Nancy Pelosi

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[New York congressman who signed letter against Pelosi now says he’ll support her]

Rep. Jim Costa (D-Calif.), a leader of the moderate Blue Dog Coalition who has voted against Pelosi in the past, said he has taken calls from House colleagues, senators and home-state bigwigs all urging him to get on board. He described a polite, professional meeting last week with Pelosi during which she made no threats but also gave no ground.

The Blue Dogs, like other factions inside the party, have been frustrated that Pelosi has shown little sign of relinquishing power after 16 years and making way for younger leaders. Pelosi has spoken of being a “transitional” speaker but has resisted making any firm retirement plan.

“I told Nancy last week, ‘None of us are getting any younger,’ ” Costa recalled Tuesday. “She smiled, and she says, ‘Yes, that’s true. None of us are getting any younger.’ ”

In another sign that Pelosi’s potential opposition is softening, a group that threatened to withhold its votes if it doesn’t get a set of House process reforms has started talking about accepting a partial victory and moving on.

The bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus had called for a significant changes that would curb the power of the majority party’s leadership, including requiring floor votes on certain bipartisan bills and opening up the amendment process.

Pelosi last week unveiled proposed reforms that incorporated some of the group’s more modest suggestions but did not include several of its more ambitious demands.

On a conference call Monday, the Democratic members of the group discussed what sort of compromise they could accept, and co-chairman Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) has been negotiating with Pelosi since then in hopes of reaching a deal.

There were plenty of other signs this week that her opposition is fizzling.

With honey instead of vinegar, Pelosi steadily inches toward the speaker’s gavel
looks to me like she's nuts.

Pelosi and that idiot Waters are in a contest to see who can win the dumbest broad on the planet award. So far it’s neck and neck.

Why are American men so afraid of strong, bright, capable women.

Personally, I'm looking forward to Maxine Waters heading the House Finance Committee. Dumb Donald is going to have to go hat in hand and ask Maxine for money for his stupid Wall. That should be fun.

Nancy Pelosi is a bonehed.

Learn to spell, Slingblade.
Shut up Cortez you bitch!

"Some Democrats are saying this, they want to conduct investigations of the president, they even want to impeach the president," PBS's Judy Woodruff said to Pelosi during an interview on Tuesday night.

"That serves their purpose, to say that," Pelosi replied. "We certainly will honor our responsibility as oversight of the executive branch."

Asked whether Democrats would try to impeach Trump, Pelosi said: "It depends on what happens in the [special counsel Robert] Mueller investigation, but that is not unifying and I get criticized in my own party for not being in support of it. But I'm not. If that happens, it would have to be bipartisan, and the evidence would have to be so conclusive."

Pelosi said she and other Democrats would instead focus on addressing the concerns of everyday voters.

Nancy Pelosi just signaled Democrats won't move to impeach Trump if they retake the House
In case you missed it...Obamacare is pretty popular
Only to the ones that get the freebies....the ones having to pay for it and subsidize it? Not so much...


Now, about those "Lizard people" you lied about as it pertains to my postings????
Half the country has a favorable opinion of Obamacare moron

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

And Lizard People...ya know...they're all over Infowars...where you get your opinions from

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

What is "Obamacare moron"???????

BTW, since the seizing of one's fiat paper scrip currency is no longer able to be seized for not complying with the mandates of Barrypuppetcare and that "cadillac plans" are not subject to further taxation? I am not surprised that the freeloaders that vote "leftard" just love Barrypuppetcare.

BTW, Infowars doesn't have a thing to do with what I know.....unlike yourself that worships at the feet of fake news organizations like CNN and MSNBC. You are woefully uninformed and you are as lousy at "flaming" as you are at basic punctuation.

Sucks to be you.......



Loser ^^^
In case you missed it...Obamacare is pretty popular
Only to the ones that get the freebies....the ones having to pay for it and subsidize it? Not so much...


Now, about those "Lizard people" you lied about as it pertains to my postings????
Half the country has a favorable opinion of Obamacare moron

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

And Lizard People...ya know...they're all over Infowars...where you get your opinions from

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

What is "Obamacare moron"???????

