Nate Silver Say... Everything Nate Silver goes here

Catz, you are not included since you are not quite a lib.

But for scum-sucking morons like cowflop, I want you jerk-offs to do a little (almost) painless mental exercise.

For just one moment, suspend your disbelief of anything I say that deviates from what you are being instructed to believe by the liberal media.

For just one moment simply picture the alternative.


It's Election Day NIGHT. The networks are reporting the numbers. Ohio goes to Mitt! Your heads spin.

FL, NC and VA go to Mitt. Darn! You had SO hoped.

NH goes to Mitt. COLORADO goes to Mitt. Holy FUCK! Even WI goes to Mitt. You break out in a sweat. Your vision blurs.

The numbers stun you to your cores. You find small solace in Obama retaining PA. The figures from MI are close. You can't believe it, but even if the Obamessiah takes MI, it's too late. He has LOST the Electoral Vote.

His own prediction about being a ONE TERM PROPOSITION comes to pass.

Like the candy-ass liberal talking heads at NBC, See B.S. ABC, MSLSD and CNN, you too are in shock. You JUST DIDN'T SEE THIS COMING!

Oh! the wailing and the gnashing of teeth.


Well, fuck yourselves. Lots of us tied to warn you.

Ok. Return now to your magical thinking. In your opium induced stupor, you are allowed to continue to BELIEVE that the Obamessiah will win.

I suppose. Same difference though, the Presidents is fucking us too but we're letting/willing it happen.

A president can't do jack shit without congress and the courts.

He could veto unjust legislation. He could not promote unjust legislation. He could not use executive powers to attack soverign nations.

Can you think of a single president in the history of our nation that fits this standard?

I can't.
Ok. Return now to your magical thinking. In your opium induced stupor, you are allowed to continue to BELIEVE that the Obamessiah will win.


What's the difference between the leftists and you, exactly? You think that your sources are better, more accurate, and guarantee a Romney win.

They're no different.

So...magical thinking all around! Whee!

I realize that even with 22 polls showing Obama ahead, he could still lose in key swing states, and Romney would win. The margins are just that close.

But I hope he doesn't, for all of our sakes.
A president can't do jack shit without congress and the courts.

He could veto unjust legislation. He could not promote unjust legislation. He could not use executive powers to attack soverign nations.

Can you think of a single president in the history of our nation that fits this standard?

I can't.

Somoene who filled it perfectly, probably not. I can certainly think of a lot who have filled their position much more nobly than the others. Likewise I can think of those who authorized disgusting things like prison camps for citizens and habeas corpus denials.
Ok. Return now to your magical thinking. In your opium induced stupor, you are allowed to continue to BELIEVE that the Obamessiah will win.


What's the difference between the leftists and you, exactly? You think that your sources are better, more accurate, and guarantee a Romney win.

They're no different.

So...magical thinking all around! Whee!

I realize that even with 22 polls showing Obama ahead, he could still lose in key swing states, and Romney would win. The margins are just that close.

But I hope he doesn't, for all of our sakes.

The differences are vast. The lefties are so certain because the left wing media has so instructed them.

They cannot think outside the box.

I (unlike them) have considered their sources and others.

The margins are not as close as the fucking misleading polls now suggest. For a lot of reasons. Idiots like cowflop cannot grasp how or why that's true..
Hey, Liability...
I'll see you at that other forum on Wednesday, aight?


p.s. Now at 85%, which is higher than before the first debate.

Money quote:

Friday’s polling should make it easy to discern why Mr. Obama has the Electoral College advantage. There were 22 polls of swing states published Friday. Of these, Mr. Obama led in 19 polls, and two showed a tie. Mitt Romney led in just one of the surveys, a Mason-Dixon poll of Florida.

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog -



UnSkewed Polls -- erasing the bias to show an accurate picture of politics

Dim turnout will end up being sluggish overall, at best.

Without a massive 2008 style Dim turnout, The ONE is toast.

Idiotic drivel like FiveThirtyEight cannot tell you that since all they do is regurgitate what the skewed polls have been "finding," based on dopey and inaccurate methodology.

Libs and other delusional types will finally figure it out when the returns from Ohio and Virginia and Colorado shock the pundits and the other sheep incapable of thinking outside of the box.

Mitt is going to win. The incumbent IS going to lose.

Bank on it.

Why do you consider that source credible, exactly? I have spent the last 20 minutes reading there. Does this guy even have a track record of predicting elections reliably?
Ok. Return now to your magical thinking. In your opium induced stupor, you are allowed to continue to BELIEVE that the Obamessiah will win.


What's the difference between the leftists and you, exactly? You think that your sources are better, more accurate, and guarantee a Romney win.

They're no different.

So...magical thinking all around! Whee!

I realize that even with 22 polls showing Obama ahead, he could still lose in key swing states, and Romney would win. The margins are just that close.

But I hope he doesn't, for all of our sakes.

The differences are vast. The lefties are so certain because the left wing media has so instructed them.

They cannot think outside the box.

I (unlike them) have considered their sources and others.

The margins are not as close as the fucking misleading polls now suggest. For a lot of reasons. Idiots like cowflop cannot grasp how or why that's true..

Prepare for a big letdown on Tuesday night.
I have a feeling none of you have a fucking clue how this is gonna turn out (unless of course you are of the opinion that its gonna turn out really fucking bad either way :p).
I have a feeling none of you have a fucking clue how this is gonna turn out (unless of course you are of the opinion that its gonna turn out really fucking bad either way :p).

I think the odds are good that obama will win, but I'd put it at like 54-46 odds. I'm nowhere near at 85% confidence.
Yeah its basically 50/50 for me. I hear so many conflicting things. Obama leads overall polls but Romney leads with independents and draws bigger crowds and blah blah blah
Fucking retarded assholes like cowflop don't even grasp "how" Nate supposedly "predicted" so many of the 2008 races 'accurately.'


He has a fucking model and it's run over all the polling data that comes in. Not SOME of it... ALL of it.

I think that's what you're failing to grasp.

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