Nate Silver Say... Everything Nate Silver goes here


In the post-mortem, what are the reasons people will give for why Romney lost?

Too conservative?

Too etch-a-sketchy?

Too smug?

Too Mormon?

limpballs has already started the defense. "if we lose they will try to blame conservatives"
fuck him and anyone who agrees with him:mad:
well we just about are living in Mexico now.....are we not?....

Folks who talk as if Mexico is one homogenous region clearly have never been here, or, for that matter, have not travelled enough around the US to ascertain the wide disparity in living conditions present there either. Living in Bar Harbor, Maine is a world away from south central LA. Similarly, living in San Miguel de Allende, or Merida is a world away from Matamoros or Tijuana. And living anywhere with a boatload of disposable income is a world away from living in the same place without it.

You can have San Miguel Allende, Merida, Lake Chapala, etc..- that's where old, poor, Social Security recipients with no other assets move to die.....

Next you'll be touting the myriad benefits of living in Thailand or Ecuador!! Live like a king on pennies a day!!! Come to Chang Mai!!! ..:rofl:

Sorry bub, I don't need to live in a third world nation to have a superb lifestyle. I simply practice Capitalism and do it here, in the Good ole' USA.


Spoken like a man who has never been to any of those places. Do you have the slightest idea what the average gringo home costs in San Miguel Centro?

You seemed to avoid commenting on my suggestion that we make a gentleman's wager on the election. You seem so sure that I am deluding myself, why not take advantage of my delusions and bet me $1000 on the presidential outcome?
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Methinks Obama's "firewall" will be proven to be little more than a smokescreen......

Oh... I got that... I understand full well that you are ignoring the polling data and the movement of the polls over the past three or four days... got it. the question remains: what will you do if Obama wins? WIll you head explode, or what????

i bet he wont move to a foreign Country....

What does Lush Rimbaw have to do with this?

Oh wait - That was just another in his long list of lies.

Damn but it would be SO nice if he kept his promise next Wednesday ....
Folks who talk as if Mexico is one homogenous region clearly have never been here, or, for that matter, have not travelled enough around the US to ascertain the wide disparity in living conditions present there either. Living in Bar Harbor, Maine is a world away from south central LA. Similarly, living in San Miguel de Allende, or Merida is a world away from Matamoros or Tijuana. And living anywhere with a boatload of disposable income is a world away from living in the same place without it.

You can have San Miguel Allende, Merida, Lake Chapala, etc..- that's where old, poor, Social Security recipients with no other assets move to die.....

Next you'll be touting the myriad benefits of living in Thailand or Ecuador!! Live like a king on pennies a day!!! Come to Chang Mai!!! ..:rofl:

Sorry bub, I don't need to live in a third world nation to have a superb lifestyle. I simply practice Capitalism and do it here, in the Good ole' USA.


Spoken like a man who has never been to any of those places. Do you have the slightest idea what the average gringo home costs in San Miguel Centro?

You seemed to avoid commenting on my suggestion that we make a gentleman's wager on the election. You seem so sure that I am deluding myself, why not take advantage of my delusions and bet me $1000 on the presidential outcome?

I've traveled to all of those places, San Miguel Allende included (nice little town to visit- wouldn't want to live there unless I was living on Social Security). for the "wager"...sorry, I don't make $ bets with random strangers in the internet.

I've already made my Election prognostications quite clear and in a rather bold fashion. Obama will lose, and he will lose badly. If I am wrong and somehow he wins, I will still be here to face comeuppance......


In the post-mortem, what are the reasons people will give for why Romney lost?

Too conservative?

Too etch-a-sketchy?

Too smug?

Too Mormon?

limpballs has already started the defense. "if we lose they will try to blame conservatives"
fuck him and anyone who agrees with him:mad:

oxyRush? Hillbilly heroin Rush? ;)
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In the post-mortem, what are the reasons people will give for why Romney lost?

Too conservative?

Too etch-a-sketchy?

Too smug?

Too Mormon?

Romney being inconsistent and vague on the issues will contribute, yes; but it will also be a collective GOP failure.
I was just thinking the same that this election will have ramifications for the losing side. I believe that if Obama loses it will also spell a lot of Dems losing, and the same goes for Republicans. If Romney loses it will mean that many Republicans are losing their jobs as well. Folks are going to vote largely down the ticket on party. Luckily for us, things are in Obama's favor so it's going to be a bloodbath for Republicans.

This one is a dedication to the Republicans...

[ame=]Capleton - Dem doom - YouTube[/ame]

Dem will BLOODCLOT loose!!!

You can have San Miguel Allende, Merida, Lake Chapala, etc..- that's where old, poor, Social Security recipients with no other assets move to die.....

