Nancy's New Gambit - Scorched Earth

Glad your saw it with your blinders on, champ. When did the democrats ever want to negotiate anything with Trump?

They did offer Trump 25 billion dollars for his wall in return for a path to citizenship for DACA kids.
It's called a compromise, something Trump never tried to negotiate on the budget. All the GOP did was nullify the debt ceiling until after they were out of power.
I remember Pelosi wanting to compromise and work so much with Trump that she shredded shit live on national television while standing right behind him!!!!!
That is no more scorched earth than the republican plan of refusal to consider anything the administration is trying to do (ever), just because they are a Democrat party administration. Try again.
With all due respect, White...Republicans voted for the non partisan infrastructure was the progressive wing of the Democratic Party that are refusing to vote for that unless they are given EVERYTHING they want in their 3.5 trillion dollar boondoggle!
Bottom line is this, Kiddies! When you've got the miniscule majority that the Democrats have in the House and no majority in the you really think you should be passing MAJOR changes to the way the country operates? FDR wasn't doing that when he passed all of his sweeping changes! He had a mandate from the country for change and huge majorities in Congress! That's what you SHOULD have before you decide to do something that half the country isn't behind!
Bottom line is this, Kiddies! When you've got the miniscule majority that the Democrats have in the House and no majority in the you really think you should be passing MAJOR changes to the way the country operates? FDR wasn't doing that when he passed all of his sweeping changes! He had a mandate from the country for change and huge majorities in Congress! That's what you SHOULD have before you decide to do something that half the country isn't behind!
The gop passed their tax cuts 51-49 in the senate in 2017

But Slade posted the question: what's the difference in tax cuts and spending esp in relation to inflation.
Your timeframe is about right. It wasn't this bad in the 70s, 80s or 90s.

It really all started when Newt became speaker and Clinton was POTUS. Clinton was alienating high-dollar donors on the democratic side by bleeding them dry, leaving a few ideologue billionaires with too much power behind the scenes and on the other side Newt was the purity-test republican who helped drive away any kind of bipartisanship.
With all due respect, White...Republicans voted for the non partisan infrastructure was the progressive wing of the Democratic Party that are refusing to vote for that unless they are given EVERYTHING they want in their 3.5 trillion dollar boondoggle!
You weren't supposed to notice that. Orange Man Bad, remember? Always and forever blame Republicans, NEVER, NEVER blame a democrat for anything.
The gop passed their tax cuts 51-49 in the senate in 2017

But Slade posted the question: what's the difference in tax cuts and spending esp in relation to inflation.
With all due respect, Ben...don't you think there is a huge difference between passing a tax cut...something that's been done by both Democratic Administrations and Republican ones...and trying to pass something like the 3.5 trillion dollar plan that the left is trying to pass right now? This is not something's a huge transformation to how this country operates. It's adding massive new layers to the Federal Government!
They oppose yours, and you oppose theirs, neither side really looking for any middle ground. Sure, I wish both parties would work closer to find solutions, but don't now and the result is gridlock, but the republicans are the real scorched earthers of present, going back to the denial of or even considering any supreme court recommendation of the Obama administration for even hearings. It worked so well, it is their pat answer, now.
Gridlock is a good thing! Why do we need new legislation, laws and regulations written all the time?
No work by congress is a good thing. The ONLY thing they should be working on right now is the border and honesty the laws already exist for that so the only thing we really need is legislation to FORCE presidents to enforce the laws.
With all due respect, White...Republicans voted for the non partisan infrastructure was the progressive wing of the Democratic Party that are refusing to vote for that unless they are given EVERYTHING they want in their 3.5 trillion dollar boondoggle!
Well, you are right about that one. Have heard them called progressives. Not sure what that means. They sound radical to me.
It really all started when Newt became speaker and Clinton was POTUS. Clinton was alienating high-dollar donors on the democratic side by bleeding them dry, leaving a few ideologue billionaires with too much power behind the scenes and on the other side Newt was the purity-test republican who helped drive away any kind of bipartisanship.
Understand, but Newt and Bill got the job done. Last time the opposing leaderships worked together for more than a week, in my memory.
Gridlock is a good thing! Why do we need new legislation, laws and regulations written all the time?
No work by congress is a good thing. The ONLY thing they should be working on right now is the border and honesty the laws already exist for that so the only thing we really need is legislation to FORCE presidents to enforce the laws.
I had a T-Shirt saying GRIDLOCK, NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE, back during the early to mid 80s. Very popular topic back then. They didn't have jacksh#t on these Bozo clowns of today, and were a lot more civilized about it.
Understand, but Newt and Bill got the job done. Last time the opposing leaderships worked together for more than a week, in my memory.
Yes, they did. Both pushed hard for their agendas but were willing to negotiate instead of a blanket refusal to budge at all. It was the best of situations in Washington, two parties nullifying the extremists in their parties while holding the other side accountable.

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