NASA's top global warming nut admits warming has stopped for 10 years...

Not so. govt grants are very lucrative, but you only continue to get them if you produce the desired conclusions. sorry, but your blind faith in govt studies is naive and dangerous.

Actually, in most cases it is physically impossible to "produce desired conclusions", because university funding is set up in such a way that no government agency can use funding to manipulate it.

You are either incredibly naive or playing stupid. In the first place, universities don't determine who gets the funding, the government agencies handing out the grants make that determination. The simple act of choosing who gets funded and who doesn't is sufficient to produce a corrupt result. If you're a climate researcher and you do produce a paper that says global warming is no cause for alarm, do you suppose a government agency charge with dispensing grants for research on global warming is going to send more money in your direction?

In most cases like this there are quite simple explanations for these questions - it's just a case of getting good information on how things work.

The simplest explanation is that researchers will produce the results the government bureaucrats want when millions of dollars are on the line.

The decision on who gets funds is done by scientists, not government bureaucrats. FAIL!
The first prediction about global cooling in the 70's if was true, we would all be dead now. So whats your point?

Let's see you prove your bullshit that you make up! The only thing you prove is some fool can type the words, but you can't back up your words. I was taking college courses in climatology and working in a research center before global warming concerns, so I know you are full of shit.

On the first earthday in the 70's it was predicted by the year 2000 that all of the worlds resources would be depleted. Last I checked, he was wrong. I can tell you one thing that is a fact. You and obama are proof that having a college education doesn't mean you are smart. That money was a waste.

Why don't you go back and check what you said? Try proving something for a change and talk isn't proof!
Let's see you prove your bullshit that you make up! The only thing you prove is some fool can type the words, but you can't back up your words. I was taking college courses in climatology and working in a research center before global warming concerns, so I know you are full of shit.

On the first earthday in the 70's it was predicted by the year 2000 that all of the worlds resources would be depleted. Last I checked, he was wrong. I can tell you one thing that is a fact. You and obama are proof that having a college education doesn't mean you are smart. That money was a waste.

Why don't you go back and check what you said? Try proving something for a change and talk isn't proof!

Like I said that prediction was made on the first earth day. Also ted danson predicted in 1988 that in 10 years the oceans would be destroyed. well that didn't happen either. On january 27, 2006 gore stated the earth would be no more in 10 years, so we will be gone by january 27, 2016 by gores facts. Must be why he uses more energy in one month than a normal family uses in a year.
On the first earthday in the 70's it was predicted by the year 2000 that all of the worlds resources would be depleted. Last I checked, he was wrong. I can tell you one thing that is a fact. You and obama are proof that having a college education doesn't mean you are smart. That money was a waste.

Why don't you go back and check what you said? Try proving something for a change and talk isn't proof!

Like I said that prediction was made on the first earth day. Also ted danson predicted in 1988 that in 10 years the oceans would be destroyed. well that didn't happen either. On january 27, 2006 gore stated the earth would be no more in 10 years, so we will be gone by january 27, 2016 by gores facts. Must be why he uses more energy in one month than a normal family uses in a year.

You said, but you are liars, so what you say has little meaning to people who know better. The first Earth Day was in 1970 after the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill and the 1969 Cuyahoga River fire. Running out of oil would be the last things on their minds, so what you say doesn't even make sense.

Don't you have anything better to do that go on the internet and lie your ass off? Do you like making a fool out of yourself all the time?
WHAT are you people afraid of? Do you think the world is going to end just because the ice caps melt?

No, I think the sea levels will rise. And they are rising, of course.

And your solution is to bury your head in the sand and pretend it's all political.

You do realize that when the arctic cap melts every year the sea levels don't rise, right? If the north pole completely melts there is no rise in sea levels.

The Antarctic ice is on landmass, most of it in pretty high elevation, it has no chance of melting.

The biggest threat is probably Greenland's ice. Even if it melts, it won't raise the seas that much.

Carry on with the phoney outrage....
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WHAT are you people afraid of? Do you think the world is going to end just because the ice caps melt?

No, I think the sea levels will rise. And they are rising, of course.

And your solution is to bury your head in the sand and pretend it's all political.

You do realize that when the arctic cap melts every year the sea levels don't rise, right? If the north pole completely melts there is no rise in sea levels.

The Antarctic ice in on landmass, most of it in pretty high elevation, it has no chance of melting.

The biggest threat is probably Greenland's ice. Even if it melts, it won't raise the seas that much.

Carry on with the phoney outrage....

