Naomi Wolf: Mandatory Vaccine Passport Could Lead To The End Of Human Liberty In The West

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This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

No, COVID has a 98% survival rate. Cut it with the 99 or 99.8 lie. Moderna and Pfizer have a 99.5% efficacy. The variants could bring this down of course if we don't get shots in arms of around 65%+ of the world pronto.

Simple solution on the COVID vaccine passport. It already exists. Everyone gets a CDC card that has all the details of their vaccinations. As soon as I get my second Moderna shot, I plan on attaching mine to my passport.
The wuflu is at worst 99.8 survival rate

but could be even higher than that since many people have the bug yet never show symptoms
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The Biden administration is working on a vaccine-passport program that would allow people to prove they have received a coronavirus vaccination before entering venues that have been closed during the pandemic, such as offices or movie theatres, The Washington Post and CNN reported.

Five officials, who spoke anonymously, told The Post that the White House is pushing efforts by federal agencies and private companies to develop the program.

Vaccine passports have been widely touted around the world as a way for commerce to start returning to normal while reducing the risk of COVID-19 outbreaks. They could be required for entry to sports arenas, music venues, or restaurants, or to travel internationally.

The passports will likely take the form of a scannable code displayed on smartphones, private developers told The Post, while users without smartphones will be able to print codes onto paper.

Full on facism
The wuflu is at worst 99.8 survival rate

but could be even higher than that since many people have the bug yet never show symptoms

You Are a Fucking IDIOT
United States30,262,377549,3351.8%167.91
thats bullshit

all you can measure is known cases

millions have it and never show symptoms and never die
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
This is what happens when you allow Political Criminals to get away with Treason like they did with The Russian Collusion Hoax.

This is what happens when you allow Political Criminals to get away with Treason, Extortion and Bribery like Joe Biden did in Ukraine.

This is what happens when you allow Political Criminals to launch a Fake Impeachment 2 times based on Zero Evidence and No Grounds and let them pay No Price for doing so.

This is what happens when you allow Political Criminals to criminally and illegally change election laws for the sole purpose of rigging an election and do not punish them for doing so, nor punish every in the bag corrupt judge for refusing to look at hard evidence.

This is what happens when you allow those same people to get away with unleashing a BIO Weapon on America and by accident the rest of the world for the sole purpose of rigging an election and removing an America loving president from office, and putting a Senile Stool Pigeon in his place so our Enemies can destroy us, and destroy The American Dream and the last place of Freedom on Earth.

No thanks, I will not take the Hoax Vaccine for a Hoax Virus that never was a Pandemic.

I no longer accept your lies.

This is One Step Away from The Book of Revelation's Mark of The Beast, and some of you want to give The Government more power to spy on you even more than they are now?
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This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
You Lie! - Republicans force US to have ID to Travel & Vote!

If you traveled before 1980, you had an immunization card requirement .. not for Europe, but for Africa and the Near East.
I'm talking traveling inside the USA. The Republican Real ID laws force us to have papers to ride in a Plane, Train, Bus, drive an Automobile or Vote! Plus you must have insurance to drive.

We also went to Mexico & Canada without Pass Ports. Now we are prisoners' in our own country. Free people can't vote!

Canada and Mexico have the right to protect themselves from travelers carrying disease. Get your vaccinations or stay home.
Then why aren't we forcibly injecting Illegal Aliens with this vaccine and sending them home if they aren't vaccinated if this vaccine is just so amazing you want to force everyone to have it?
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
You Lie! - Republicans force US to have ID to Travel & Vote!

If you traveled before 1980, you had an immunization card requirement .. not for Europe, but for Africa and the Near East.
I'm talking traveling inside the USA. The Republican Real ID laws force us to have papers to ride in a Plane, Train, Bus, drive an Automobile or Vote! Plus you must have insurance to drive.

We also went to Mexico & Canada without Pass Ports. Now we are prisoners' in our own country. Free people can't vote!

Canada and Mexico have the right to protect themselves from travelers carrying disease. Get your vaccinations or stay home.
Then why aren't we forcibly injecting Illegal Aliens with this vaccine and sending them home if they aren't vaccinated if this vaccine is just so amazing you want to force it to have it?