BTW, since the seizing of one's fiat paper scrip currency is no longer able to be seized for not complying with the mandates of Barrypuppetcare and that "cadillac plans" are not subject to further taxation? I am not surprised that the freeloaders that vote "leftard" just love Barrypuppetcare.

BTW, Infowars doesn't have a thing to do with what I know.....unlike yourself that worships at the feet of fake news organizations like CNN and MSNBC. You are woefully uninformed and you are as lousy at "flaming" as you are at basic punctuation.

Sucks to be you.......



Loser ^^^

No, that would be you. I listen all day long 5 days a week from agents how their clients complain what shit the ACA is.
looks to me like she's nuts.

Pelosi and that idiot Waters are in a contest to see who can win the dumbest broad on the planet award. So far it’s neck and neck.

Why are American men so afraid of strong, bright, capable women.

Personally, I'm looking forward to Maxine Waters heading the House Finance Committee. Dumb Donald is going to have to go hat in hand and ask Maxine for money for his stupid Wall. That should be fun.

Strong, bright, capable women? So you're admitting you're so anti-social-stupid you think that CROOKEDEST, MOST LYING, EMBEZZLING, SCUMBAG, HATRED/VIOLENCE-SPEWING, MEDICALLY PROVABLE PSYCHOPATH from my state is a "strong, bright, capable woman" you dumb, amoral, mentally slapped bitch? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the hell rock did you crawl out from under, lady, to worship such an extreme white collar criminal simply because she shares your sexual equipment??? I'm as San Franciscan as the Crypt-Keeper, I know that bitch much better than you do.

There is nothing wrong with her, you on the other hand are one very sick puppy. Pathological anger and hate filled rhetoric is a sign manifest in mass murderers and Trump's fellow travelers. I hope you don't own a gun.
looks to me like she's nuts.

Pelosi and that idiot Waters are in a contest to see who can win the dumbest broad on the planet award. So far it’s neck and neck.

Why are American men so afraid of strong, bright, capable women.

Personally, I'm looking forward to Maxine Waters heading the House Finance Committee. Dumb Donald is going to have to go hat in hand and ask Maxine for money for his stupid Wall. That should be fun.

Strong, bright, capable women? So you're admitting you're so anti-social-stupid you think that CROOKEDEST, MOST LYING, EMBEZZLING, SCUMBAG, HATRED/VIOLENCE-SPEWING, MEDICALLY PROVABLE PSYCHOPATH from my state is a "strong, bright, capable woman" you dumb, amoral, mentally slapped bitch? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the hell rock did you crawl out from under, lady, to worship such an extreme white collar criminal simply because she shares your sexual equipment??? I'm as San Franciscan as the Crypt-Keeper, I know that bitch much better than you do.

There is nothing wrong with her, you on the other hand are one very sick puppy. Pathological anger and hate filled rhetoric is a sign manifest in mass murderers and Trump's fellow travelers. I hope you don't own a gun.

I own afraid?
looks to me like she's nuts.

Pelosi and that idiot Waters are in a contest to see who can win the dumbest broad on the planet award. So far it’s neck and neck.

Why are American men so afraid of strong, bright, capable women.

Personally, I'm looking forward to Maxine Waters heading the House Finance Committee. Dumb Donald is going to have to go hat in hand and ask Maxine for money for his stupid Wall. That should be fun.

Strong, bright, capable women? So you're admitting you're so anti-social-stupid you think that CROOKEDEST, MOST LYING, EMBEZZLING, SCUMBAG, HATRED/VIOLENCE-SPEWING, MEDICALLY PROVABLE PSYCHOPATH from my state is a "strong, bright, capable woman" you dumb, amoral, mentally slapped bitch? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the hell rock did you crawl out from under, lady, to worship such an extreme white collar criminal simply because she shares your sexual equipment??? I'm as San Franciscan as the Crypt-Keeper, I know that bitch much better than you do.

There is nothing wrong with her, you on the other hand are one very sick puppy. Pathological anger and hate filled rhetoric is a sign manifest in mass murderers and Trump's fellow travelers. I hope you don't own a gun.

I own afraid?

