NASA says: Go green to save planet... from alien invasion!


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
Bad news from NASA: If we don&#8217;t reduce carbon emissions, the aliens might come and kill us « Hot Air


This is really just the story of Sodom and Gomorrah repackaged with a scientific patina for the green agenda, no? An omnipotent super-being looks down upon mankind, is angry at what it sees, and resolves to smite the sinners. Can the angels at NASA find 50 righteous world leaders willing to strike a deal at Copenhagen II before it’s too late?

The bad news is, they might not find them. The good news is, the resulting alien invasion will inspire the Keynesian orgy of Paul Krugman’s wettest dreams.


Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations, say scientists | Science | The Guardian


“Green” aliens might object to the environmental damage humans have caused on Earth and wipe us out to save the planet. “These scenarios give us reason to limit our growth and reduce our impact on global ecosystems. It would be particularly important for us to limit our emissions of greenhouse gases, since atmospheric composition can be observed from other planets,” the authors write.

Think about it. :lol:

Gay son,

Lets just say that these scientist are a joke to there profession and can go straight to hell. What a fucking joke. :evil:

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