NASA's top global warming nut admits warming has stopped for 10 years...

You said, but you are liars, so what you say has little meaning to people who know better. The first Earth Day was in 1970 after the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill and the 1969 Cuyahoga River fire. Running out of oil would be the last things on their minds, so what you say doesn't even make sense.

Don't you have anything better to do that go on the internet and lie your ass off? Do you like making a fool out of yourself all the time?

I googled gaylord nelson's first earth day predictions, and well I f ound all kinds of goofy predictions that never came true. Thanks for proving my point and giving me some laughs. Ya'll are looney, lol.
You want us to believe the first Earth Day, which was started because of the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill, which was a major spill that I remember, carried the theme that we were going to run out of oil. That's what happens when a fool goes on the internet running his mouth about things he obviously doesn't know about. You say things that common sense would tell someone couldn't have happened. The Cuyahoga River had a long history of catching on fire and all of this motivated the government and people to say enough to this careless pollution and the pollution was that bad back then. That's all the early environmental movement was about. There were no public concerns about global warming back in those days.

You are an idiot!

Not my fault your to stupid to goggle it and read it for yourself. Looneys like yourself have been predicting doom and gloom for years and nothing has happen, so no actually your the idiot.
I have fished the Apalachicola Bay in Florida for over 25 years.
Used to the trout would head up river in late September when the water started to cool. Now it is late November.
Used to the trout would come back down into the bay when the water warmed in late April.
They have been there for a few weeks now.
Used to the oyster beds had no problems and were alive and well.
Now many are dead and there are massive problems in the bay as oyster production this year was about 15% of what it used to be.
And the water warming and more warmer each and every year is the problem.
River and bay fishing guides, oyster men, crab trap men and the work force down there in that area that is dependent on that estuary for their livelihood are not political.
They know for a fact that the warming has caused all of the problems that bay has now.
Only a dumb ass would claim that there is no warming going on on this planet.
I can point to 40 other estuaries on this country the same thing is going on.
And it is NOT part of any cycle as this has never happened before.
The water is warming because the climate has warmed.
That is FACT.
We can argue on how best to lower the POLLUTION which is causing it or we can continue to keep our dumb ass heads in the sand and make it a petty absurd political argument like the far right KOOKS do.

I live in south Louisiana and I have experienced some of the same things here. So I do think that the climate may be on a small warming trend.

But, there is absolutely no proof that man has anything to do with it. The global warmers want to say that pollution equals warming, that is just stupid.

In many places pollution that existed in the 50s and 60s has been cleaned up.

It is also true that the southern hemisphere is seeing a cooling trend. Antarctic ice is growing while arctic ice seems to be shrinking. I do not think the people in the northeast right now think there is a warming trend as they are buried in snow and ice.

My point is that even if we are seeing a warming trend, man did not cause it and cannot change it. Certainly paying more taxes to the corrupt government will not change anything.
Wow, 7 more pages and not ONE doable idea for reducing carbon emissions GLOBALLY.

This thread is the epitome of pointless.

Get rid of half the world's people. That'll do it. mother Nature will take care of that for us. Not to worry. :cool:

You are being sarcastic, but you are correct. The real problem is overpopulation, but our politically correct assholes in DC and the rest of the world's capitals will not allow that to be discussed.

Our planet can only support a finite number of human beings. That's the real issue.
I have fished the Apalachicola Bay in Florida for over 25 years.
Used to the trout would head up river in late September when the water started to cool. Now it is late November.
Used to the trout would come back down into the bay when the water warmed in late April.
They have been there for a few weeks now.
Used to the oyster beds had no problems and were alive and well.
Now many are dead and there are massive problems in the bay as oyster production this year was about 15% of what it used to be.
And the water warming and more warmer each and every year is the problem.
River and bay fishing guides, oyster men, crab trap men and the work force down there in that area that is dependent on that estuary for their livelihood are not political.
They know for a fact that the warming has caused all of the problems that bay has now.
Only a dumb ass would claim that there is no warming going on on this planet.
I can point to 40 other estuaries on this country the same thing is going on.
And it is NOT part of any cycle as this has never happened before.
The water is warming because the climate has warmed.
That is FACT.
We can argue on how best to lower the POLLUTION which is causing it or we can continue to keep our dumb ass heads in the sand and make it a petty absurd political argument like the far right KOOKS do.

