Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new American hero taking America by storm. His patriotic action at Berkeley has sent shockwaves within the Communist community known as Antifa. His name is Nathan Damigo and he has Antifa 'Triggered', especially Louise Rosealma, a viscous female fascist who purposely went on a mission to interrupt and attack peaceful pro-Trump supporters. What she wasn't planning on is the results of attempting to engage in civilian combat against a United States patriotic individual named Nathan Damigo. For the rest of the story , read below!

GoFundMe: Antifa Girl Louise Rosealma Needs $80,000 Because She Got Punched in the Face!
LMAO, I gotta share this one, I hope that skank doesn't see a dime.
I agree!

The skank is up to a little over 5 grand now..........Uuugh . What ticks me of the most about this bs
is these are the same radical feminist a holes that go around wanting to be equal, but only when it suites them.

She want's equal well gawd dam you just got punched in the face just like a MAN would have done had a man done that to another man.

So I say sit down stfup and you got what you wanted hypocritical bitch.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new American hero taking America by storm. His patriotic action at Berkeley has sent shockwaves within the Communist community known as Antifa. His name is Nathan Damigo and he has Antifa 'Triggered', especially Louise Rosealma, a viscous female fascist who purposely went on a mission to interrupt and attack peaceful pro-Trump supporters. What she wasn't planning on is the results of attempting to engage in civilian combat against a United States patriotic individual named Nathan Damigo. For the rest of the story , read below!

GoFundMe: Antifa Girl Louise Rosealma Needs $80,000 Because She Got Punched in the Face!

"Viscous"? You mean she's sticky? :dunno:
LMAO, I gotta share this one, I hope that skank doesn't see a dime.
I agree!

The skank is up to a little over 5 grand now..........Uuugh .
This doesn't surprise me. In this day and age, anyone can now get monetary help whenever they need it badly enough for whatever their reason is. Someone's fine can be taken care of by everyone else in just a week's time.

God bless you always!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the new American hero taking America by storm. His patriotic action at Berkeley has sent shockwaves within the Communist community known as Antifa. His name is Nathan Damigo and he has Antifa 'Triggered', especially Louise Rosealma, a viscous female fascist who purposely went on a mission to interrupt and attack peaceful pro-Trump supporters. What she wasn't planning on is the results of attempting to engage in civilian combat against a United States patriotic individual named Nathan Damigo. For the rest of the story , read below!

GoFundMe: Antifa Girl Louise Rosealma Needs $80,000 Because She Got Punched in the Face!
Why are you promoting her GoFundMe site here?
Typical Trump supporters. Proud of punching a small girl, but afraid of their own shadow. If they had any integrity, they would be ashamed of one of their fellow Trump supporters acting so disgustingly, but instead they brag about it.
Typical Trump supporters. Proud of punching a small girl, but afraid of their own shadow. If they had any integrity, they would be ashamed of one of their fellow Trump supporters acting so disgustingly, but instead they brag about it.
This is typical of left wing pussies. We can punch you, but don't you dare hit us back or we will call you names.
Typical Trump supporters. Proud of punching a small girl, but afraid of their own shadow. If they had any integrity, they would be ashamed of one of their fellow Trump supporters acting so disgustingly, but instead they brag about it.
Why insist on referring to that thug as a "girl". As far as ascertainable, she's an adult and made her choice to assault someone larger than her. She got what she deserved and apparently her attorney knows it. Otherwise, she'd be filing a suit against the guy she forced to defend himself instead of begging for money online. Oh, wait, why isn't she still supported by her parent's health insurance?
Typical Trump supporters. Proud of punching a small girl, but afraid of their own shadow. If they had any integrity, they would be ashamed of one of their fellow Trump supporters acting so disgustingly, but instead they brag about it.
This is typical of left wing pussies. We can punch you, but don't you dare hit us back or we will call you names.

you got videos of liberals punching right wing little girls in the face, and do you have pages of liberals laughing about it? She couldn't have been 90 pounds soaking wet.
Typical Trump supporters. Proud of punching a small girl, but afraid of their own shadow. If they had any integrity, they would be ashamed of one of their fellow Trump supporters acting so disgustingly, but instead they brag about it.
Why insist on referring to that thug as a "girl". As far as ascertainable, she's an adult and made her choice to assault someone larger than her. She got what she deserved and apparently her attorney knows it. Otherwise, she'd be filing a suit against the guy she forced to defend himself instead of begging for money online. Oh, wait, why isn't she still supported by her parent's health insurance?

What she deserved? You're a pig.
Yeah I think when you aim to scalp people and reach for a man's throat in a hostile manner, getting punched is pretty much exactly what you deserve...

And I'm an anti-feminist chick for the record.

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