I thought you were claiming children never got Covid.

Immunization cards were the norm up thru the 1980s in most of the world.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

No, COVID has a 98% survival rate. Cut it with the 99 or 99.8 lie. Moderna and Pfizer have a 99.5% efficacy. The variants could bring this down of course if we don't get shots in arms of around 65%+ of the world pronto.

Simple solution on the COVID vaccine passport. It already exists. Everyone gets a CDC card that has all the details of their vaccinations. As soon as I get my second Moderna shot, I plan on attaching mine to my passport.

Sieg Heil Mein Furher,
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

For years and years international travelers had Immunization Cards with their passports.. You had to be up to date with Yellow Fever, Cholera, Typhoid, Polio, Smallpox etc. My shot card is 4 feet long..

You sound like a real dumb cluck.

Actually that describes you. Especially since bought into all the hysteria and hype.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
It's racist. If blacks can't get IDs to vote, how the hell are they going to manage vaccine passports?! I figure this is a plan hatched in South Beach Miami after the spring break they had.

For decades all international travelers had shot cards. Its not a big deal.

How much cholera or yellow fever did you find acceptable back then?
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

For years and years international travelers had Immunization Cards with their passports.. You had to be up to date with Yellow Fever, Cholera, Typhoid, Polio, Smallpox etc. My shot card is 4 feet long..

You sound like a real dumb cluck.

Actually that describes you. Especially since bought into all the hysteria and hype.

LOLOL You must not have traveled internationally until the 1980s.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
You Lie! - Republicans force US to have ID to Travel & Vote!

If you traveled before 1980, you had an immunization card requirement .. not for Europe, but for Africa and the Near East.
I'm talking traveling inside the USA. The Republican Real ID laws force us to have papers to ride in a Plane, Train, Bus, drive an Automobile or Vote! Plus you must have insurance to drive.

We also went to Mexico & Canada without Pass Ports. Now we are prisoners' in our own country. Free people can't vote!

Canada and Mexico have the right to protect themselves from travelers carrying disease. Get your vaccinations or stay home.
Then why aren't we forcibly injecting Illegal Aliens with this vaccine and sending them home if they aren't vaccinated if this vaccine is just so amazing you want to force it to have it?

I thought you were claiming children never got Covid.

Immunization cards were the norm up thru the 1980s in most of the world.
No one wants to listen to that bullshit when we are talking about The Left implementing the most Fascist Control over a Free People in History.

What are you going to do to the people who don't get vaccinations? Make them wear a yellow star of David?

That's how that crap started in Germany. First they said The Jews were dirty, then they said they were disease ridden, then they moved them in to the Ghettos for their "own safety" then they took away everyone's right to free speech, then they took the guns, and their homes and their businesses, and then they put people on Cattle Cars to relocate them to "safe detention facilities," and then they herded everyone in to gas chambers and burned them in the ovens.

Look in the mirror. The Fascist is you, the Fascist is your Neighbor, your mayor, your board of education, your congressman, your current president and his administration.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
You Lie! - Republicans force US to have ID to Travel & Vote!

If you traveled before 1980, you had an immunization card requirement .. not for Europe, but for Africa and the Near East.
I'm talking traveling inside the USA. The Republican Real ID laws force us to have papers to ride in a Plane, Train, Bus, drive an Automobile or Vote! Plus you must have insurance to drive.

We also went to Mexico & Canada without Pass Ports. Now we are prisoners' in our own country. Free people can't vote!

Canada and Mexico have the right to protect themselves from travelers carrying disease. Get your vaccinations or stay home.
Then why aren't we forcibly injecting Illegal Aliens with this vaccine and sending them home if they aren't vaccinated if this vaccine is just so amazing you want to force it to have it?

I thought you were claiming children never got Covid.

Immunization cards were the norm up thru the 1980s in most of the world.
No one wants to listen to that bullshit when we are talking about The Left implementing the most Fascist Control over a Free People in History.

What are you going to do to the people who don't get vaccinations? Make them wear a yellow star of David?

That's how that crap started in Germany. First they said The Jews were dirty, then they said they were disease ridden, then they moved them in to the Ghettos for their "own safety" then they took away everyone's right to free speech, then they took the guns, and then they put people on Cattle Cars to relocate them to safe detention facilities, and then they herded everyone in to gas chambers and burned them in the ovens.