I live in south Louisiana and I have experienced some of the same things here. So I do think that the climate may be on a small warming trend.

But, there is absolutely no proof that man has anything to do with it. The global warmers want to say that pollution equals warming, that is just stupid.

In many places pollution that existed in the 50s and 60s has been cleaned up.

It is also true that the southern hemisphere is seeing a cooling trend. Antarctic ice is growing while arctic ice seems to be shrinking. I do not think the people in the northeast right now think there is a warming trend as they are buried in snow and ice.

My point is that even if we are seeing a warming trend, man did not cause it and cannot change it. Certainly paying more taxes to the corrupt government will not change anything.

Go look at all the paving and shopping centers located within a mile of the Chattahoochee River from north Hall county in north Georgia to Bainbridge, Ga. and see the massive amount of run off water directly going into the Chattahoochee and the increase in that over the last 60 years. Add in the irrigation that comes out of the river for the vegetable and shrub industry that lines the corridor from Columbus, Ga. to Quincy Florida as the Apalachicola river is the Chattahoochee river after it leaves Lake Seminole.
Man built all of those centers, man draws all of the water out for irrigation, man built all of the parking lot and road corridors that directly flow that runoff water into the rivers.
And that is the problem.
Pollution causes the warming and man causes the pollution.
Not all of it and maybe not a majority and maybe just a small amount.
But pollution is what ruined Apalachicola oyster beds and pollution and bad man made water management has warmed the water.
It used to be "there is no global warming, it does not exist".
That argument has been proven false.
Man is causing some and possibly the offset of that small amount fucks up all other eco systems as they are all dependent on each other.
There is a frog they have studied down there and that frog has proven to be the #1 evidence of man causing the problem.
The frog lives in the water, eats the bugs, the heron eats the frogs and another insect lives off the heron shit and on and on and on.
A small negative impact on nature, maybe only 1% has a large effect on the entire eco system.
Wow, 7 more pages and not ONE doable idea for reducing carbon emissions GLOBALLY.

This thread is the epitome of pointless.

Get rid of half the world's people. That'll do it. mother Nature will take care of that for us. Not to worry. :cool:

You are being sarcastic, but you are correct. The real problem is overpopulation, but our politically correct assholes in DC and the rest of the world's capitals will not allow that to be discussed.

Our planet can only support a finite number of human beings. That's the real issue.

Because everytime we discuss it the fruitcake right wing kooks come out of the woodwork and accuse of wanting to be like China and limit the amount of children we can have.
Get rid of half the world's people. That'll do it. mother Nature will take care of that for us. Not to worry. :cool:

You are being sarcastic, but you are correct. The real problem is overpopulation, but our politically correct assholes in DC and the rest of the world's capitals will not allow that to be discussed.

Our planet can only support a finite number of human beings. That's the real issue.

Because everytime we discuss it the fruitcake right wing kooks come out of the woodwork and accuse of wanting to be like China and limit the amount of children we can have.

come on, the discussion of population control will not be brought up by either party. But the dems do want to use abortion for population control-------uhhh, china already does that.
I have fished the Apalachicola Bay in Florida for over 25 years.
Used to the trout would head up river in late September when the water started to cool. Now it is late November.
Used to the trout would come back down into the bay when the water warmed in late April.
They have been there for a few weeks now.
Used to the oyster beds had no problems and were alive and well.
Now many are dead and there are massive problems in the bay as oyster production this year was about 15% of what it used to be.
And the water warming and more warmer each and every year is the problem.
River and bay fishing guides, oyster men, crab trap men and the work force down there in that area that is dependent on that estuary for their livelihood are not political.
They know for a fact that the warming has caused all of the problems that bay has now.
Only a dumb ass would claim that there is no warming going on on this planet.
I can point to 40 other estuaries on this country the same thing is going on.
And it is NOT part of any cycle as this has never happened before.
The water is warming because the climate has warmed.
That is FACT.
We can argue on how best to lower the POLLUTION which is causing it or we can continue to keep our dumb ass heads in the sand and make it a petty absurd political argument like the far right KOOKS do.

