Nate Silver Say... Everything Nate Silver goes here

Romney being inconsistent and vague on the issues will contribute, yes; but it will also be a collective GOP failure.
I was just thinking the same that this election will have ramifications for the losing side. I believe that if Obama loses it will also spell a lot of Dems losing, and the same goes for Republicans. If Romney loses it will mean that many Republicans are losing their jobs as well. Folks are going to vote largely down the ticket on party. Luckily for us, things are in Obama's favor so it's going to be a bloodbath for Republicans.

This one is a dedication to the Republicans...

[ame=]Capleton - Dem doom - YouTube[/ame]

Dem will BLOODCLOT loose!!!


Consider the republican ‘strategy’ during Obama’s first term – it was about teleprompters and birth certificates, not jobs and the economy. It was about personal attacks against the president, not a debate concerning public policy, and it was about House leadership willing to destroy the country to ‘get rid of Obama,’ the credit rating debacle being the most damning example.

Romney was as much battling the scorched earth policy of congressional republicans as he was the Obama re-election campaign.
Yep...they. are. TOAST!
Hey, Liability...
I'll see you at that other forum on Wednesday, aight?


p.s. Now at 85%, which is higher than before the first debate.

Money quote:

Friday’s polling should make it easy to discern why Mr. Obama has the Electoral College advantage. There were 22 polls of swing states published Friday. Of these, Mr. Obama led in 19 polls, and two showed a tie. Mitt Romney led in just one of the surveys, a Mason-Dixon poll of Florida.

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog -
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President Romney laughs at you idiot libs.

He's such a nice guy.

Too bad you backed the horse's ass, Mmm Mmm Mmm Barack Insane Obama.

President Romney?

God, your delusions are really taking a toll on you.

Obama is still President you know. And even if Romney were to make a pact with Satan and win this election, Obama would still be President until Romney is sworn in.
Hey, Liability...
I'll see you at that other forum on Wednesday, aight?


p.s. Now at 85%, which is higher than before the first debate.

Money quote:

Friday’s polling should make it easy to discern why Mr. Obama has the Electoral College advantage. There were 22 polls of swing states published Friday. Of these, Mr. Obama led in 19 polls, and two showed a tie. Mitt Romney led in just one of the surveys, a Mason-Dixon poll of Florida.

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog -



UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics

Dim turnout will end up being sluggish overall, at best.

Without a massive 2008 style Dim turnout, The ONE is toast.

Idiotic drivel like FiveThirtyEight cannot tell you that since all they do is regurgitate what the skewed polls have been "finding," based on dopey and inaccurate methodology.

Libs and other delusional types will finally figure it out when the returns from Ohio and Virginia and Colorado shock the pundits and the other sheep incapable of thinking outside of the box.

Mitt is going to win. The incumbent IS going to lose.

Bank on it.
President Romney laughs at you idiot libs.

He's such a nice guy.

Too bad you backed the horse's ass, Mmm Mmm Mmm Barack Insane Obama.

President Romney?

God, your delusions are really taking a toll on you.

Obama is still President you know. And even if Romney were to make a pact with Satan and win this election, Obama would still be President until Romney is sworn in.

Hey ya fuckin' moron. Everyone knows that The ONE is still President. Damn, you're a drip.

But it will be PRESIDENT Romney come Inauguration Day. And that's the point. I use the honorific now to get you imbeciles USED to it. :thup:

I realize that a pathetic asshole like you cannot possibly fathom that yet. Good. Enjoy the upcoming butthurt you will be subjected to, you cretinous imbecile.
Hey, hacks: Nate Silver’s not taking your job -

What Silver does is actually fairly simple and many of the most prominent of his detractors seem disturbingly (and hilariously) incapable of figuring it out. One issue that people seem to refuse to believe is that if Nate Silver’s famous model — a model that mostly just averages and weighs publicly available polls — forecast a likely Romney win, Silver would be writing, every day, about why Romney looked likely to win. He is not working backward from a conclusion, as pundits who write “why [...] will win” stories do. Before the election began, he made a series of assumptions, based on past elections, about how to weigh and interpret polls (and economic and historical data) and built a model that has been spitting out forecasts wholly without his interference ever since.

