Nate Silver Say... Everything Nate Silver goes here

So you are saying he's retarded?

erik is another old time douche nozzle. Who cares what he's saying? Like you, he's a fucking moron.

It's simple.

The President is going to lose.

I will be here after election day because I only leave if I lose the bet. But I won't.

One thing I know I'm right about is that you were wrong back in '06 and it didn't stop you from coming back and being the shit-talker you always are. Personally, I don't think you're half as sure about the outcome on Tues as you make yourself out to be, but that's ok. I know by now you just can't help yourself.

You are a lying sack of pus. Too bad more people don't know you for what you are.

Tell me, you scumbag lying fuckchop what I was supposedly wrong about in 2006?

I don't care what a fucking lying scumbag like you believes about me or not. I am confidant that The ONE is going to lose. And I will rub your stupid nose in it too, you lowlife lying pussy.
erik is another old time douche nozzle. Who cares what he's saying? Like you, he's a fucking moron.

It's simple.

The President is going to lose.

I will be here after election day because I only leave if I lose the bet. But I won't.

One thing I know I'm right about is that you were wrong back in '06 and it didn't stop you from coming back and being the shit-talker you always are. Personally, I don't think you're half as sure about the outcome on Tues as you make yourself out to be, but that's ok. I know by now you just can't help yourself.

You are a lying sack of pus. Too bad more people don't know you for what you are.

Tell me, you scumbag lying fuckchop what I was supposedly wrong about in 2006?

I don't care what a fucking lying scumbag like you believes about me or not. I am confidant that The ONE is going to lose. And I will rub your stupid nose in it too, you lowlife lying pussy.

Consider yourself quoted.
One thing I know I'm right about is that you were wrong back in '06 and it didn't stop you from coming back and being the shit-talker you always are. Personally, I don't think you're half as sure about the outcome on Tues as you make yourself out to be, but that's ok. I know by now you just can't help yourself.

You are a lying sack of pus. Too bad more people don't know you for what you are.

Tell me, you scumbag lying fuckchop what I was supposedly wrong about in 2006?

I don't care what a fucking lying scumbag like you believes about me or not. I am confidant that The ONE is going to lose. And I will rub your stupid nose in it too, you lowlife lying pussy.

Consider yourself quoted.

So? Quote away, you lying motherfucker.

Consider yourself a lying sack of shit.

Here: I'll paraphrase you (unless you find your tiny little nadz long enough to man up and just say it yourself):

YOU are a scumsucking pig who actually predicts that Pres. Obama is going to win re-election. :lmao:
there are so many of these sorts of posts from wildly overconfident republicans... I sort of wish I could figure out how to collect them all in one big multiquote and then just have about five or six lines of "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" underneath them all on the off chance that Obama is reelected... but then, I think I'll just go out by the pool with another tequila and enjoy the sunshine instead.

here's a "Newsflash" for ya newbie, nobody here cares what you think or do...
here's a newsflash for you zander... I'm really not as new as I seem... and I take it that you, too, are sensing the impending crash of the GOP ticket? Everything seems to be shifting - just a little bit - but shifting, nonetheless, and all the movement is in one direction.

Wow... for a bunch of guys who have been proclaiming that Obama is the absolute worst president ever in the history of the universe... to see him building an electoral college firewall that looks like it will stand.. and to see this guy whom you hate so much win AGAIN... it must just drive you nuts

is this how the Democrats felt when Bush beat Kerry?.......just wonderin....
You are a lying sack of pus. Too bad more people don't know you for what you are.

Tell me, you scumbag lying fuckchop what I was supposedly wrong about in 2006?

I don't care what a fucking lying scumbag like you believes about me or not. I am confidant that The ONE is going to lose. And I will rub your stupid nose in it too, you lowlife lying pussy.

Consider yourself quoted.

So? Quote away, you lying motherfucker.

Consider yourself a lying sack of shit.

Here: I'll paraphrase you (unless you find your tiny little nadz long enough to man up and just say it yourself):

YOU are a scumsucking pig who actually predicts that Pres. Obama is going to win re-election. :lmao:

Have you been hitting the sauce early today?
Consider yourself quoted.

So? Quote away, you lying motherfucker.

Consider yourself a lying sack of shit.

Here: I'll paraphrase you (unless you find your tiny little nadz long enough to man up and just say it yourself):

YOU are a scumsucking pig who actually predicts that Pres. Obama is going to win re-election. :lmao:

Have you been hitting the sauce early today?

Have you ever stopped sticking needles into your veins?
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here's a newsflash for you zander... I'm really not as new as I seem... and I take it that you, too, are sensing the impending crash of the GOP ticket? Everything seems to be shifting - just a little bit - but shifting, nonetheless, and all the movement is in one direction.

Wow... for a bunch of guys who have been proclaiming that Obama is the absolute worst president ever in the history of the universe... to see him building an electoral college firewall that looks like it will stand.. and to see this guy whom you hate so much win AGAIN... it must just drive you nuts!

Methinks Obama's "firewall" will be proven to be little more than a smokescreen......

