Nancy Pelosi Tweets that Trump can “prove his innocence”, proving she does not understand our legal system. You are innocent until proven guilty

Go look in the mirror. That statement proves without a doubt that you are the stupid fuck. Not guilty only means that guilt cannot be proven beyond a doubt, it does not mean innocent, dumb ass.

1680277445872.pngThe Hill
Trump lashes out at indictment, says he’s ‘completely innocent’

Trump says he is 'a completely innocent person,' calls ...​

The Week › donald-trump › trump-says-he-i...

16 hours ago — Former President Donald Trump reacted to becoming the first ex-president in U.S. history to be indicted by going on his social media ...

Trump Claims He's 'The Most Innocent Man in History' of ...​

Rolling Stone › politics › politics-news

6 days ago — Donald Trump held his first campaign rally in Waco, Texas on Saturday.
Obviously Donnie Dangerously gets to defend himself in court against the crimes New York is going to charge him with, to prove his innocence, or not. We'll see.......
And he had the right to do exactly that. And he still has the right to do it again.

He also said this about those who take the 5th.

“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” Trump said during a 2016 rally in Iowa. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” The line was a jab at his opponent, Hillary Clinton, whose aides had invoked the Fifth in a congressional investigation.

But we all know Trumpyberra is not innocent .
What a stupid teabagger, as if there are any other kind.
That didn't lay out..........anything, except, you're a dumbass.

U.S. Supreme Court​

Taylor v. Kentucky, 436 U.S. 478 (1978)Taylor v. Kentucky

No. 77-5549

Argued March 27, 1978

Decided May 30, 1978

436 U.S. 478



At petitioner's Kentucky state robbery trial, which resulted in his conviction, the trial court instructed the jury as to the prosecutor's burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt but refused, inter alia, petitioner's requested instruction on the presumption of innocence. The robbery victim was the prosecution's only witness, and petitioner was the sole defense witness. The prosecutor, in his opening statement, related the circumstances of petitioner's arrest and indictment. In his closing statement, the prosecutor made observations suggesting that petitioner's status as a defendant tended to establish his guilt. The Kentucky Court of Appeals affirmed the conviction, rejecting petitioner's argument that he was entitled to the requested instruction as a matter of due process under the Fourteenth Amendment.

Held: On the facts, the trial court's refusal to give petitioner's requested instruction on the presumption of innocence resulted in a violation of his right to a fair trial as guaranteed by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Howard v. Fleming, 191 U. S. 126, distinguished. Pp. 436 U. S. 483-490.

(a) While the legal scholar may understand that the presumption of innocence and the prosecution's burden of proof are logically similar, the ordinary citizen may draw significant additional guidance from an instruction on the presumption of innocence. Pp. 436 U. S. 483-485.

We know that it is a lot to ask, but do you know what PRESUMED INNOCENCE means? Hint, does not mean factually and beyond a doubt, innocent. In a court of law you can hope for innocence, pray for innocence, demand innocence but the best you are gong to get from a jury is NOT GUILTY. In addition, a not guilty verdict does not mean that you didn't do the crime. It just means that it can't be proven that you did what you are accused of. Argue all you want but being judged not guilty does not mean you are innocent.​

Trump can make any claim about innocence he wants but that verdict, which will be guilty or not guilty, will come from the kangaroo court he will endure in the left-wing shithole called New York.
"do you know what PRESUMED INNOCENCE means"?
A joke told by rich people who can afford a lawyer and bail $$$.

So, if a person is "presumed to be innocent" why even charge the person with a crime?

Kalief Browder, Held at Rikers Island for 3 Years Without ...​

The New York Times › 2015/06/09 › nyregion

Jun 8, 2015 — Though he never stood trial or was found guilty of any crime, he spent three years at the New York City jail complex, nearly two of them in ...

Pretrial Detention​

Prison Policy Initiative › research › pretrial_det...

Mar 20, 2023 — More than 400,000 people in the U.S. are currently being detained pretrial – in other words, they are awaiting trial and still legally ...


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No, it is not.
A not guilty verdict is just that: not guilty. It means only that the state did not prove it's case, possibly for lack of evidence, procedural error, etc.
It is NOT a declaration of innocence - there is no such thing.
Judges don't do that.
Juries don't do that.
Lawyers and their defendants do declare their "innocence".

So.................ARE THEY?
Nit pickers gotta nit pick. Trump will have the chance to present his defence in court. Unfortunately for him, that defence will probably take the form of him trying to bully the judge.
Not guilty does not mean innocent. It means there was not enough evidence or facts to judge a person guilty. Learn the difference so you don't look quite so stupid in the future.
See above, moron.
Most everyone found NOT guilty, declares their "innocence".
Juries don't do that.
The absolutely DO do that. Please watch a tape of ANY court case with a not guily verdict.
The judge will ask if a verdict was reached and the Foreman will say yes and state " We the jury find the defendant Not Guilty".
You will NEVER hear the foreman state "We the jury find the defendant Innocent". EVER. There is no such verdict in jurisprudence.
(for what it's worth, I have 2 degrees in Criminal Justice. No, I'm not a lawyer but I do have some knowledge of how the CJ system works)
He also said this about those who take the 5th.

“You see the mob takes the Fifth,” Trump said during a 2016 rally in Iowa. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” The line was a jab at his opponent, Hillary Clinton, whose aides had invoked the Fifth in a congressional investigation.

But we all know Trumpyberra is not innocent .
Okay. A lot of people hate lawyers and doctors, until they need one, then they want the best they can get. I have no idea why you would think accusing TRUMP! of hypocrisy is any kind of argument when we're talking about politics at the highest level. I do not expect him to restrict himself from ANY legal means of defending himself because he's afraid an anonymous internet keyboard jockey is going to say he's a hypocrite for doing so. I wouldn't, just like I wouldn't voluntarily take myself off the organ donor list for lungs because I smoked for 20 years.
The former Speaker of the House claims Trump has to prove his innocence. This cannot be focused on enough.

It is straight up proof of this witch hunt.

Hey, cult fucks. If you are arrested, are you guilty and must prove your innocence?

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