Nancy Pelosi Says That The Democrats Have No Intention Of Losing The House

I'm voting 10,000 times and hitting up every drop box I can find....

So in other words you're cheating against the cheaters? I wouldn't do that,.. but I can't fault you for wanting to lol just please don't get arrested as it wouldn't be as fun around here without you. :)
How about providing an answer, smart guy?
My question was, since I apparently have to spell it out for you: what does their "intention" have to do with keeping or losing the house?
I was under the impression that the voters would decide that.

Not when massive vote fraud is employed. That is the go to for the democrats now.
How about providing an answer, smart guy?
My question was, since I apparently have to spell it out for you: what does their "intention" have to do with keeping or losing the house?
I was under the impression that the voters would decide that.

Everybody still needs to get out there and vote, but you saw what happened two years ago correct?
Now if Trump was the one who said this I wouldn't be so worried,.. but I don't trust this woman at all and I can't emphasize that enough.
Is she sure? Because they're certainly acting like they do.

In the world of liberals fairs are for tourists. They don't play by the book, they don't even ignore it completely. They tear out all of the pages, throw it on the ground, and do a Mexican hat dance on top of it.

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