I live in south Louisiana and I have experienced some of the same things here. So I do think that the climate may be on a small warming trend.

But, there is absolutely no proof that man has anything to do with it. The global warmers want to say that pollution equals warming, that is just stupid.

In many places pollution that existed in the 50s and 60s has been cleaned up.

It is also true that the southern hemisphere is seeing a cooling trend. Antarctic ice is growing while arctic ice seems to be shrinking. I do not think the people in the northeast right now think there is a warming trend as they are buried in snow and ice.

My point is that even if we are seeing a warming trend, man did not cause it and cannot change it. Certainly paying more taxes to the corrupt government will not change anything.

Go look at all the paving and shopping centers located within a mile of the Chattahoochee River from north Hall county in north Georgia to Bainbridge, Ga. and see the massive amount of run off water directly going into the Chattahoochee and the increase in that over the last 60 years. Add in the irrigation that comes out of the river for the vegetable and shrub industry that lines the corridor from Columbus, Ga. to Quincy Florida as the Apalachicola river is the Chattahoochee river after it leaves Lake Seminole.
Man built all of those centers, man draws all of the water out for irrigation, man built all of the parking lot and road corridors that directly flow that runoff water into the rivers.
And that is the problem.
Pollution causes the warming and man causes the pollution.
Not all of it and maybe not a majority and maybe just a small amount.
But pollution is what ruined Apalachicola oyster beds and pollution and bad man made water management has warmed the water.
It used to be "there is no global warming, it does not exist".
That argument has been proven false.
Man is causing some and possibly the offset of that small amount fucks up all other eco systems as they are all dependent on each other.
There is a frog they have studied down there and that frog has proven to be the #1 evidence of man causing the problem.
The frog lives in the water, eats the bugs, the heron eats the frogs and another insect lives off the heron shit and on and on and on.
A small negative impact on nature, maybe only 1% has a large effect on the entire eco system.

wrong. pollution causes pollution, it does cause climate change. what you are seeing in NW Fla is the result of pollution and destruction of wetlands, same as we see here in Louisiana. But those things are not changing the climate of the planet---only the sun can do that.
I googled gaylord nelson's first earth day predictions, and well I f ound all kinds of goofy predictions that never came true. Thanks for proving my point and giving me some laughs. Ya'll are looney, lol.
You want us to believe the first Earth Day, which was started because of the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill, which was a major spill that I remember, carried the theme that we were going to run out of oil. That's what happens when a fool goes on the internet running his mouth about things he obviously doesn't know about. You say things that common sense would tell someone couldn't have happened. The Cuyahoga River had a long history of catching on fire and all of this motivated the government and people to say enough to this careless pollution and the pollution was that bad back then. That's all the early environmental movement was about. There were no public concerns about global warming back in those days.

You are an idiot!

Not my fault your to stupid to goggle it and read it for yourself. Looneys like yourself have been predicting doom and gloom for years and nothing has happen, so no actually your the idiot.

You can't google what doesn't exist. Only an idiot would think oil running out would be the first theme of an environmental movement started by an oil spill. What did they do say the great news is there won't be oil in 30 years to spill?
You want us to believe the first Earth Day, which was started because of the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill, which was a major spill that I remember, carried the theme that we were going to run out of oil. That's what happens when a fool goes on the internet running his mouth about things he obviously doesn't know about. You say things that common sense would tell someone couldn't have happened. The Cuyahoga River had a long history of catching on fire and all of this motivated the government and people to say enough to this careless pollution and the pollution was that bad back then. That's all the early environmental movement was about. There were no public concerns about global warming back in those days.

You are an idiot!

Not my fault your to stupid to goggle it and read it for yourself. Looneys like yourself have been predicting doom and gloom for years and nothing has happen, so no actually your the idiot.