There isn't such a thing as an arctic cap, it's arctic sea ice. If Greenland melts, you can kiss Washington DC and most of the world's important cities goodbye. There is a very good chance the western antarctic will have significant melting as well. The antarctic has two ice sheets. Ice sheets can be called caps, but sea ice is just frozen ocean.

With 6 million square kilometers less Northern Hemisphere snow cover in June and the arctic sea ice becoming ice free, that is enough albedo change to melt Canadian glaciers and Greenland enough to significantly raise sea levels. The damage will be enormous.

Let's face facts, we have idiots denying global warming with glacier retreat, sea ice retreat, snow cover decline, increases in measured temperatures, permafrost retreat and tree lines advancing all over the world. When they get proven wrong about global warming, they switch the game to it can't be proven to be caused by man. You idiots are going to find out in the near future that you will pay the cost for global warming whether you want to or not and the longer you wait, the more it will cost.
The decision on who gets funds is done by scientists, not government bureaucrats. FAIL!

It's done by scientists who work for the government. In other words, it's done by government bureaucrats.

It's done by scientists that work for universities. Quit making things up. They evaluate the proposals and recuse themselves from consideration of protocols submitted from their own institutions. It's obvious you don't know how the system works.

Who funds the denier think tanks? I guess you think it's all done on charity! :lol:

Yes, it is all done on charity. Government doles out many, many times the amount skeptics receive to global warming propagandists.

The money Big Oil and others give can hardly be called charity. They're business, they require results and the deniers make sure they get whatever they want, whether it's true or not.
The decision on who gets funds is done by scientists, not government bureaucrats. FAIL!

It's done by scientists who work for the government. In other words, it's done by government bureaucrats.

It's done by scientists that work for universities. Quit making things up. They evaluate the proposals and recuse themselves from consideration of protocols submitted from their own institutions. It's obvious you don't know how the system works.

The government uses a few universities to get cheap labor for things related to climate change research, like using the UAH to analyze data for NASA, but there isn't this imaginary investment in global warming like the denialistas claim. What do they think can be investigated? The science behind projects like ice cores is necessary without any global warming concerns. If global warming didn't exist, there would still be the same interest in past climates.
Why don't you go back and check what you said? Try proving something for a change and talk isn't proof!

Like I said that prediction was made on the first earth day. Also ted danson predicted in 1988 that in 10 years the oceans would be destroyed. well that didn't happen either. On january 27, 2006 gore stated the earth would be no more in 10 years, so we will be gone by january 27, 2016 by gores facts. Must be why he uses more energy in one month than a normal family uses in a year.

You said, but you are liars, so what you say has little meaning to people who know better. The first Earth Day was in 1970 after the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill and the 1969 Cuyahoga River fire. Running out of oil would be the last things on their minds, so what you say doesn't even make sense.

Don't you have anything better to do that go on the internet and lie your ass off? Do you like making a fool out of yourself all the time?

I googled gaylord nelson's first earth day predictions, and well I f ound all kinds of goofy predictions that never came true. Thanks for proving my point and giving me some laughs. Ya'll are looney, lol.
Like I said that prediction was made on the first earth day. Also ted danson predicted in 1988 that in 10 years the oceans would be destroyed. well that didn't happen either. On january 27, 2006 gore stated the earth would be no more in 10 years, so we will be gone by january 27, 2016 by gores facts. Must be why he uses more energy in one month than a normal family uses in a year.

You said, but you are liars, so what you say has little meaning to people who know better. The first Earth Day was in 1970 after the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill and the 1969 Cuyahoga River fire. Running out of oil would be the last things on their minds, so what you say doesn't even make sense.

Don't you have anything better to do that go on the internet and lie your ass off? Do you like making a fool out of yourself all the time?

I googled gaylord nelson's first earth day predictions, and well I f ound all kinds of goofy predictions that never came true. Thanks for proving my point and giving me some laughs. Ya'll are looney, lol.

You want us to believe the first Earth Day, which was started because of the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill, which was a major spill that I remember, carried the theme that we were going to run out of oil. That's what happens when a fool goes on the internet running his mouth about things he obviously doesn't know about. You say things that common sense would tell someone couldn't have happened. The Cuyahoga River had a long history of catching on fire and all of this motivated the government and people to say enough to this careless pollution and the pollution was that bad back then. That's all the early environmental movement was about. There were no public concerns about global warming back in those days.

You are an idiot!
No, I think the sea levels will rise. And they are rising, of course.

And your solution is to bury your head in the sand and pretend it's all political.

You do realize that when the arctic cap melts every year the sea levels don't rise, right? If the north pole completely melts there is no rise in sea levels.