Look in the mirror. The Fascist is you, the Fascist is your Neighbor, your mayor, you board of education, your congressman, your current president and his administration.

My God, you are a moron. Up until about 1980 ALL International Travelers had shot cards... If you weren't up to date on your cholera booster etc, you didn't get thru customs and immigration.

How could you be so GD stupid?

Israel rolls out "vaccine passport" system
And it's a-- there are deep and complex issues that we need to explore. Story continues ROXANA SABERI: Issues like potential discrimination against people who don't want a shot ... Israel have ...
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

For years and years international travelers had Immunization Cards with their passports.. You had to be up to date with Yellow Fever, Cholera, Typhoid, Polio, Smallpox etc. My shot card is 4 feet long..

You sound like a real dumb cluck.

Actually that describes you. Especially since bought into all the hysteria and hype.

LOLOL You must not have traveled internationally until the 1980s.

You poor kid, my Territory was international and I am frequent Mexican Guest. It must be hard to be so afraid of a bug that kills less than 2% of those it infects, so hard that you're willing to freely give up your freedoms. Full on Fascism, that's you kid.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

Kinda looks like this........


  • Screen Shot 2021-02-27 at 1.22.26 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2021-02-27 at 1.22.26 PM.png
    300.9 KB · Views: 28
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

For years and years international travelers had Immunization Cards with their passports.. You had to be up to date with Yellow Fever, Cholera, Typhoid, Polio, Smallpox etc. My shot card is 4 feet long..

You sound like a real dumb cluck.

Actually that describes you. Especially since bought into all the hysteria and hype.

LOLOL You must not have traveled internationally until the 1980s.

You poor kid, my Territory was international and I am frequent Mexican Guest. It must be hard to be so afraid of a bug that kills less than 2% of those it infects, so hard that you're willing to freely give up your freedoms. Full on Fascism, that's you kid.

So you traveled the Middle East, Africa and SouthEast Asia without being vaccinated for yellow fever, cholera, typhoid??
2022: passports are too easy to forge; line up for your mandatory forehead tatoo.
This CNN "expert guest" suggests that with vaccine passports you will gain freedom! You will gain mobility! Nice rhetoric. No problems as long as you have papers! But you shouldn't need an ID to vote.

Covid vaccine passport: Biden administration working to develop a system for people to prove they've been vaccinated - CNNPolitics

The Biden administration previously said the federal government should not be involved in efforts to create a vaccine passport system to verify that people have been vaccinated.

Gee, what changed? You know that Biden is a career politician and in it for personal gain, so I'm sure that if you were able to follow the money on this one, you would know.

The Post, citing five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, reported the effort "has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology."

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeff Zients has led the White House's role in coordinating the project, an official told the Post."Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people's privacy," Zients said earlier this month, according to the newspaper.

There you have it, some political science major will determine what kind of papers you have to have to travel and congregate freely in this country. Probably also need them to get certain jobs.

So all this for a vaccine that might be 80% effective against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.
It's racist. If blacks can't get IDs to vote, how the hell are they going to manage vaccine passports?! I figure this is a plan hatched in South Beach Miami after the spring break they had.

For decades all international travelers had shot cards. Its not a big deal.

How much cholera or yellow fever did you find acceptable back then?
No, that was true only for travel to shitholes. Basically Europe, North America, Japan and even most of North Africa no shots were needed.
The Biden administration is working on a vaccine-passport program that would allow people to prove they have received a coronavirus vaccination before entering venues that have been closed during the pandemic, such as offices or movie theatres, The Washington Post and CNN reported.

Five officials, who spoke anonymously, told The Post that the White House is pushing efforts by federal agencies and private companies to develop the program.

Vaccine passports have been widely touted around the world as a way for commerce to start returning to normal while reducing the risk of COVID-19 outbreaks. They could be required for entry to sports arenas, music venues, or restaurants, or to travel internationally.

The passports will likely take the form of a scannable code displayed on smartphones, private developers told The Post, while users without smartphones will be able to print codes onto paper.

Full on facism

Old time travel vaccination card.


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