Next you'll be touting the myriad benefits of living in Thailand or Ecuador!! Live like a king on pennies a day!!! Come to Chang Mai!!! ..:rofl:

Sorry bub, I don't need to live in a third world nation to have a superb lifestyle. I simply practice Capitalism and do it here, in the Good ole' USA.


Spoken like a man who has never been to any of those places. Do you have the slightest idea what the average gringo home costs in San Miguel Centro?

You seemed to avoid commenting on my suggestion that we make a gentleman's wager on the election. You seem so sure that I am deluding myself, why not take advantage of my delusions and bet me $1000 on the presidential outcome?

I've traveled to all of those places, San Miguel Allende included (nice little town to visit- wouldn't want to live there unless I was living on Social Security). for the "wager"...sorry, I don't make $ bets with random strangers in the internet.

I've already made my Election prognostications quite clear and in a rather bold fashion. Obama will lose, and he will lose badly. If I am wrong and somehow he wins, I will still be here to face comeuppance......


as will I, sir... as will I.

First... you COULDN'T live in San Miguel if all you had were social security, despite the two ladies that claimed in a paperback book that they did - a long time ago before real estate prices in the town shot through the roof, even for rentals.

Second. There is a town on your list that is much better than San Miguel on real estate price and value, close to the beach, fabulous state of the art healthcare, symphony orchestra, several art galleries and museums, wonderful upscale restaurants, almost zero crime, vibrant, but not overwhelmingly large, quite cultured, socially responsible and socially extroverted expatriate crowd.

Third... we all - on both sides of the border, so to speak - will need to accept and acknowledge our philosophical differences going forward. It's difficult to find consensus and synthesis with someone who you publicly castigate... civility needs to be expected here.
I don't need to move to Mexico to live like a king.....although I do enjoy vacationing there from time to time.....:thup:


well we just about are living in Mexico now.....are we not?....


You fucking idiot.

go to El Centro Moron......see how far your English gets you....then try Bell Ca.....its one thing that gets me is people that dont live in this State acting like they do...there are more Mexicans in the greater LA area then anywhere in the world except Mexico City......there are more Illegals in S.Cal than anywhere in this Country......hey Cow.....let me make you feel at home.....:cow:...MOooooo.......
I don't need to move to Mexico to live like a king.....although I do enjoy vacationing there from time to time.....:thup:


well we just about are living in Mexico now.....are we not?....

Folks who talk as if Mexico is one homogenous region clearly have never been here, or, for that matter, have not travelled enough around the US to ascertain the wide disparity in living conditions present there either. Living in Bar Harbor, Maine is a world away from south central LA. Similarly, living in San Miguel de Allende, or Merida is a world away from Matamoros or Tijuana. And living anywhere with a boatload of disposable income is a world away from living in the same place without it.

here is another one said anything about Mexico......we are talking about S.Cal....and some of its areas......which are just about all Mexican and English the secondary attention....
Oh... I got that... I understand full well that you are ignoring the polling data and the movement of the polls over the past three or four days... got it. the question remains: what will you do if Obama wins? WIll you head explode, or what????

i bet he wont move to a foreign Country....

What does Lush Rimbaw have to do with this?

Oh wait - That was just another in his long list of lies.

Damn but it would be SO nice if he kept his promise next Wednesday ....

no one mentioned Rush but time Dudley......READ THE FUCKING POSTS.....before you jump go eat your Pablum its getting cold....
well we just about are living in Mexico now.....are we not?....

here is another one said anything about Mexico.....

you could have fooled me. It seems as if someone actually DID mention Mexico and... oh look... that someone was YOU. :)

But to your larger point: What we have is immigrants bringing the customs and traditions of their former homes to the USA. Do you honestly think that is some NEW phenomenon that only Mexican and Hispanic immigrants have practiced?
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In the post-mortem, what are the reasons people will give for why Romney lost?

Too conservative?

Too etch-a-sketchy?

Too smug?

Too Mormon?

Romney being inconsistent and vague on the issues will contribute, yes; but it will also be a collective GOP failure.
I was just thinking the same that this election will have ramifications for the losing side. I believe that if Obama loses it will also spell a lot of Dems losing, and the same goes for Republicans. If Romney loses it will mean that many Republicans are losing their jobs as well. Folks are going to vote largely down the ticket on party. Luckily for us, things are in Obama's favor so it's going to be a bloodbath for Republicans.

This one is a dedication to the Republicans...

[ame=]Capleton - Dem doom - YouTube[/ame]

Dem will BLOODCLOT loose!!!


Consider the republican ‘strategy’ during Obama’s first term – it was about teleprompters and birth certificates, not jobs and the economy. It was about personal attacks against the president, not a debate concerning public policy, and it was about House leadership willing to destroy the country to ‘get rid of Obama,’ the credit rating debacle being the most damning example.

Romney was as much battling the scorched earth policy of congressional republicans as he was the Obama re-election campaign.

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