The Antarctic ice in on landmass, most of it in pretty high elevation, it has no chance of melting.

The biggest threat is probably Greenland's ice. Even if it melts, it won't raise the seas that much.

Carry on with the phoney outrage....

There isn't such a thing as an arctic cap, it's arctic sea ice. If Greenland melts, you can kiss Washington DC and most of the world's important cities goodbye. There is a very good chance the western antarctic will have significant melting as well. The antarctic has two ice sheets. Ice sheets can be called caps, but sea ice is just frozen ocean.

With 6 million square kilometers less Northern Hemisphere snow cover in June and the arctic sea ice becoming ice free, that is enough albedo change to melt Canadian glaciers and Greenland enough to significantly raise sea levels. The damage will be enormous.

Let's face facts, we have idiots denying global warming with glacier retreat, sea ice retreat, snow cover decline, increases in measured temperatures, permafrost retreat and tree lines advancing all over the world. When they get proven wrong about global warming, they switch the game to it can't be proven to be caused by man. You idiots are going to find out in the near future that you will pay the cost for global warming whether you want to or not and the longer you wait, the more it will cost.

And yet no cataclysmic catastrophes. Instead, we have people getting a case of the vapors because they just realized that glaciers move - though slowly.
You do realize that when the arctic cap melts every year the sea levels don't rise, right? If the north pole completely melts there is no rise in sea levels.

The Antarctic ice in on landmass, most of it in pretty high elevation, it has no chance of melting.

The biggest threat is probably Greenland's ice. Even if it melts, it won't raise the seas that much.

Carry on with the phoney outrage....

There isn't such a thing as an arctic cap, it's arctic sea ice. If Greenland melts, you can kiss Washington DC and most of the world's important cities goodbye. There is a very good chance the western antarctic will have significant melting as well. The antarctic has two ice sheets. Ice sheets can be called caps, but sea ice is just frozen ocean.

With 6 million square kilometers less Northern Hemisphere snow cover in June and the arctic sea ice becoming ice free, that is enough albedo change to melt Canadian glaciers and Greenland enough to significantly raise sea levels. The damage will be enormous.

Let's face facts, we have idiots denying global warming with glacier retreat, sea ice retreat, snow cover decline, increases in measured temperatures, permafrost retreat and tree lines advancing all over the world. When they get proven wrong about global warming, they switch the game to it can't be proven to be caused by man. You idiots are going to find out in the near future that you will pay the cost for global warming whether you want to or not and the longer you wait, the more it will cost.

And yet no cataclysmic catastrophes. Instead, we have people getting a case of the vapors because they just realized that glaciers move - though slowly.

We could easily wipe out some of the main agricultural production areas on Earth and the bad shit is just getting started. With the world's population increasing as it has, it isn't far fetched that events in the near future could create a famine that would kill off a billion people. It's going to take time to flood out major cities along the coasts, but the odds of escaping a major food catastrophe before then are slim to none. If you think America is immune, you're full of shit. Our breadbasket is one of the most vulnerable.

You're going to be too business paying the price for extreme weather events to put enough away enough to pay for a new capital and the largest naval base in the world. When you see Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover in June staying at the 6 million square kilometer range or increasing and notice those every 150 year thaws to Greenland are happening more often, you might have noticed the arctic sea ice is ice free during it's summer melt. That isn't going to happen in the distant future, so get used to it happening in your lifetime.
We could easily wipe out some of the main agricultural production areas on Earth and the bad shit is just getting started. With the world's population increasing as it has, it isn't far fetched that events in the near future could create a famine that would kill off a billion people. It's going to take time to flood out major cities along the coasts, but the odds of escaping a major food catastrophe before then are slim to none. If you think America is immune, you're full of shit. Our breadbasket is one of the most vulnerable.

You're going to be too business paying the price for extreme weather events to put enough away enough to pay for a new capital and the largest naval base in the world. When you see Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover in June staying at the 6 million square kilometer range or increasing and notice those every 150 year thaws to Greenland are happening more often, you might have noticed the arctic sea ice is ice free during it's summer melt. That isn't going to happen in the distant future, so get used to it happening in your lifetime.

Predictions of doom are not realizations of doom. You people come up with your own prophecies and cling to them more than any zealot of any religion I've ever seen. Idiots / zealots like you have been spouting the same drivel for decades now. None of it has come true. And now even your chief prophet and oracle James Hansen has been forced to admit that the world hasn't warmed for at least ten years. And yet CO2 has been increasing that entire time.