Concerned. I've been in a number of situations when I should be scared, but my adrenal charge is not to run, but to control my rage.
Pelosi and that idiot Waters are in a contest to see who can win the dumbest broad on the planet award. So far it’s neck and neck.

Why are American men so afraid of strong, bright, capable women.

Personally, I'm looking forward to Maxine Waters heading the House Finance Committee. Dumb Donald is going to have to go hat in hand and ask Maxine for money for his stupid Wall. That should be fun.

Strong, bright, capable women? So you're admitting you're so anti-social-stupid you think that CROOKEDEST, MOST LYING, EMBEZZLING, SCUMBAG, HATRED/VIOLENCE-SPEWING, MEDICALLY PROVABLE PSYCHOPATH from my state is a "strong, bright, capable woman" you dumb, amoral, mentally slapped bitch? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the hell rock did you crawl out from under, lady, to worship such an extreme white collar criminal simply because she shares your sexual equipment??? I'm as San Franciscan as the Crypt-Keeper, I know that bitch much better than you do.

There is nothing wrong with her, you on the other hand are one very sick puppy. Pathological anger and hate filled rhetoric is a sign manifest in mass murderers and Trump's fellow travelers. I hope you don't own a gun.

I own afraid?

Concerned. I've been in a number of situations when I should be scared, but my adrenal charge is not to run, but to control my rage.

My training would make you....afraid.
In case you missed it...Obamacare is pretty popular
Only to the ones that get the freebies....the ones having to pay for it and subsidize it? Not so much...


Now, about those "Lizard people" you lied about as it pertains to my postings????
Half the country has a favorable opinion of Obamacare moron

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

And Lizard People...ya know...they're all over Infowars...where you get your opinions from

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

What is "Obamacare moron"???????

BTW, since the seizing of one's fiat paper scrip currency is no longer able to be seized for not complying with the mandates of Barrypuppetcare and that "cadillac plans" are not subject to further taxation? I am not surprised that the freeloaders that vote "leftard" just love Barrypuppetcare.

BTW, Infowars doesn't have a thing to do with what I know.....unlike yourself that worships at the feet of fake news organizations like CNN and MSNBC. You are woefully uninformed and you are as lousy at "flaming" as you are at basic punctuation.

Sucks to be you.......



Loser ^^^

Ahhhh yes, when a leftard like Wry "the butthurt" Catcher has no way to refute my salient points or offer forth a counter point of view, they resort to a cyber temper tantrum. They are like the spoiled little kid that is losing in a game of checkers so his last resort is to toss the board. Leftards suffer from arrested development.
Pelosi and that idiot Waters are in a contest to see who can win the dumbest broad on the planet award. So far it’s neck and neck.

Why are American men so afraid of strong, bright, capable women.

Personally, I'm looking forward to Maxine Waters heading the House Finance Committee. Dumb Donald is going to have to go hat in hand and ask Maxine for money for his stupid Wall. That should be fun.

Strong, bright, capable women? So you're admitting you're so anti-social-stupid you think that CROOKEDEST, MOST LYING, EMBEZZLING, SCUMBAG, HATRED/VIOLENCE-SPEWING, MEDICALLY PROVABLE PSYCHOPATH from my state is a "strong, bright, capable woman" you dumb, amoral, mentally slapped bitch? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the hell rock did you crawl out from under, lady, to worship such an extreme white collar criminal simply because she shares your sexual equipment??? I'm as San Franciscan as the Crypt-Keeper, I know that bitch much better than you do.

There is nothing wrong with her, you on the other hand are one very sick puppy. Pathological anger and hate filled rhetoric is a sign manifest in mass murderers and Trump's fellow travelers. I hope you don't own a gun.

I own afraid?

Concerned. I've been in a number of situations when I should be scared, but my adrenal charge is not to run, but to control my rage.

"I've been in a number of situations when I should be scared, but my adrenal charge is not to run, but to control my rage".

Is that when you reach down deep and summon up the "folded arms, puckered lip look" and utter the most dangerous words a leftard can muster like "NO FAIR"! and then proceed to hold your breath until you get your way? I suspect so.....


Why are American men so afraid of strong, bright, capable women.

