Nanny from hell.

So..what would you do?
Me? I'd haul her ass outside so fast her teeth would clack. Then I would be throwing her crap outside to join her. Let her sue me. At least she would be out. And if she tried to come back in by breaking a window because I changed the locks, I would throw her ass right back out again.

Responsible people take care of their own kids. I would not be in that situation.

When you have both parents working, it is responsible to try to find someone to help with looking after the home and the children. What was not smart was these people not checking out this woman, not getting references, and thinking room and board were enough payment for essentially 24 hours a day work taking care of the home and the kids. They didn't offer enough compensation to find someone of good quality.
No responsible parents even working ones make sure one of them is there to take care of the home. If you can't you shouldn't have kids.
There are two sides to the story. I don't know - maybe the family did treat her poorly and she is giving them a taste of their own medicine. Who hires a nanny off Craigslist, anyway?

When I started my resume service, I initially advertised on Craiglist because I didnt' know any better.

Yeah, Craig's List has a sleazy reputation it richly deserves.
No responsible parents even working ones make sure one of them is there to take care of the home. If you can't you shouldn't have kids.

Your signature line is interesting in that your post is very clueless. You apparently don't know anything about the real world.
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So..what would you do?
Me? I'd haul her ass outside so fast her teeth would clack. Then I would be throwing her crap outside to join her. Let her sue me. At least she would be out. And if she tried to come back in by breaking a window because I changed the locks, I would throw her ass right back out again.

I don't get the whole nanny notion. If you need help raising your kids shouldn't one of the parents stay at home? Pleanty of money-making opportunities you can do from home. And if you need that work-outside-of-home because bills are so high, hiring a nanny is only adding to them. Pleanty of poor people around the world raise many children just fine without hiring nannies.
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So..what would you do?
Me? I'd haul her ass outside so fast her teeth would clack. Then I would be throwing her crap outside to join her. Let her sue me. At least she would be out. And if she tried to come back in by breaking a window because I changed the locks, I would throw her ass right back out again.

I don't get the whole nanny notion. If you need help raising your kids shouldn't one of the parents stay at home? Pleanty of money-making opportunities you can do from home.

And while you are working on those money making opportunities at home, who is looking after the children and the house?

Money making opportunies can fall through, or they can fluctuate. A regular job with a regular salary are what people need to raise a family, and in this day and age, most families need two incomes. There is also the idea that it almost always falls on the woman to stay home and raise the kids. Many women want to realize their potential as individuals, beyond being wives and mothers. And don't say, then they shouldn't have kids because no one says that about men. There is nothing wrong with getting help to look after the kids and take care of the house. It is just a matter of making sure you have found the right person: shouldn't go cheap and shouldn't take on anyone who isn't thoroughly vetted.
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So..what would you do?
Me? I'd haul her ass outside so fast her teeth would clack. Then I would be throwing her crap outside to join her. Let her sue me. At least she would be out. And if she tried to come back in by breaking a window because I changed the locks, I would throw her ass right back out again.

I don't get the whole nanny notion. If you need help raising your kids shouldn't one of the parents stay at home? Pleanty of money-making opportunities you can do from home.

And while you are working on those money making opportunities at home, who is looking after the children and the house?

Money making opportunies can fall through, or they can fluctuate. A regular job with a regular salary are what people need to raise a family, and in this day and age, most families need two incomes. There is also the idea that it almost always falls on the woman to stay home and raise the kids. Many women want to realize their potential as individuals, beyond being wives and mothers. And don't say, then they shouldn't have kids because no one says that about men. There is nothing wrong with getting help to look after the kids and take care of the house. It is just a matter of making sure you have found the right person: shouldn't go cheap and shouldn't take on anyone who isn't thoroughly vetted.

There are also single parents.

And let me point out that daycare can be an extremely expensive proposition. Having me in the house may actually cost less than paying a daycare, and I provide much more help.

Now, I got into my situation because of friendship. I wasn't a stranger found through a website. But there are certainly some sensible reasons for a parent or parents to consider a nanny.
I worked as a nanny for one year in Germany. I worked for someone I knew, so was not a stranger to them. I was a very responsible child minder and a very responsible adult living in their home. As a parent, I would either hire someone I knew to care for my kids or I would hire a professional with references and a background check.
Sorry. Forgot to add the link.

Short story is....couple hires crone to be a nanny and help around the house in exchange for free room and board. Crone decides she doesn't want to work any more so they fire her. She refuses to move. Now both parties have lawyers and crone is still there. Crone has a history of suing people, too. 20 cases and more were found.

