NASA's top global warming nut admits warming has stopped for 10 years...

What happened to the old growth forests that once covered North America and Europe? What happened to all those forests that once covered China and Southeast Asia before rice was planted? If you don't think mankind has been changing the face of the Earth for thousands of years, you're stupid!

If the chances for something happening are one in a hundred, what makes you think those odds can't be changed? What do you think the odds are right now of having another one of those one in a hundred and fifty year melts in Greenland in the next three years? Hint: it isn't one in fifty!

If that drought continues for the next year in the Great Plains, let's see how many of those Republican farmers still believe your bullshit that global warming isn't causing exceptional weather! I've already predicted the only way to get rid of stupid is to hit it in it's wallet.

What happened to the old growth forests that once covered North America and Europe? Um... People chopped them down.

Umm...North America was never covered in old growth forest. But I do agree we shouldnt be cutting old growth and we need to keep what we have left.

The Plains weren't covered with old growth forests and that's why there are called plains.
You can't google what doesn't exist. Only an idiot would think oil running out would be the first theme of an environmental movement started by an oil spill. What did they do say the great news is there won't be oil in 30 years to spill?

you might want to read this: Did you know that all of the world's oil will be gone in about 40-50 years??? - Yahoo! Answers

You claimed the theme of the first Earth Day was the world's oil would be gone by 2000. I told you that was bullshit, because I remember those times and what started Earth Day. They had plenty of pictures of sea otters killed and being treated to remove oil.





I'll tell you what else is bullshit and that's the automatic moratorium on drilling that an oil spill causes and wingnuts claiming it was Obama over 40 years after they should know a ban on drilling to investigate the cause of a major spill is standard operating procedure.

There was speculation the cause of this spill involved a process which is banned in most oil fields where they manipulate the pressure to encourage the oil to flow to that well by sudden stops and starts. There is some slang name for it in the oil business that I don't remember. In the case of the Santa Barbara oil spill, they managed to crack the sandstone layer above the oil reservoir and caused a leak near the well. They are still getting tar balls washing up on shore after all these years and the tar balls are collected and tested to determine their origin.


There was your latest Cuyahoga river fire in 1969 that was like icing on the cake. The Cuyahoga river empties into abundant fishing areas of Lake Erie. The pollution that started the environmental movement was negligence and businesses were allowed to get away with anything.

nice pics, but all of those areas are now clean and clear. Oil is a natural substance, it is oozing out of the seabed all the time. The gulf oil spill of 2010 is completely gone. the gulf is fine, fish, crabs, oysters, clams, shrimp etc are alive and good to eat.
None of those things caused the climate of the planet to change, to think otherwise is the height of arrogant stupidity.
Go look at all the paving and shopping centers located within a mile of the Chattahoochee River from north Hall county in north Georgia to Bainbridge, Ga. and see the massive amount of run off water directly going into the Chattahoochee and the increase in that over the last 60 years. Add in the irrigation that comes out of the river for the vegetable and shrub industry that lines the corridor from Columbus, Ga. to Quincy Florida as the Apalachicola river is the Chattahoochee river after it leaves Lake Seminole.
Man built all of those centers, man draws all of the water out for irrigation, man built all of the parking lot and road corridors that directly flow that runoff water into the rivers.
And that is the problem.
Pollution causes the warming and man causes the pollution.
Not all of it and maybe not a majority and maybe just a small amount.
But pollution is what ruined Apalachicola oyster beds and pollution and bad man made water management has warmed the water.
It used to be "there is no global warming, it does not exist".
That argument has been proven false.
Man is causing some and possibly the offset of that small amount fucks up all other eco systems as they are all dependent on each other.
There is a frog they have studied down there and that frog has proven to be the #1 evidence of man causing the problem.
The frog lives in the water, eats the bugs, the heron eats the frogs and another insect lives off the heron shit and on and on and on.
A small negative impact on nature, maybe only 1% has a large effect on the entire eco system.

wrong. pollution causes pollution, it does cause climate change. what you are seeing in NW Fla is the result of pollution and destruction of wetlands, same as we see here in Louisiana. But those things are not changing the climate of the planet---only the sun can do that.

