Nancy Pelosi is the highest ranking D in the country

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The build the wall fund is going from fund me to a website so effectively the wall will likely be completely built prior to the 2020 election no matter what Nancy does. Meanwhile the main pain from the shut down will be hitting mainly blue states and districts. The courts will move even further right. She can't get money from the donor base until she can get quid quo pros out of a functioning executive branch. Because China is in deep economic trouble Trump will win the tariff war. In sum she is destroying a gimme election in the senate and house and that will really hurt the nominee in 2020. An all pain no gain agenda for the Ds. This is going to hurt a lot more when Trump declassifies the relevant deep state documents after the house votes for impeachment. Nancy and her allies are going to be toast.
I'm not taking any bets that Nancy and the dems keep the House in 2020. They are not impressing anyone with their governing brilliance.
The build the wall fund is going from fund me to a website so effectively the wall will likely be completely built prior to the 2020 election no matter what Nancy does. Meanwhile the main pain from the shut down will be hitting mainly blue states and districts. The courts will move even further right. She can't get money from the donor base until she can get quid quo pros out of a functioning executive branch. Because China is in deep economic trouble Trump will win the tariff war. In sum she is destroying a gimme election in the senate and house and that will really hurt the nominee in 2020. An all pain no gain agenda for the Ds. This is going to hurt a lot more when Trump declassifies the relevant deep state documents after the house votes for impeachment. Nancy and her allies are going to be toast. passes for leadership in the Democrats eyes...
The build the wall fund is going from fund me to a website so effectively the wall will likely be completely built prior to the 2020 election no matter what Nancy does. Meanwhile the main pain from the shut down will be hitting mainly blue states and districts. The courts will move even further right. She can't get money from the donor base until she can get quid quo pros out of a functioning executive branch. Because China is in deep economic trouble Trump will win the tariff war. In sum she is destroying a gimme election in the senate and house and that will really hurt the nominee in 2020. An all pain no gain agenda for the Ds. This is going to hurt a lot more when Trump declassifies the relevant deep state documents after the house votes for impeachment. Nancy and her allies are going to be toast.

Good points you make yet most are only assumptions BUT Pelosi is second inline to the Presidency.
You mention impeachment; myself?
I'm patient enough to wait for Mueller's report & I hope it substantiates the claimed conspiracy between the Trump campaign & the Russian government to subvert the 2016 POTUS election.
Why do I hope this is proven to be correct?
Because that would put the entire Trump/Pence 2016 campaign in the sewer.
Congress would have to impeach both Trump & Pence.
Then Pelosi would ascend to the presidency.
Talk about a nuclear option. :21:
This is what she did all those years before when she was speaker and she became the number one republican vote producer. She is drunk with her own self importance, she considers herself queen. How much has the new dem house done for America so Far? Nada.
Good points you make yet most are only assumptions BUT Pelosi is second inline to the Presidency.
You mention impeachment; myself?
I'm patient enough to wait for Mueller's report & I hope it substantiates the claimed conspiracy between the Trump campaign & the Russian government to subvert the 2016 POTUS election.
Why do I hope this is proved to be correct?
Because that would put the entire Trump/Pence 2016 campaign in the sewer.
Congress would have to impeach both Trump & Pence.
Then Pelosi would ascend to the presidency.
Talk about a nuclear option. :21:

You misspelled TDS inspired option.
The build the wall fund is going from fund me to a website so effectively the wall will likely be completely built prior to the 2020 election no matter what Nancy does. Meanwhile the main pain from the shut down will be hitting mainly blue states and districts. The courts will move even further right. She can't get money from the donor base until she can get quid quo pros out of a functioning executive branch. Because China is in deep economic trouble Trump will win the tariff war. In sum she is destroying a gimme election in the senate and house and that will really hurt the nominee in 2020. An all pain no gain agenda for the Ds. This is going to hurt a lot more when Trump declassifies the relevant deep state documents after the house votes for impeachment. Nancy and her allies are going to be toast.

Good points you make yet most are only assumptions BUT Pelosi is second inline to the Presidency.
You mention impeachment; myself?
I'm patient enough to wait for Mueller's report & I hope it substantiates the claimed conspiracy between the Trump campaign & the Russian government to subvert the 2016 POTUS election.
Why do I hope this is proven to be correct?
Because that would put the entire Trump/Pence 2016 campaign in the sewer.
Congress would have to impeach both Trump & Pence.
Then Pelosi would ascend to the presidency.
Talk about a nuclear option. :21:

The Trump Campaign, President Trump, and his entire staff were under 24-7 Surveillance ordered by Obama before President Trump ever took office.

You had Rosenstein who actually is an ally of The Clintons and Obama come out and tell you there was No Collusion. You had 6 prior investigations tell you there was no collusion. You have The Dirty Dossier from Russia paid for by Clinton and Obama which was a work of fiction as the Illegitmate Basis for an illegitimate investigation. And after two years, of non stop investigations, there are still people that think Russian Collusion is going to be found?

You have a very public figure like President Trump....the whole world knows what he looks like, who he is, and he is arguably the most video and audio recorded person in history, and he was also under surveillance 24-7. There is nothing there. Even his enemies said there was nothing there. Even people out to get Trump like Strozk and Page have said there is nothing there worth investigating.

The entire thing is a fraud, a hoax and a three ring circus.

The only crimes uncovered were crimes to plot to the take down at first of a presidential candidate during an election, and then afterwards a duly elected president.

Do I have to spell it out for you what kind of crimes those are to attack The Presidency of The United States with an orchestrated campaign like that?

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A delusional thread full of delusional posters. Look who the head of the R party is. As embarrassing as it gets right there.
And yet she's the lowest pile of feces that ever shat from the collective asshole of my feces-ridden birth town. Which is really an amazing accomplishment when you think about it: even in a city of nearly a million psychotically bloodthirsty, drooling, delirious, bleary-eyed, leftist thugs, Nancy Piglosi STILL manages to stand out!

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