nothing intolerant or racist about having immigration laws

The only thing that is really racist about the immigration issue is the Dirty Democratic Politicians using it to fan the flames of racial hatred for votes, and using immigration to displace American voters of all races.

And I quote:

"Donald Trump kicked off his presidential bid more than a year ago with harsh words for Mexico. “They are not our friend, believe me,” he said, before disparaging Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”"


"Sadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics-a tough subject-must be discussed."

As to your point, tell the Congress under the leadership of Ryan and McConnell that we need comprehensive immigration reform, not a return to Jim Crow Laws and segregated lunch counters.
Nancy Pelosi is saying controlling immigration is "white supremacy".
Is anyone really shocked at the left wing racist demagoguery?
Do Democrats ever have any sense of shame?

If controlling immigration is “white supremacy” then she is admitting that open borders is all about eradicating white people.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^DING, DING, DING^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^:clap2::clap2:

One can see she is one bat shit crazy ugly white bitch.
its a damn good thing 43 attacked immigration when he had total control of comgress ..


And in your case Siete , I don't think stupid can be fixed...

01-20-09... Executive Branch, Democrat

January 3, 2009 – January 3, 2011
Senate President
Dick Cheney (R),
until January 20, 2009
Joe Biden (D),
from January 20, 2009
Senate Pres. pro tem Robert Byrd (D),
until June 28, 2010
Daniel Inouye (D)
from June 28, 2010[1]
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D)
Members 100 senators
435 representatives
6 non-voting delegates
Senate Majority Democratic
House Majority Democratic
: January 6, 2009 – December 24, 2009[2]
2nd: January 5, 2010[3] – December 22, 2010[4]

Party standings in the Senate for most of this Congress
57 Democrats
2 Independents, caucusing with Democrats
41 Republicans

Final party distribution in the House of Representatives
Democratic Party: 255 members.
Republican Party: 179 members.

If illegal immigration was so damn important how come nothing was done in 2009 asswipe...

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