NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World

This is what happens when the people elect an inexperienced & failed "Community Organizer" as their President. These people are completely clueless. They have basically gutted and destroyed NASA at this point. NASA shouldn't be used for this kind of stuff. NASA's only hope is that this current President is a one & doner. There is no leadership or discernible direction coming from these warped "Community Organizers" currently running the country. It really is very sad.

Why is it that you never seem to lay blame for your constant whining where it belongs? If the GOP had offered a better alternative ..they would have won. It is that simple. The GOP couldn't find a better opponent to defeat a community organizer? Now that was really sad. How is it that the stupid Obama out organised and out collected funds for the biggest war chest from more individuals in history? I repeat..the sadnest rests at your feet.
You kidding?

Had Juan McWeasel voted against the bailouts, after making a big phony show out of "suspending his campaign", only to then vote the same way his opponent did, he would probably have kicked the snot out of Little Lord Obammyroy.

And if worms had machine guns, birds wouldn't fool with them.
The first challenge for the new NASA- How to get a spacesuit to fit over a Burkha.
In response to criticism, White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said in a statement that “The President has always said that he wants NASA to engage with the world’s best scientists and engineers as we work together to push the boundaries of exploration. Meeting that mandate requires NASA to partner with countries around the world like Russia and Japan, as well as collaboration with Israel and with many Muslim-majority countries. The space race began as a global competition, but, today, it is a global collaboration.”
White House, NASA, Defend Comments About NASA Outreach to Muslim World Criticized by Conservatives - Political Punch

More much ado about nothing
This is what happens when the people elect an inexperienced & failed "Community Organizer" as their President. These people are completely clueless. They have basically gutted and destroyed NASA at this point. NASA shouldn't be used for this kind of stuff. NASA's only hope is that this current President is a one & doner. There is no leadership or discernible direction coming from these warped "Community Organizers" currently running the country. It really is very sad.

Why is it that you never seem to lay blame for your constant whining where it belongs? If the GOP had offered a better alternative ..they would have won. It is that simple. The GOP couldn't find a better opponent to defeat a community organizer? Now that was really sad. How is it that the stupid Obama out organised and out collected funds for the biggest war chest from more individuals in history? I repeat..the sadness rests at your feet.
I really don't see the benefit of this outreach ideology to Muslims as beneficial to going to the stars. It is a waste of money and the money diverted to this flawed ideology should be going to NASA for the Constellation Space Vehicle cancelled by Obama. Tons of money went into this project that would take us back to the moon and solidify us as the dominant leader in Space. Now, what have Muslims historically contributed to the advancement of Science and Engineering lately? Ask yourself this, why has the Muslim world been flawed and stymied for the last 800 years? Obama seems to be fascinated with the Muslim world and wants to have Muslim exceptionalism instead of American exceptionalism here in the U.S.. I really wonder why? You have to really ask yourself why he wants to stagnate our Space Program and take our tax dollars and build Indonesia a space program. (See Video Below) Mr. Bolden on the other hand is a brilliant man with a brilliant mind and career. Mr Bolden should be challenging Obama on this decision making because thanks to Obama we now have to rely on the Russians to get into space. This is unacceptable to have the U.S. to have to do this. It is demoralizing the our pride and it is demoralizing to the workers and scientists of NASA who really doesn't have a challenging agenda to overcome that will make the U.S. the envy of the world that we achieved when we went to the moon in 1969. All of the former Gemini and Apollo Astronauts are against this Muslim outreach program and I share their sentiments.

[ame=]YouTube - Obama: "My Muslim Faith"[/ame]

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