Nancy Pelosi Tweets that Trump can “prove his innocence”, proving she does not understand our legal system. You are innocent until proven guilty

Okay. A lot of people hate lawyers and doctors, until they need one, then they want the best they can get. I have no idea why you would think accusing TRUMP! of hypocrisy is any kind of argument when we're talking about politics at the highest level. I do not expect him to restrict himself from ANY legal means of defending himself because he's afraid an anonymous internet keyboard jockey is going to say he's a hypocrite for doing so. I wouldn't, just like I wouldn't voluntarily take myself off the organ donor list for lungs because I smoked for 20 years.
So you think Trumpyberra is a hypocrite for taking the fifth after saying that about people who plead the 5th? I just thought he was talking out of both sides of his mouth........
Cult fucks, if you are ever arrested. I dare YOU to claim you must prove you are innocent rather than the government must PROVE you are guilty.

I dare you fake fucks.
So you think Trumpyberra is a hypocrite for taking the fifth after saying that about people who plead the 5th? I just thought he was talking out of both sides of his mouth........
Of course, he's a hypocrite for doing that. He's a hypocrite like most politicians are, and you know that they are. No need to pretend democrats are innocent, either. "Walls don't work! Well, unless it's a wall around my house, then they work well, BUT NOWHERE ELSE". "Guns kill people and no one should have a gun. Well, except for my security detail that I can afford and you can't, they can have guns, BUT NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE ONE". You know, stuff like that.
Of course, he's a hypocrite for doing that. He's a hypocrite like most politicians are, and you know that they are. No need to pretend democrats are innocent, either. "Walls don't work! Well, unless it's a wall around my house, then they work well, BUT NOWHERE ELSE". "Guns kill people and no one should have a gun. Well, except for my security detail that I can afford and you can't, they can have guns, BUT NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE ONE". You know, stuff like that.
Yes it use to be accepted that politicians all do a certain amount of double talk. Something has changed in the last decade or so, the accustions become more vile and nothing is off the table, including superseding the Constitution because of one man's unproven allegations of massive fraud.
Yes it use to be accepted that politicians all do a certain amount of double talk. Something has changed in the last decade or so, the accustions become more vile and nothing is off the table, including superseding the Constitution because of one man's unproven allegations of massive fraud.
Does that mean we now can hold politicians accountable for saying crazy things and demand they be removed from office for, just for one example, using rhetoric designed to whip their constituents up to commit violence when they push political opponents out of the public sphere, then want to get upset if their opponents say anything at all off the PC path?
Obviously Donnie Dangerously gets to defend himself in court against the crimes New York is going to charge him with, to prove his innocence, or not. We'll see.......

Here we go again with you retards. Legal proceedings don't determine innocence. They determine guilt, or insufficient evidence to prove guilt. No wonder you vote for DemoKKKrats, you're all fucking retarded.
What did you learn when you read Taylor v Kentucky?

That is a Supreme Court decision. Do not be a dumb fuck. Educate your ass.
Stupid fucking teabagger.

Taylor v. Kentucky, 436 U.S. 478 (1978)​

At petitioner's Kentucky state robbery trial, which resulted in his conviction, the trial court instructed the jury as to the prosecutor's burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt but refused, inter alia, petitioner's requested instruction on the presumption of innocence.
The robbery victim was the prosecution's only witness, and petitioner was the sole defense witness.
The prosecutor, in his opening statement, related the circumstances of petitioner's arrest and indictment.
In his closing statement, the prosecutor made observations suggesting that petitioner's status as a defendant tended to establish his guilt.
The Kentucky Court of Appeals affirmed the conviction, rejecting petitioner's argument that he was entitled to the requested instruction as a matter of due process under the Fourteenth Amendment.

Held: On the facts, the trial court's refusal to give petitioner's requested instruction on the presumption of innocence resulted in a violation of his right to a fair trial.

ONE fucking trial and you think, ALL jurors, courts and people think the same.............55 YEARS later?
Especially RWNJ's, they would convict Clinton, Obama and Biden, without a trial, just based on what FOX tells them.
You're a delusional nut job.
Cult fucks, if you are ever arrested. I dare YOU to claim you must prove you are innocent rather than the government must PROVE you are guilty.

I dare you fake fucks.
The police (government) arrest you, because THEY think you're "innocent"?
If the accusation is serious enough, the judge will hold the person, in jail with no bail.
Because you're "innocent"?
Then, why do people hire lawyers?
No, it's not. Stupid fuck.

"While in lay usage the term 'not guilty' is often synonymous with 'innocent,' in American criminal jurisprudence they are not the same. 'Not guilty' is a legal finding by the jury that the prosecution has not met its burden of proof."
NO, shit moron.
The judges and jurors don't declare a person, "innocent", they declare them not guilty.
Lawyers and the people accused declare their innocence.
Yeah, that was a mistake for her to post that.

Fortunately, I'm pretty confident that the New York County DA knows how it works.
NO, shit moron.
The judges and jurors don't declare a person, "innocent", they declare them not guilty.
Lawyers and the people accused declare their innocence.

So you call me a "shit moron" then prove me right with your own link. You said not guilty and innocent are the same thing. Rather than admit they aren't, you bury your heels and then prove us right with your own link. There is no legal definition of "innocence." Dumb fuck.

You really are a dumbass.
Those civil rights just drive you Nazis crazy.

Actually they are just fine. We all (including your orange lard and master) are allowed to draw our own con-clusions when someone pleads the Fifth)

No one is ever judged “innocent”, they are judged “guilty” or “not guilty”.

It one of the central tenets of our national legal system.

You cult fucks are some dumb motherfuckers. Why is that?

Read up on Taylor versus Kentucky.

PELOSI IS 100% wrong, and a stupid evil ugly bitch to boot.
The stupid old fat Florida con-man will have his day in court. That is what is just killing the MAGAt cult....that he's not being con-sidered above the law.
So you call me a "shit moron" then prove me right with your own link. You said not guilty and innocent are the same thing. Rather than admit they aren't, you bury your heels and then prove us right with your own link. There is no legal definition of "innocence." Dumb fuck.

You really are a dumbass.
What a fucking, moron.
Thanks to evidently, the Trump U. reading comprehension course.
Never stated a jury will or judge will declare a person.............. INNOCENT.
Notice that no left wing cult fucks have an issue with a US citizen being presumed gulity.

They are communists to the core.
It is funny, but really, it is tremendously dangerous for the former Speaker of the House to reverse the juducial process.

I challenge any left wing cult fuck to call Pelosi out on her bullshit.

You will not. Why is that?

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