Only the sun can change the climate of the earth?
Let me appeal to your reason and common sense.
Snow is white and white reflects heat.
Dark holds in the heat.
Soot laying on snow in many areas of the earth as a result of pollution causes the snow to melt faster as the snow would normally reflect most of that heat.
Soot is from pollution.
So please tell us how the sun produces the heat that causes the snow to melt a significantly faster rate than if there was no soot on it.
Man causes pollution. You know that because you have common sense.

Wow, white reflects heat and black absorbs heat-----got any more revelations for us?

I guess that explains why the northeast is having such a cold winter--------all that evil snow reflecting the heat from the sun---------are you for real?

Yes, the sun controls the climate of the earth. the sun, not human beings.
Yes, the sun controls the climate of the earth. the sun, not human beings.

Up until about 10 years ago, a few scientists did back that idea.

It might be worth reading about how, when and why scientists came to understand that it could not be the single major factor in climate change.
Yes, the sun controls the climate of the earth. the sun, not human beings.

Up until about 10 years ago, a few scientists did back that idea.

It might be worth reading about how, when and why scientists came to understand that it could not be the single major factor in climate change.

Theories, my friend. look up the word "theory". Man is not causing the planet to warm, Man may be polluting the planet but he is not changing its climate.

Man's footprint on the earth is tiny. fly across the atlantic or pacific or USA or Russia or Saudi arabia or south america if you doubt that.
Yes, the sun controls the climate of the earth. the sun, not human beings.

Up until about 10 years ago, a few scientists did back that idea.

It might be worth reading about how, when and why scientists came to understand that it could not be the single major factor in climate change.

Theories, my friend. look up the word "theory". Man is not causing the planet to warm, Man may be polluting the planet but he is not changing its climate.

Man's footprint on the earth is tiny. fly across the atlantic or pacific or USA or Russia or Saudi arabia or south america if you doubt that.

We're going to replace all those coastal cities and infrastructure because some idiot on the internet thinks adding greenhouse gases doesn't cause warming. Global warming is just another thing you are dumb about. You parrot the party line that is backed by money from the energy industries trying to put off what they know is inevitable. It's the same tactics they used to postpone cigarettes being proven to cause cancer.

You claimed the theme of the first Earth Day was the world's oil would be gone by 2000. I told you that was bullshit, because I remember those times and what started Earth Day. They had plenty of pictures of sea otters killed and being treated to remove oil.





I'll tell you what else is bullshit and that's the automatic moratorium on drilling that an oil spill causes and wingnuts claiming it was Obama over 40 years after they should know a ban on drilling to investigate the cause of a major spill is standard operating procedure.

There was speculation the cause of this spill involved a process which is banned in most oil fields where they manipulate the pressure to encourage the oil to flow to that well by sudden stops and starts. There is some slang name for it in the oil business that I don't remember. In the case of the Santa Barbara oil spill, they managed to crack the sandstone layer above the oil reservoir and caused a leak near the well. They are still getting tar balls washing up on shore after all these years and the tar balls are collected and tested to determine their origin.


There was your latest Cuyahoga river fire in 1969 that was like icing on the cake. The Cuyahoga river empties into abundant fishing areas of Lake Erie. The pollution that started the environmental movement was negligence and businesses were allowed to get away with anything.

nice pics, but all of those areas are now clean and clear. Oil is a natural substance, it is oozing out of the seabed all the time. The gulf oil spill of 2010 is completely gone. the gulf is fine, fish, crabs, oysters, clams, shrimp etc are alive and good to eat.
None of those things caused the climate of the planet to change, to think otherwise is the height of arrogant stupidity.

Tar balls are still washing up on the beach from cracks in that sandstone layer. They test the tar balls to determine whether they are natural or from the oil spill.

You think a beach that isn't covered in oil from an oil spill is clean. That really makes sense.
You claimed the theme of the first Earth Day was the world's oil would be gone by 2000. I told you that was bullshit, because I remember those times and what started Earth Day. They had plenty of pictures of sea otters killed and being treated to remove oil.





I'll tell you what else is bullshit and that's the automatic moratorium on drilling that an oil spill causes and wingnuts claiming it was Obama over 40 years after they should know a ban on drilling to investigate the cause of a major spill is standard operating procedure.