Personally, I'm looking forward to Maxine Waters heading the House Finance Committee. Dumb Donald is going to have to go hat in hand and ask Maxine for money for his stupid Wall. That should be fun.

Strong, bright, capable women? So you're admitting you're so anti-social-stupid you think that CROOKEDEST, MOST LYING, EMBEZZLING, SCUMBAG, HATRED/VIOLENCE-SPEWING, MEDICALLY PROVABLE PSYCHOPATH from my state is a "strong, bright, capable woman" you dumb, amoral, mentally slapped bitch? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the hell rock did you crawl out from under, lady, to worship such an extreme white collar criminal simply because she shares your sexual equipment??? I'm as San Franciscan as the Crypt-Keeper, I know that bitch much better than you do.

There is nothing wrong with her, you on the other hand are one very sick puppy. Pathological anger and hate filled rhetoric is a sign manifest in mass murderers and Trump's fellow travelers. I hope you don't own a gun.

I own afraid?

Concerned. I've been in a number of situations when I should be scared, but my adrenal charge is not to run, but to control my rage.

My training would make you....afraid.

Ya better watch ol Wry Catcher.....when he REALLY gets riled up, he curls up in the fetal position and babbles incoherently and he doesn't care where he is at when he does it!!! Be afraid, VERY afraid.
Why are American men so afraid of strong, bright, capable women.

Personally, I'm looking forward to Maxine Waters heading the House Finance Committee. Dumb Donald is going to have to go hat in hand and ask Maxine for money for his stupid Wall. That should be fun.

Strong, bright, capable women? So you're admitting you're so anti-social-stupid you think that CROOKEDEST, MOST LYING, EMBEZZLING, SCUMBAG, HATRED/VIOLENCE-SPEWING, MEDICALLY PROVABLE PSYCHOPATH from my state is a "strong, bright, capable woman" you dumb, amoral, mentally slapped bitch? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the hell rock did you crawl out from under, lady, to worship such an extreme white collar criminal simply because she shares your sexual equipment??? I'm as San Franciscan as the Crypt-Keeper, I know that bitch much better than you do.

There is nothing wrong with her, you on the other hand are one very sick puppy. Pathological anger and hate filled rhetoric is a sign manifest in mass murderers and Trump's fellow travelers. I hope you don't own a gun.

I own afraid?

Concerned. I've been in a number of situations when I should be scared, but my adrenal charge is not to run, but to control my rage.

"I've been in a number of situations when I should be scared, but my adrenal charge is not to run, but to control my rage".

Is that when you reach down deep and summon up the "folded arms, puckered lip look" and utter the most dangerous words a leftard can muster like "NO FAIR"! and then proceed to hold your breath until you get your way? I suspect so.....


View attachment 230482

You suspect? Goody good for you, you are welcome to your opinions, but to be credible you must have some evidence.
Strong, bright, capable women? So you're admitting you're so anti-social-stupid you think that CROOKEDEST, MOST LYING, EMBEZZLING, SCUMBAG, HATRED/VIOLENCE-SPEWING, MEDICALLY PROVABLE PSYCHOPATH from my state is a "strong, bright, capable woman" you dumb, amoral, mentally slapped bitch? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the hell rock did you crawl out from under, lady, to worship such an extreme white collar criminal simply because she shares your sexual equipment??? I'm as San Franciscan as the Crypt-Keeper, I know that bitch much better than you do.

There is nothing wrong with her, you on the other hand are one very sick puppy. Pathological anger and hate filled rhetoric is a sign manifest in mass murderers and Trump's fellow travelers. I hope you don't own a gun.

I own afraid?

Concerned. I've been in a number of situations when I should be scared, but my adrenal charge is not to run, but to control my rage.

"I've been in a number of situations when I should be scared, but my adrenal charge is not to run, but to control my rage".

Is that when you reach down deep and summon up the "folded arms, puckered lip look" and utter the most dangerous words a leftard can muster like "NO FAIR"! and then proceed to hold your breath until you get your way? I suspect so.....


View attachment 230482

You suspect? Goody good for you, you are welcome to your opinions, but to be credible you must have some evidence.
Once again, when have you America haters ever accepted evidence?
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