(Also, a bunch of the dumber conservatives seem to think that Silver is himself conducting polls. Which he is not.)

Some are also annoyed that Silver can “have it both ways” — that is, if Obama wins, he’s right, and if Obama loses, he can claim he gave Romney decent odds — and thus he will weasel out of responsibility for “getting it wrong.” That’s also silly. If Obama loses and it turns out the majority of state polls were totally wrong , that’s not actually Nate Silver’s fault. If the electoral map ends up looking significantly different from Silver’s projected map, though, I am pretty sure he’ll acknowledge his failure, explain what went wrong, and try to fix his model for next time. (Or he’ll quit politics forever and go back to poker.)
President Romney laughs at you idiot libs.

He's such a nice guy.

Too bad you backed the horse's ass, Mmm Mmm Mmm Barack Insane Obama.

President Romney?

God, your delusions are really taking a toll on you.

Obama is still President you know. And even if Romney were to make a pact with Satan and win this election, Obama would still be President until Romney is sworn in.

Hey ya fuckin' moron. Everyone knows that The ONE is still President. Damn, you're a drip.

But it will be PRESIDENT Romney come Inauguration Day. And that's the point. I use the honorific now to get you imbeciles USED to it. :thup:

I realize that a pathetic asshole like you cannot possibly fathom that yet. Good. Enjoy the upcoming butthurt you will be subjected to, you cretinous imbecile.

And very little will change. Liberals will start complaining about Romney's policy even though it will likely be exactly what Obama had done... just like Republicans are bitching over Obama's policies now when they are almost identitcal to GWB's.
Hey, Liability...
I'll see you at that other forum on Wednesday, aight?


p.s. Now at 85%, which is higher than before the first debate.

Money quote:

Friday’s polling should make it easy to discern why Mr. Obama has the Electoral College advantage. There were 22 polls of swing states published Friday. Of these, Mr. Obama led in 19 polls, and two showed a tie. Mitt Romney led in just one of the surveys, a Mason-Dixon poll of Florida.

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog -



UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics

Dim turnout will end up being sluggish overall, at best.

Without a massive 2008 style Dim turnout, The ONE is toast.

Idiotic drivel like FiveThirtyEight cannot tell you that since all they do is regurgitate what the skewed polls have been "finding," based on dopey and inaccurate methodology.

Libs and other delusional types will finally figure it out when the returns from Ohio and Virginia and Colorado shock the pundits and the other sheep incapable of thinking outside of the box.

Mitt is going to win. The incumbent IS going to lose.

Bank on it.

Silver links to the actual polls, which you'd know, if you'd ever ventured off of the Corner and ;)
Romney is done.


Ohio will go to Mitt, you dip shit moron.

I'll bookmark this post for you, and if I ever find out where you've gone after leaving this forum(provided you have the balls to keep up your end of the bargain), you can suck my dick then.

You remain a complete fucking asshole. Suck your own dick. Nevermind, you can't even find your own dick, you pussy.

I will have no need to "honor" my bet, you turd. President Obama is going to get defeated.

And I will be here laughing at you thereafter.

Now, fuck off you worthless piece of shit.

That's a good cowflop.
Ohio will go to Mitt, you dip shit moron.

I'll bookmark this post for you, and if I ever find out where you've gone after leaving this forum(provided you have the balls to keep up your end of the bargain), you can suck my dick then.

You remain a complete fucking asshole. Suck your own dick. Nevermind, you can't even find your own dick, you pussy.

I will have no need to "honor" my bet, you turd. President Obama is going to get defeated.

And I will be here laughing at you thereafter.

Now, fuck off you worthless piece of shit.

That's a good cowflop.

^magical thinking.