There was speculation the cause of this spill involved a process which is banned in most oil fields where they manipulate the pressure to encourage the oil to flow to that well by sudden stops and starts. There is some slang name for it in the oil business that I don't remember. In the case of the Santa Barbara oil spill, they managed to crack the sandstone layer above the oil reservoir and caused a leak near the well. They are still getting tar balls washing up on shore after all these years and the tar balls are collected and tested to determine their origin.


There was your latest Cuyahoga river fire in 1969 that was like icing on the cake. The Cuyahoga river empties into abundant fishing areas of Lake Erie. The pollution that started the environmental movement was negligence and businesses were allowed to get away with anything.

nice pics, but all of those areas are now clean and clear. Oil is a natural substance, it is oozing out of the seabed all the time. The gulf oil spill of 2010 is completely gone. the gulf is fine, fish, crabs, oysters, clams, shrimp etc are alive and good to eat.
None of those things caused the climate of the planet to change, to think otherwise is the height of arrogant stupidity.

Tar balls are still washing up on the beach from cracks in that sandstone layer. They test the tar balls to determine whether they are natural or from the oil spill.

You think a beach that isn't covered in oil from an oil spill is clean. That really makes sense.

tar balls have been washing up on the beaches for thousands of years. What I said is that the gulf has recovered from the BP oil spill. I live here, I saw it all in person, I know what is there today and what was there just after the spill. Yes, some birds, otters, fish, oysters were killed, but they have been replaced by other birds, otters, oysters, and fish.

Our planet heals itself, and it does a better job of it if we stay out of it.
Up until about 10 years ago, a few scientists did back that idea.

It might be worth reading about how, when and why scientists came to understand that it could not be the single major factor in climate change.

Theories, my friend. look up the word "theory". Man is not causing the planet to warm, Man may be polluting the planet but he is not changing its climate.

Man's footprint on the earth is tiny. fly across the atlantic or pacific or USA or Russia or Saudi arabia or south america if you doubt that.

We're going to replace all those coastal cities and infrastructure because some idiot on the internet thinks adding greenhouse gases doesn't cause warming. Global warming is just another thing you are dumb about. You parrot the party line that is backed by money from the energy industries trying to put off what they know is inevitable. It's the same tactics they used to postpone cigarettes being proven to cause cancer.

If Algore was right, Miami and New Orleans would already be under water, but they are not. the level ofthe oceans has not changed. Gore is a liar and a fraud. Why do liberals choose to believe liars and frauds?
Theories, my friend. look up the word "theory". Man is not causing the planet to warm, Man may be polluting the planet but he is not changing its climate.

Man's footprint on the earth is tiny. fly across the atlantic or pacific or USA or Russia or Saudi arabia or south america if you doubt that.

We're going to replace all those coastal cities and infrastructure because some idiot on the internet thinks adding greenhouse gases doesn't cause warming. Global warming is just another thing you are dumb about. You parrot the party line that is backed by money from the energy industries trying to put off what they know is inevitable. It's the same tactics they used to postpone cigarettes being proven to cause cancer.

If Algore was right, Miami and New Orleans would already be under water, but they are not. the level ofthe oceans has not changed. Gore is a liar and a fraud. Why do liberals choose to believe liars and frauds?

It takes more than you saying it, fool! You have no credibility and you don't back up what you say because it's made up nonsense.

omg - libs will buy anything!!!

Send in your money!! The oceans are rising!!

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!!

Ok, Chicken Littles... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Yes, the sun controls the climate of the earth. the sun, not human beings.

Up until about 10 years ago, a few scientists did back that idea.

It might be worth reading about how, when and why scientists came to understand that it could not be the single major factor in climate change.

Theories, my friend. look up the word "theory". Man is not causing the planet to warm, Man may be polluting the planet but he is not changing its climate.

Man's footprint on the earth is tiny. fly across the atlantic or pacific or USA or Russia or Saudi arabia or south america if you doubt that.

Then where's that extra CO2 coming from?
tar balls have been washing up on the beaches for thousands of years. What I said is that the gulf has recovered from the BP oil spill. I live here, I saw it all in person, I know what is there today and what was there just after the spill. Yes, some birds, otters, fish, oysters were killed, but they have been replaced by other birds, otters, oysters, and fish.

Our planet heals itself, and it does a better job of it if we stay out of it.

