Nashville school shooter was into furries

No, it came directly from Trump's mouth. Quote is there.

Oh, sorry. I thought you were referring to personal experience.

So why the hell should I be concerned about Trump's sex life? I didn't hire him to be my spiritual leader, I hired him to run my country. If you're that concerned about it, I bet JFK's sexual escapades really pissed you off, didn't they?

And what about Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Harrison, Tyler, Garfield, Cleveland, Harding, FDR, Eisenhower, LBJ, Clinton, and both Bush's who also had sex scandals?

15 other presidents who were caught up in salacious sex scandals before Trump's Stormy Daniels saga
Oh, sorry. I thought you were referring to personal experience.

So why the hell should I be concerned about Trump's sex life?

You seem to have your nose into everyone else's.

I didn't hire him to be my spiritual leader, I hired him to run my country. If you're that concerned about it, I bet JFK's sexual escapades really pissed you off, didn't they?

I thought he was a pretty lousy guy for what he put Jackie through.
What's the difference in dressing up like a cat or dressing up like a Confederate soldier and running around out in a field?

Dressing up as an Historical re-enactor shows an interest in History. Dressing up like a an animal just shows you are a little beaucoup dinky dau.

By the way, there many assholes that dress up like Union soldiers and that is really sick in the mind know what pieces of shit they were..
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What about these other lousy guys?

What about Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Harrison, Tyler, Garfield, Cleveland, Harding, FDR, Eisenhower, LBJ, Clinton, and both Bush's who also had sex scandals?

15 other presidents who were caught up in salacious sex scandals before Trump's Stormy Daniels saga

I'm not big on commenting on simple "allegations". I've condemned Clinton many times. We know there was far more than simple allegations there.

I've noted that anyone who would cheat on the person that should mean the most to them would IMO cheat anyone and aren't trustworthy.
They're really into that fake reverse psychology gimmick. Too bad most people know it just says more about them than they would like.

I like the one where they say "People who need guns are just compensating for their sexual inadequacy."

I always answer "I'm not compensating, If my dick was long enough to kill someone at a hundred yards, I wouldn't need a gun."
I like the one where they say "People who need guns are just compensating for their sexual inadequacy."

I always answer "I'm not compensating, If my dick was long enough to kill someone at a hundred yards, I wouldn't need a gun."


If they were 'sexually adequate' they wouldn't be deviants and faggots.
I don't know why anyone would be surprised. This is being normalized.

Biden hired a dog fucker and stuck him in a federal role.

Much of the nonsense is based on this concept of relativistic truth, which means there is no truth, so any perverted crap is 'normal' as long as that person/group/whatever thinks it is normal for them. It's utter bullshit, and they're spreading this nonsense everywhere they can. There is no truth, there are therefore no societal norms which can be applied or upheld and people do pretty much any damn thing they please, which, of course, on some level they've always done, but now we're supposed to accept it and normalize it. NFW.

If you have an animal fetish- that is bestiality. This should not be normalized, promoted, accepted or mainstreamed. Bestiality is sick, not something to be accepted and celebrated as 'diversity'. The end.
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Growing up I'd never had imagined there would be sexual stuff weirder than hearing about the infamous Tijuana donkey shows. But the shit people come up with today almost makes it sound tame.

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