Now, click your ruby slippers together and say, "There's no president but Mitt. There's no president but Mitt."
Hey, Liability...
I'll see you at that other forum on Wednesday, aight?


p.s. Now at 85%, which is higher than before the first debate.

Money quote:

Friday’s polling should make it easy to discern why Mr. Obama has the Electoral College advantage. There were 22 polls of swing states published Friday. Of these, Mr. Obama led in 19 polls, and two showed a tie. Mitt Romney led in just one of the surveys, a Mason-Dixon poll of Florida.

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog -



UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics

Dim turnout will end up being sluggish overall, at best.

Without a massive 2008 style Dim turnout, The ONE is toast.

Idiotic drivel like FiveThirtyEight cannot tell you that since all they do is regurgitate what the skewed polls have been "finding," based on dopey and inaccurate methodology.

Libs and other delusional types will finally figure it out when the returns from Ohio and Virginia and Colorado shock the pundits and the other sheep incapable of thinking outside of the box.

Mitt is going to win. The incumbent IS going to lose.

Bank on it.

Silver links to the actual polls, which you'd know, if you'd ever ventured off of the Corner and ;)

The actual polls are skewed, so linking to them is a classic example of GiGo.

You'd know that if you'd open your mind a bit.

I cannot keep repeating it. Not even for you, and I like you.

But the basic premise is: check the numbers buttressing those polls, kiddo.

Don't bother trusting the main stream media. They lie. It's not an accident.
Ohio will go to Mitt, you dip shit moron.

I'll bookmark this post for you, and if I ever find out where you've gone after leaving this forum(provided you have the balls to keep up your end of the bargain), you can suck my dick then.

You remain a complete fucking asshole. Suck your own dick. Nevermind, you can't even find your own dick, you pussy.

I will have no need to "honor" my bet, you turd. President Obama is going to get defeated.

And I will be here laughing at you thereafter.

Now, fuck off you worthless piece of shit.

That's a good cowflop.

My my, you're all kinds of worked up!
It's crazy how angry people will get over which one of the twins will be elected.

He's hysterical and in denial because he made a retard's bet.

You know... I just can't understand all the confidence in Mitt Romney winning.

You know after Obama wins, all that "confidence" is going to be turned into cries of foul play.

Pretty fucking sad, pathetic and predictable.
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I'll bookmark this post for you, and if I ever find out where you've gone after leaving this forum(provided you have the balls to keep up your end of the bargain), you can suck my dick then.

You remain a complete fucking asshole. Suck your own dick. Nevermind, you can't even find your own dick, you pussy.

I will have no need to "honor" my bet, you turd. President Obama is going to get defeated.

And I will be here laughing at you thereafter.

Now, fuck off you worthless piece of shit.

That's a good cowflop.

^magical thinking.

Now, click your ruby slippers together and say, "There's no president but Mitt. There's no president but Mitt."

The magical thinking is mainly from the brain dead tools who refuse to accept the OBVIOUS flaws with the major polls.

I harbor some small hope that you need not be one of them much longer.


UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics

Dim turnout will end up being sluggish overall, at best.

Without a massive 2008 style Dim turnout, The ONE is toast.

Idiotic drivel like FiveThirtyEight cannot tell you that since all they do is regurgitate what the skewed polls have been "finding," based on dopey and inaccurate methodology.

Libs and other delusional types will finally figure it out when the returns from Ohio and Virginia and Colorado shock the pundits and the other sheep incapable of thinking outside of the box.

Mitt is going to win. The incumbent IS going to lose.

Bank on it.

Silver links to the actual polls, which you'd know, if you'd ever ventured off of the Corner and ;)

The actual polls are skewed, so linking to them is a classic example of GiGo.

You'd know that if you'd open your mind a bit.

I cannot keep repeating it. Not even for you, and I like you.

But the basic premise is: check the numbers buttressing those polls, kiddo.

Don't bother trusting the main stream media. They lie. It's not an accident.

You realize Silver predicted 2008 more accurately than any other source, don't you?

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