Depending on the state or county, getting rid of a tenant if you don't have a signed rental agreement can be tough, especially if they have mail sent to that address and had a phone hooked up. If you get them out in thirty days, consider yourself lucky. That's my experience as a landlord. This nanny sounds like the tenant from hell, but 20 + cases? Usually this would raise a judge's suspicion.
Sorry. Forgot to add the link.

Short story is....couple hires crone to be a nanny and help around the house in exchange for free room and board. Crone decides she doesn't want to work any more so they fire her. She refuses to move. Now both parties have lawyers and crone is still there. Crone has a history of suing people, too. 20 cases and more were found.

Depending on the state or county, getting rid of a tenant if you don't have a signed rental agreement can be tough, especially if they have mail sent to that address and had a phone hooked up. If you get them out in thirty days, consider yourself lucky. That's my experience as a landlord. This nanny sounds like the tenant from hell, but 20 + cases? Usually this would raise a judge's suspicion.

I have been in property management for over 30 years, hon. It isn't tricky if you don't mind being sued. In this case..I wouldn't mind. Let her sue me. But I doubledamnguarantee you...she would NOT be under my roof during the battle process. Fact.
Then again, I would not be so stupid to not give them a written 30 day notice. And..when I was still managing property (15 years at the last place), we got them out in less than 30 days. We had our secrets. :D
My cousin used to own a 6-unit building. His blood pressure dropped 20 points when he sold it. Getting ONE tenant out cost him close to $50,000. (Before the dude finally left, he DESTROYED the place, including taking an axe to the walls.)

I did see worse, though: one dude left after trashing the apartment, taking a hammer to a brand new refrigerator, peeing all over the carpets...and he also took the globe off the kitchen light, took a shit in it, and left it on the counter!
Never had those probs. Most of the tenants I had, I helped the best I could. If they couldn't pay rent and I had to give a 3 day pay or quit notice, I told them if they were out on the 3rd day of the notice, I would have their complete deposit for waiting for it. But the unit had to be clean, no damages. And they did exactly that. Sometimes, I gave them their deposit back BEFORE they moved out, so they could get the uhaul. And I gave the rent back to a gal once...when she paid it, she went home to find a message on her answering machine that her mom died. She had no way to get to Oregon because all her money went to rent. So I gave it back and told her to pay it after the funeral. She did.

Bad tenants...I just asked some biker friends to "sublease" the unit. Or the front yard. And don't forget their bikes to store IN the unit when retiring for the night..couch was all theirs...unless they wanted the bedroom then just flop on the floor next to the tenants bed. Which they did. The tenant didn't stay very long. And didn't destroy the unit, either. ;)
Yup. Living in a least they are not under the same roof. In my home? Whole different ballgame. And meaner rule enforcing. ;)

I had properties I managed from Ventura to Maui to Lake Tahoe to West Covina to Bakersfield to here. Big ones, little ones, gang infested ones, froo froo ones. I outter write a book. :)
Never had those probs. Most of the tenants I had, I helped the best I could. If they couldn't pay rent and I had to give a 3 day pay or quit notice, I told them if they were out on the 3rd day of the notice, I would have their complete deposit for waiting for it. But the unit had to be clean, no damages. And they did exactly that. Sometimes, I gave them their deposit back BEFORE they moved out, so they could get the uhaul. And I gave the rent back to a gal once...when she paid it, she went home to find a message on her answering machine that her mom died. She had no way to get to Oregon because all her money went to rent. So I gave it back and told her to pay it after the funeral. She did.

Bad tenants...I just asked some biker friends to "sublease" the unit. Or the front yard. And don't forget their bikes to store IN the unit when retiring for the night..couch was all theirs...unless they wanted the bedroom then just flop on the floor next to the tenants bed. Which they did. The tenant didn't stay very long. And didn't destroy the unit, either. ;)

Try that in this might find yourself locked up for burglary, and the tenant & his lawyer owning the building (and your retirement fund, and your house, and everything else you own) after winning the lawsuit.
Can't get blood from a turnip. I was a great property manager. Got a plaque from the police department for cleaning up the area where the property was located (crips and bloods); got the gangbangers to help me; got us off the blackball list for the navy for housing; made the tenants happy and the owners happy.

Now that I am retired, i will do whatever I have to do to get an undesirable OUT from under MY roof. Let them sue. I don't give a rats ass. But I doubledamn guarantee you they will not stay under the same roof in my own home if they are jerkoffs. Fact.

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