You can't google what doesn't exist. Only an idiot would think oil running out would be the first theme of an environmental movement started by an oil spill. What did they do say the great news is there won't be oil in 30 years to spill?

you might want to read this: Did you know that all of the world's oil will be gone in about 40-50 years??? - Yahoo! Answers

What is it with you fucking dumbasses anyway. You can go to his website and read what he says. He publishes all the time:

Dr. James Hansen
02/19/2013 4:57 pm

The climate science is crystal clear. We cannot go down the path of the dirty fuels without guaranteeing that the climate system passes tipping points, leaving our children and grandchildren a situation out of their control, a situation of our making.

Dr. James Hansen: A Fork in the Road

Dumbasses are really fucking starting to annoy me.
Only thing Global warming did is make AL gore a REALLY rich hypocrital man since he doesnt practice what he preaches and lives in ahouse that eats up electricity and uses a private jet.

Your obvious bias shows with "top global warming nut".

2009 is on record as the 2nd warmest year ever since they started keeping the data in 1879.

2000-2009 is the hottest decade.

How many tens of billions of dollars has private business spent on their own research and lobbying attempting to prove that NASA and many other American government agencies have been massaging the data to get the results that they want?
And what proof other than NOTHING have they come up with after tens of billions of their own studies attempting to refute any of NASA's data?
In fact NASA took the data collected from dozens of those groups and factually came to the same conclusion.
The difference is the anti global warming industry DOES NOT allow the process that they use to come up with their results to be completely open to scrutiny.
NASA has open books.
Why are all of these other groups that claim global warming is a "liberal" hoax unwilling to be completely open to scrutiny?
Only thing Global warming did is make AL gore a REALLY rich hypocrital man since he doesnt practice what he preaches and lives in ahouse that eats up electricity and uses a private jet.

I fell off my dinosaur last time I heard that one.
Many of the green industries have produced results and Wall Street made a killing there also.

I assume you believe that Wall Street investing hundreds of billions in green technologies makes them liberals?
I live in south Louisiana and I have experienced some of the same things here. So I do think that the climate may be on a small warming trend.

But, there is absolutely no proof that man has anything to do with it. The global warmers want to say that pollution equals warming, that is just stupid.

In many places pollution that existed in the 50s and 60s has been cleaned up.

It is also true that the southern hemisphere is seeing a cooling trend. Antarctic ice is growing while arctic ice seems to be shrinking. I do not think the people in the northeast right now think there is a warming trend as they are buried in snow and ice.

My point is that even if we are seeing a warming trend, man did not cause it and cannot change it. Certainly paying more taxes to the corrupt government will not change anything.

Go look at all the paving and shopping centers located within a mile of the Chattahoochee River from north Hall county in north Georgia to Bainbridge, Ga. and see the massive amount of run off water directly going into the Chattahoochee and the increase in that over the last 60 years. Add in the irrigation that comes out of the river for the vegetable and shrub industry that lines the corridor from Columbus, Ga. to Quincy Florida as the Apalachicola river is the Chattahoochee river after it leaves Lake Seminole.
Man built all of those centers, man draws all of the water out for irrigation, man built all of the parking lot and road corridors that directly flow that runoff water into the rivers.
And that is the problem.
Pollution causes the warming and man causes the pollution.
Not all of it and maybe not a majority and maybe just a small amount.
But pollution is what ruined Apalachicola oyster beds and pollution and bad man made water management has warmed the water.
It used to be "there is no global warming, it does not exist".
That argument has been proven false.
Man is causing some and possibly the offset of that small amount fucks up all other eco systems as they are all dependent on each other.
There is a frog they have studied down there and that frog has proven to be the #1 evidence of man causing the problem.
The frog lives in the water, eats the bugs, the heron eats the frogs and another insect lives off the heron shit and on and on and on.
A small negative impact on nature, maybe only 1% has a large effect on the entire eco system.

wrong. pollution causes pollution, it does cause climate change. what you are seeing in NW Fla is the result of pollution and destruction of wetlands, same as we see here in Louisiana. But those things are not changing the climate of the planet---only the sun can do that.