But we're not staying out of it. We put more CO2 in the atmosphere in days than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year. How long before that starts to tell?
wrong. pollution causes pollution, it does cause climate change. what you are seeing in NW Fla is the result of pollution and destruction of wetlands, same as we see here in Louisiana. But those things are not changing the climate of the planet---only the sun can do that.

Only the sun can change the climate of the earth?
Let me appeal to your reason and common sense.
Snow is white and white reflects heat.
Dark holds in the heat.
Soot laying on snow in many areas of the earth as a result of pollution causes the snow to melt faster as the snow would normally reflect most of that heat.
Soot is from pollution.
So please tell us how the sun produces the heat that causes the snow to melt a significantly faster rate than if there was no soot on it.
Man causes pollution. You know that because you have common sense.

Wow, white reflects heat and black absorbs heat-----got any more revelations for us?

I guess that explains why the northeast is having such a cold winter--------all that evil snow reflecting the heat from the sun---------are you for real?

Yes, the sun controls the climate of the earth. the sun, not human beings.

You are in serious denial. Fact and revelation.
Black soot on snow over thousands of square miles of snow a year causes warming and you do not believe that affects the earth.
Man creates the black soot.
Now explain to us how the sun caused the soot to get on the snow.
This thread is Exhibit A on why Republicans need to focus on fiscal issues and run the tax and spend Democrats out of office.
Many good folks that are in line with the fiscal issues have missed the boat on science.
Not every study out there that states man is contributing to global warming is from a commie pinko, socialist, Stalin living socialist.

omg - libs will buy anything!!!

Send in your money!! The oceans are rising!!

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!!

Ok, Chicken Littles... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Not a lib Moe.
Been voting Republican for 40 years.
Just like 9990 colleges and universities teach evolution as scientific fact 90% of all the oceanographic and atmospheric scientists on the globe state from over a hundred years iof scientific research that global warming is here and man causes some of it.
Facts sure are a bitch to an ideologue.
nice pics, but all of those areas are now clean and clear. Oil is a natural substance, it is oozing out of the seabed all the time. The gulf oil spill of 2010 is completely gone. the gulf is fine, fish, crabs, oysters, clams, shrimp etc are alive and good to eat.
None of those things caused the climate of the planet to change, to think otherwise is the height of arrogant stupidity.

Tar balls are still washing up on the beach from cracks in that sandstone layer. They test the tar balls to determine whether they are natural or from the oil spill.

You think a beach that isn't covered in oil from an oil spill is clean. That really makes sense.

tar balls have been washing up on the beaches for thousands of years. What I said is that the gulf has recovered from the BP oil spill. I live here, I saw it all in person, I know what is there today and what was there just after the spill. Yes, some birds, otters, fish, oysters were killed, but they have been replaced by other birds, otters, oysters, and fish.

Our planet heals itself, and it does a better job of it if we stay out of it.

Lower molecule weight hydrocarbons evaporate and a dumbass like you thinks that means the planet is healing itself. I brought up the Santa Barbara oil spill to prove to an idiot that the first Earth Day inspired by it didn't have the theme that oil was going to run out by 2000 like he said. It's just common sense that oil running out and oil spills don't mix. It's also common sense to know a person can't determine a complete recovery from an oil spill with their eyes seeing it.

omg - libs will buy anything!!!

Send in your money!! The oceans are rising!!

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!!

Ok, Chicken Littles... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Not a lib Moe.
Been voting Republican for 40 years.
Just like 9990 colleges and universities teach evolution as scientific fact 90% of all the oceanographic and atmospheric scientists on the globe state from over a hundred years iof scientific research that global warming is here and man causes some of it.
Facts sure are a bitch to an ideologue.

I'm very glad to see this - because most genuine conservatives really do understand science, and it's time for some of the extremists on this board to realise the Tea Party isn't necessarily the right source of information on climate - scientists are.
I'm very glad to see this - because most genuine conservatives really do understand science, and it's time for some of the extremists on this board to realise the Tea Party isn't necessarily the right source of information on climate - scientists are.

Ah, another left-winger who feels qualified to pontificate on who is a "true conservative."

In left-wing parlance, so-called "climate scientists" are whoever agrees with the global warming con. They are in fact all stooges on the government payroll. They are bought and paid for.

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