Nancy Pelosi ENDORSES Mitt Romney again--LOL


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
As most of you know Nancy Pelosi came out last week "again" to make her endorsement of Mitt Romney--by stating---"I know secrets about Newt Gingrich"--:lol::lol:

This is the second time she has done this--and they seem to send her out with this statement every time Newt Gingrich starts to rise in the polls.

They have set their sites on Mitt Romney--Bain Capital--and are planning on tatooing Romney's forehead with Wall Street Guy--top 1%--er--with Swiss & Cayman Island bank accounts. And they have worked very hard at it. One thing for certain-- is that the Obama reelection campaign committee knows alot more "secrets" about Mitt Romney--and Bain Capital--than what is already public information about Newt Gingrich.

Of course the Republican establishment has circled the wagons around Mitt Romney also--with their attacks on Newt Gingrich. Mitt Romney has spent the last 6 years running for President--and he has endorsed alot of these senators, congressmen, governors--and has donated millions to their own campaigns. So pay-back may be hell--but Romney is now calling in all favors--from these same politicians.

Whether or not this works for Mitt Romney is still unknown--but one thing for certain--NANCY PELOSI likes him a lot.


(poster boy for the Obama reelection campaign committee)
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Gingrich is the "less establishment" establishment candidate in the race. It reminds of Hillary vs Barack. Barack was the "Chicago liberal" and Hillary was the "Moderate Populist" from Cornhole, Arkansas or whatever. Both had policies that are equally detrimental to this country. Both WERE STILL establishment candidates... and the establishment HATES America and the American people. So it was STILL a lose-lose for the American people.
I think it is incredibly wrong, and unethical for her to claim she has something that would end his chances to be President, then Continue to hold on to said info until it's most politically advantageous to her party to release it.

If she has something, lets hear it now damn it.
As most of you know Nancy Pelosi came out last week "again" to make her endorsement of Mitt Romney--by stating---"I know secrets about Newt Gingrich"--:lol::lol:

This is the second time she has done this--and they seem to send her out with this statement every time Newt Gingrich starts to rise in the polls.

They have set their sites on Mitt Romney--Bain Capital--and are planning on tatooing Romney's forehead with Wall Street Guy--top 1%--er--with Swiss & Cayman Island bank accounts. And they have worked very hard at it. One thing for certain-- is that the Obama reelection campaign committee knows alot more "secrets" about Mitt Romney--and Bain Capital--than what is already public information about Newt Gingrich.

Of course the Republican establishment has circled the wagons around Mitt Romney also--with their attacks on Newt Gingrich. Mitt Romney has spent the last 6 years running for President--and he has endorsed alot of these senators, congressmen, governors--and has donated millions to their own campaigns. So pay-back may be hell--but Romney is now calling in all favors--from these same politicians.

Whether or not this works for Mitt Romney is still unknown--but one thing for certain--NANCY PELOSI likes him a lot.


(poster boy for the Obama reelection campaign committee)

Reverse psychology, you got the obama administration running ads against romney, and gingrich being waylayed by pelosi. All they are doing is trying to confuse the field so that voters are left out wondering who in the heck to vote for. Look at the backgrounds and voting records of the candidates and then decide who would best represent you. Do not listen to ads and what people are saying, look at what each candidate has done in the past to decide. Right now I am all in for Santorum myself and could care less about romney or gingrich.
I think it is incredibly wrong, and unethical for her to claim she has something that would end his chances to be President, then Continue to hold on to said info until it's most politically advantageous to her party to release it.

If she has something, lets hear it now damn it.

Nazi Pelosi do something unethical?

I am soooooo shocked!
I think it is incredibly wrong, and unethical for her to claim she has something that would end his chances to be President, then Continue to hold on to said info until it's most politically advantageous to her party to release it.

If she has something, lets hear it now damn it.

Nazi Pelosi do something unethical?

I am soooooo shocked!

Yea, my flabber was totally gasted at the thought. Really, it was.
Every time Nancy Pelosi gets near something hot, she can't think straight and says stupid shit.
I took Pelosi's statements as an endorsement of Gingrich.

She knows how much people on the right hate her so she is trying to use reverse psychology to get them to vote for Gingrich since she thinks he is so beatable.


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