Only the sun can change the climate of the earth?
Let me appeal to your reason and common sense.
Snow is white and white reflects heat.
Dark holds in the heat.
Soot laying on snow in many areas of the earth as a result of pollution causes the snow to melt faster as the snow would normally reflect most of that heat.
Soot is from pollution.
So please tell us how the sun produces the heat that causes the snow to melt a significantly faster rate than if there was no soot on it.
Man causes pollution. You know that because you have common sense.
Not my fault your to stupid to goggle it and read it for yourself. Looneys like yourself have been predicting doom and gloom for years and nothing has happen, so no actually your the idiot.

You can't google what doesn't exist. Only an idiot would think oil running out would be the first theme of an environmental movement started by an oil spill. What did they do say the great news is there won't be oil in 30 years to spill?

you might want to read this: Did you know that all of the world's oil will be gone in about 40-50 years??? - Yahoo! Answers

You claimed the theme of the first Earth Day was the world's oil would be gone by 2000. I told you that was bullshit, because I remember those times and what started Earth Day. They had plenty of pictures of sea otters killed and being treated to remove oil.





I'll tell you what else is bullshit and that's the automatic moratorium on drilling that an oil spill causes and wingnuts claiming it was Obama over 40 years after they should know a ban on drilling to investigate the cause of a major spill is standard operating procedure.

There was speculation the cause of this spill involved a process which is banned in most oil fields where they manipulate the pressure to encourage the oil to flow to that well by sudden stops and starts. There is some slang name for it in the oil business that I don't remember. In the case of the Santa Barbara oil spill, they managed to crack the sandstone layer above the oil reservoir and caused a leak near the well. They are still getting tar balls washing up on shore after all these years and the tar balls are collected and tested to determine their origin.


There was your latest Cuyahoga river fire in 1969 that was like icing on the cake. The Cuyahoga river empties into abundant fishing areas of Lake Erie. The pollution that started the environmental movement was negligence and businesses were allowed to get away with anything.
Do you know anything about this subject? If you change the surface of the Earth from a forested area to an area without forests, it changes the way the Earth handles sunlight, especially in winter. Only about a quarter of the carbon is in the wood harvested from a forest. Some of that wood may last in items for awhile, but try finding some of that wood that was all over Europe when Julius Caesar was there!

As we warm areas that presently are tundra, that area can become forested taiga, which doesn't reflect sunlight the way a flat snow covered area reflects it. Snow cover in a forest is different than snow cover on open land. There are so many positive feedback to current warming that you would think anyone with a brain would believe that warming should continue. How can you lose an area of Northern Hemisphere snow cover three times the size of Greenland in June and it not cause warming? Compare the difference between the sunlight reflected off of sea ice and the sunlight absorbed by open ocean! It's like night and day. The wind blowing across sea ice blows like it does across land, but remove that sea ice and the ocean moves in giant waves with the wind. That wind will mix up the relatively salt free surface of the Arctic ocean with the saltier water below and once the surface is salty, it will be harder to freeze.

Since the Earth has so much water, the effects of warming are dampened as the water warms, but eventually the surface temperatures of the air have to warm. Eventually, the heat used to melt ice can do other things when there is no ice to melt. It takes a lot of heat to change the phase of water compared to the amount of heat needed to raise it's temperature.

It would seem I know a lot more about it than you do. The trees that were cut down by the early natives was hardly enough to affect the temperature of the globe. You are stark raving mad. Simply insane.

And still all you can do is predict more great disasters. You can't actually show, however, where any of your predictions have come true. And if the current "stoppage" in warming was to be expected then why did none of you people EXPECT IT?! You have been predicting continually climbing temperatures for as far as the eye can see.

That didn't happen.

You don't know jack shit about deforestation in Europe and North America. Now, you can add the rainforest to the list. If you knew about forest, you would have addressed the carbon sink question that was posed. The fact is an old growth forest isn't a carbon sink and is at equalibrium with it giving up carbon as fast as it gains it. An actively growing younger forest is a carbon sink. The forests in North America and Europe were old growth forests, so they had already stored their carbon and were no longer sinking it, except in areas where the forest was destroyed. A rainforest is a different matter, because the constant rains cool the Earth and emits heat to space.