Your silly religion is based on phony computer models that people like you have been treating like ancient Greek oracles.
We could easily wipe out some of the main agricultural production areas on Earth and the bad shit is just getting started. With the world's population increasing as it has, it isn't far fetched that events in the near future could create a famine that would kill off a billion people. It's going to take time to flood out major cities along the coasts, but the odds of escaping a major food catastrophe before then are slim to none. If you think America is immune, you're full of shit. Our breadbasket is one of the most vulnerable.

You're going to be too business paying the price for extreme weather events to put enough away enough to pay for a new capital and the largest naval base in the world. When you see Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover in June staying at the 6 million square kilometer range or increasing and notice those every 150 year thaws to Greenland are happening more often, you might have noticed the arctic sea ice is ice free during it's summer melt. That isn't going to happen in the distant future, so get used to it happening in your lifetime.

Predictions of doom are not realizations of doom. You people come up with your own prophecies and cling to them more than any zealot of any religion I've ever seen. Idiots / zealots like you have been spouting the same drivel for decades now. None of it has come true. And now even your chief prophet and oracle James Hansen has been forced to admit that the world hasn't warmed for at least ten years. And yet CO2 has been increasing that entire time.

Your silly religion is based on phony computer models that people like you have been treating like ancient Greek oracles.

You had arctic sea ice breaking every record last year, record snow cover minimum in June and 97% of Greenland melting. We've had a persistent drought in the plains and it's currently throughout Texas and the southern Rockies. If things don't change soon another year of poor harvests will happen.

US Drought Monitor

It isn't a prediction when it's happening. We could have another dust bowl in the making and how would you know?
We could easily wipe out some of the main agricultural production areas on Earth and the bad shit is just getting started. With the world's population increasing as it has, it isn't far fetched that events in the near future could create a famine that would kill off a billion people. It's going to take time to flood out major cities along the coasts, but the odds of escaping a major food catastrophe before then are slim to none. If you think America is immune, you're full of shit. Our breadbasket is one of the most vulnerable.

You're going to be too business paying the price for extreme weather events to put enough away enough to pay for a new capital and the largest naval base in the world. When you see Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover in June staying at the 6 million square kilometer range or increasing and notice those every 150 year thaws to Greenland are happening more often, you might have noticed the arctic sea ice is ice free during it's summer melt. That isn't going to happen in the distant future, so get used to it happening in your lifetime.

Predictions of doom are not realizations of doom. You people come up with your own prophecies and cling to them more than any zealot of any religion I've ever seen. Idiots / zealots like you have been spouting the same drivel for decades now. None of it has come true. And now even your chief prophet and oracle James Hansen has been forced to admit that the world hasn't warmed for at least ten years. :eusa_eh:nd yet CO2 has been increasing that entire time.

So, natural cycles only come into play when they're convenient? Aren't the AGW proponents supposed to be the ones ignoring them, according to the denier meme?
We could easily wipe out some of the main agricultural production areas on Earth and the bad shit is just getting started. With the world's population increasing as it has, it isn't far fetched that events in the near future could create a famine that would kill off a billion people. It's going to take time to flood out major cities along the coasts, but the odds of escaping a major food catastrophe before then are slim to none. If you think America is immune, you're full of shit. Our breadbasket is one of the most vulnerable.

You're going to be too business paying the price for extreme weather events to put enough away enough to pay for a new capital and the largest naval base in the world. When you see Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover in June staying at the 6 million square kilometer range or increasing and notice those every 150 year thaws to Greenland are happening more often, you might have noticed the arctic sea ice is ice free during it's summer melt. That isn't going to happen in the distant future, so get used to it happening in your lifetime.

Predictions of doom are not realizations of doom. You people come up with your own prophecies and cling to them more than any zealot of any religion I've ever seen. Idiots / zealots like you have been spouting the same drivel for decades now. None of it has come true. And now even your chief prophet and oracle James Hansen has been forced to admit that the world hasn't warmed for at least ten years. And yet CO2 has been increasing that entire time.

Your silly religion is based on phony computer models that people like you have been treating like ancient Greek oracles.

You had arctic sea ice breaking every record last year, record snow cover minimum in June and 97% of Greenland melting. We've had a persistent drought in the plains and it's currently throughout Texas and the southern Rockies. If things don't change soon another year of poor harvests will happen.

US Drought Monitor

It isn't a prediction when it's happening. We could have another dust bowl in the making and how would you know?

Dubya "the sky is falling, the sky is falling, everybody run, run for the hills the great flood is coming soon, build your arcs, gather your animals--------Run !!!!"

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