Oh... I got that... I understand full well that you are ignoring the polling data and the movement of the polls over the past three or four days... got it. the question remains: what will you do if Obama wins? WIll you head explode, or what????

i bet he wont move to a foreign Country....
In expats tiny mind Obama's record of failure suddenly "doesn't matter" he's acting "bi-partisan" in a crisis!!! "Oh Lookie !! Obama's singing Kum-by-a with Chris Christie!!! Aw shucks. let's give the incompetent another chance!!!"

nah, I don't see that scenario happening....:clap2:

last chance: let's bet some real money on it. Say.... $1000? whaddaya say?

Are you all hat and no cattle or what? :)

edit: and there is no reason to be insulting, is there? I'd wager another G that my mind is not as tiny as you would think and I'd match my CV against yours any day.

zander....oh, zander! where'd ya go? I suggest a gentleman's wager and you disappear. hmmmmmm.

Methinks Obama's "firewall" will be proven to be little more than a smokescreen......

Oh... I got that... I understand full well that you are ignoring the polling data and the movement of the polls over the past three or four days... got it. the question remains: what will you do if Obama wins? WIll you head explode, or what????

i bet he wont move to a foreign Country....

even if he had the chance to have a fabulous adventure and live like a king? I bet he might consider it, if he had anything other than social security to live on when he hit retirement age, that is.
Oh... I got that... I understand full well that you are ignoring the polling data and the movement of the polls over the past three or four days... got it. the question remains: what will you do if Obama wins? WIll you head explode, or what????

i bet he wont move to a foreign Country....

even if he had the chance to have a fabulous adventure and live like a king? I bet he might consider it, if he had anything other than social security to live on when he hit retirement age, that is.

I don't need to move to Mexico to live like a king.....although I do enjoy vacationing there from time to time.....:thup:

Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog -

It must suck even more than usual to be a right wing nut about now.

The date stamp on the op is 09-10-2012, 07:01 AM but the date of the article is today.

A glitch with the board?

In any event, I sure as hell hope Nate is right but that number seems too high.

As long as President Obama wins, I don't much care what the numbers are.

The numbers are high because Silver doesn’t play the ‘toss up’ game; he assigns states to each candidate based on the polling data and projections, in this case giving NH, Virginia, and Colorado to Obama, along with both Iowa and Nevada. Of course the president needs only Ohio and either Iowa or Nevada to win re-election.

I agree with the projection that there’s currently an 84 percent chance of the president winning the EC, but the count will be between 277 to 281, not to exceed 300.
i bet he wont move to a foreign Country....

even if he had the chance to have a fabulous adventure and live like a king? I bet he might consider it, if he had anything other than social security to live on when he hit retirement age, that is.

I don't need to move to Mexico to live like a king.....although I do enjoy vacationing there from time to time.....:thup:


well we just about are living in Mexico now.....are we not?....
even if he had the chance to have a fabulous adventure and live like a king? I bet he might consider it, if he had anything other than social security to live on when he hit retirement age, that is.

I don't need to move to Mexico to live like a king.....although I do enjoy vacationing there from time to time.....:thup:


well we just about are living in Mexico now.....are we not?....


You fucking idiot.

In the post-mortem, what are the reasons people will give for why Romney lost?

Too conservative?

Too etch-a-sketchy?

Too smug?

Too Mormon?
even if he had the chance to have a fabulous adventure and live like a king? I bet he might consider it, if he had anything other than social security to live on when he hit retirement age, that is.

I don't need to move to Mexico to live like a king.....although I do enjoy vacationing there from time to time.....:thup:


well we just about are living in Mexico now.....are we not?....

You must live east of the 405....poor guy!
even if he had the chance to have a fabulous adventure and live like a king? I bet he might consider it, if he had anything other than social security to live on when he hit retirement age, that is.

I don't need to move to Mexico to live like a king.....although I do enjoy vacationing there from time to time.....:thup:


well we just about are living in Mexico now.....are we not?....

Folks who talk as if Mexico is one homogenous region clearly have never been here, or, for that matter, have not travelled enough around the US to ascertain the wide disparity in living conditions present there either. Living in Bar Harbor, Maine is a world away from south central LA. Similarly, living in San Miguel de Allende, or Merida is a world away from Matamoros or Tijuana. And living anywhere with a boatload of disposable income is a world away from living in the same place without it.
I don't need to move to Mexico to live like a king.....although I do enjoy vacationing there from time to time.....:thup:


well we just about are living in Mexico now.....are we not?....

Folks who talk as if Mexico is one homogenous region clearly have never been here, or, for that matter, have not travelled enough around the US to ascertain the wide disparity in living conditions present there either. Living in Bar Harbor, Maine is a world away from south central LA. Similarly, living in San Miguel de Allende, or Merida is a world away from Matamoros or Tijuana. And living anywhere with a boatload of disposable income is a world away from living in the same place without it.

You can have San Miguel Allende, Merida, Lake Chapala, etc..- that's where old, poor, Social Security recipients with no other assets move to die.....

Next you'll be touting the myriad benefits of living in Thailand or Ecuador!! Live like a king on pennies a day!!! Come to Chang Mai!!! ..:rofl:

Sorry bub, I don't need to live in a third world nation to have a superb lifestyle. I simply practice Capitalism and do it here, in the Good ole' USA.

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