You've been told for years to expect exceptional weather events and they've been happening. It's been pointed out the changes in arctic temperatures are affecting the jet stream, causing it to stall over areas and making prolonged periods of similar weather events. It's also been predicted that the arctic will warm faster than expected. The fact is no one has predicted a disaster to happen this soon and you fucking know it. You're just a scumbag liar about everything pertaining to this subject and you know that too. It would be good for your kind to live another 50 years, so you can enjoy the world you worked so hard to fuck up.

You do realize that forest fires use to burn unchecked right? These days we put them out.
So we lose far fewer trees to fire then in the past. And the ones that are cut down are replaced.
And just imagine how much carbon those unchecked forest fires put out.
and the dust bowl of the 1930s was caused by?-------------------------soccer moms in SUVs and chinese coal fired power plants----------oh wait -------------

What happened to the old growth forests that once covered North America and Europe? What happened to all those forests that once covered China and Southeast Asia before rice was planted? If you don't think mankind has been changing the face of the Earth for thousands of years, you're stupid!

If the chances for something happening are one in a hundred, what makes you think those odds can't be changed? What do you think the odds are right now of having another one of those one in a hundred and fifty year melts in Greenland in the next three years? Hint: it isn't one in fifty!

If that drought continues for the next year in the Great Plains, let's see how many of those Republican farmers still believe your bullshit that global warming isn't causing exceptional weather! I've already predicted the only way to get rid of stupid is to hit it in it's wallet.

What happened to the old growth forests that once covered North America and Europe? Um... People chopped them down.

Umm...North America was never covered in old growth forest. But I do agree we shouldnt be cutting old growth and we need to keep what we have left.
It would seem I know a lot more about it than you do. The trees that were cut down by the early natives was hardly enough to affect the temperature of the globe. You are stark raving mad. Simply insane.

And still all you can do is predict more great disasters. You can't actually show, however, where any of your predictions have come true. And if the current "stoppage" in warming was to be expected then why did none of you people EXPECT IT?! You have been predicting continually climbing temperatures for as far as the eye can see.

That didn't happen.

You don't know jack shit about deforestation in Europe and North America. Now, you can add the rainforest to the list. If you knew about forest, you would have addressed the carbon sink question that was posed. The fact is an old growth forest isn't a carbon sink and is at equalibrium with it giving up carbon as fast as it gains it. An actively growing younger forest is a carbon sink. The forests in North America and Europe were old growth forests, so they had already stored their carbon and were no longer sinking it, except in areas where the forest was destroyed. A rainforest is a different matter, because the constant rains cool the Earth and emits heat to space.

You've been told for years to expect exceptional weather events and they've been happening. It's been pointed out the changes in arctic temperatures are affecting the jet stream, causing it to stall over areas and making prolonged periods of similar weather events. It's also been predicted that the arctic will warm faster than expected. The fact is no one has predicted a disaster to happen this soon and you fucking know it. You're just a scumbag liar about everything pertaining to this subject and you know that too. It would be good for your kind to live another 50 years, so you can enjoy the world you worked so hard to fuck up.

You do realize that forest fires use to burn unchecked right? These days we put them out.
So we lose far fewer trees to fire then in the past. And the ones that are cut down are replaced.
And just imagine how much carbon those unchecked forest fires put out.

What do you realize, you stupid fool? I told you those old growth forests show many signs of past forest fires and that means the trees survived. Once a tree gets old enough, it can survive a forest fire. The forest fire just burns out the underbrush and doesn't cause much damage to the forest.

Forests like that used to cover millions of square miles of the lands surface and that means tremendous amounts of carbon were stored. Today we have what we call forests, but they store a fraction of the carbon the original forest stored. An old growth forest has spent centuries evolving to get to the point of a dominant species of tree. Even if someone assisted that development along, it would take centuries to get back to what it was. What you are calling a forest is actually a woods.

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